• Update PRocess JBPM 6.1

    Hello, I have a problem.   I have written a Java application that creates a KieSession and loads some processes. But i need to update some processes or add new processes to KieSession on Runtime.   But...
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    last modified by hakaisha
  • Remote runing jbpm 6 process using RestApi

    Hi,   i'm trying create simple program in java who start process. I'm using found on the internet tutorials etc. but I always have any errors. Error messeges depending on tutorial that i use. Sometimes i have 4...
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    last modified by szupil
  • Migrate Users and Groups into jbpm-console

    Hello,   I have configured server to login with a LDAP configuration. I can access to jbpm-console but I can't find the way to sync the users and groups into my jbpm-console.     There is some way to ...
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    last modified by geovanny.campoverde
  • how to use "per process instance" runtime strategy with Jbpm 6.4 in spring framework

    Dear All,   I have a business process with multi instance human task subprocess. Basically, it is leave approval process where one or many person may be involve to approve an employee leave. Here employee apply...
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    created by lkpatel
  • Creating a repository of custom Java components in JBPM is not working correctly

    What I'm trying to do sounds simple: - Create a repository of java components that can be used in a workflow.   Creating the repository and loading the new components works nicely! here is the content of MyWork...
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    last modified by leonv-1
  • Please provide steps for installation of jboss-bpmsuite-6.2.0.GA-installer

    Hi Team   I have download the jboss-bpmsuite-6.2.0.GA-installer jar file and extract the file also. As suggested link: JBoss BPM Suite - Downloads | 'Red Hat Developers' (Trail version) We tried to install the...
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    last modified by pawansai
  • start jbpm process using JMS/Tomcat7/Spring

    Hi,   I am configuring Tomcat7 with ActiveMQ/Spring setup to start JBPM 6.3 process using JMS apart from REST API. my applicationContext xml file entry is as per below where i am trying to create a bean for Req...
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    last modified by pandyajayn
  • Unique ID gets duplicated

    Hi!   Using Eclipse and the jBPM/Drools plugin we've had an incorrect (?) behaviour. When starting Eclipse, the "unique id" counter for all nodes get set to 0, and then increments with each new node added, and r...
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    last modified by jonasle
  • Asset search

    Hi.   I'm using JBoss BPM Suite 6.3.0.GA to an EAP 6.4 and Drools 6.4.0-Final. I am trying to search for a set of rules classified through common metadata values. I used Asset Search and it appears to be broken...
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    last modified by efstathios.politis
  • how to update process variables using the remote rest api

    Hi guys! please help me, i´m trying to update a process variable using a rest call, im using jbpm 6.2   Thanks
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    last modified by braulio.blanco
  • JBPM Rest API

    I am trying to get the responses in JSON instead of XML.   Even when  specify application/json in header the response is returned in XML !!!! What am I missing ? Does it mean we have to always convert...
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    last modified by achad
  • Login module UnauthorizedException

    Hi. Im trying to implement my own security manager for BPM 6.4 running in EAP 6.4 also. in which every user with roles defined in a variable in configuration/standalone.xml i.e serverRole should access   For ...
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    created by rodrigo.burdet
  • Marshalling / Unmarshalling process instance variables

    Hi!   I'm trying to start a process with a java.util.Date variable. I build the cliente like this:   System.setProperty(KieServerConstants.CFG_BYPASS_AUTH_USER, "true"); KieServicesConfiguration conf = Ki...
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    created by abullor
  • Accesing variables from parent process instance

    Is there a way to access (read and write) process variables from the parent process instance in a custom work item handler? I mean without declaring them as input / output data.
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    last modified by abullor
  • JBMP using in a .NET environment

    Hello Community.   I hope you can help me or point ,me in the right direction.   My place of work are considering to use the redHat BPM, but their current environment is a .NET. So We are considering to ex...
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    last modified by raciel87
  • BPM Suite Stress Testing

    Hi guys. Its there some info about tool, guideline, research, etc about stress testing the BPM Suite? I'm researching about this topic.   Regards
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    last modified by erecio
  • BPM Suite save task via REST

    Hello everybody, just one short question.   When a task is in status 'InProgress', I can click the save-button in my web interface and all of my changes will be saved. Is it possible to do this via the REST A...
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    last modified by rhn-support-sdehn
  • JBPM Wildfly Version

    I am evaluating JBPM for a new project.  As a proof of concept, I spun up a quick Spring boot application to exercise the JBPM API through restful services with the idea that I could take these Autowired classes ...
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    last modified by tgunter
  • Problem installing BPM suite

    Hi Team, I am trying to setup BPM suite 6.2 . When I tried to install BPM suite choosing thew EAP server v 6.4.0 , I am getting error as Advanced configuration command failed: deploy "C:\Server/domain/business-centr...
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    last modified by amitabh2d
  • Creating a process flow - Unable to parse xml, Null Pointer Exception

    Hi   I am using BPM Suite 6.3 and EAP 6.4.6 (Installed EAP 6.4 and applied patch on top of it)   Its successfully installed and I could create a process flow. I have created only a start element, a manual ...
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    last modified by rsunkara48