• How do I add MySQL access to a helloworld-rf from quickstarts

    I'm trying  to learn how to build a fairly straightforward application.  It takes in files, parses them and stores some entries in the database.  I used the jboss-helloworld-rf quickstart and it works j...
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    created by jseanjensen
  • EAR libs are not deployed into JBoss EAP 6.3

    Hi everybody!   I have an issue with this JBoss workspace configuration: JBoss Developer Studio 8.1 + JBoss EAP 6.3 + Maven.   My project has an EAR module, a WEB module, an EJB module and two JAR modules....
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    created by eletxi
  • Accessing EJB entity bean from the Java client application

    Hi, I am new to JBoss, so I would appreciate some help.   I developed a simple entity bean and see it being deployed on the server. It uses the JBoss provided default database. Next I developed a simple java app...
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    last modified by i262666
  • Need JBoss EAP server setup/configurations

    I would like to create, 100+ server managed domain. These server are going to have various applications and would like to increase more servers in future.   I see Jboss administration guide talks about that in d...
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    last modified by josephsekar
  • error while installing the teiid designer on JBDS 7

    Hi all,      I am trying to install Teiid Designer (8.6.1.Final-v20150313-2152-B888) in my JBDS 7.0.0.GA but I keep getting this error message:   Cannot complete the install because one or more r...
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    last modified by maneuk
  • JPA Entities from Tables; Can't Select Tables; JBDS 9

    To All,   I'm seeing this completed easily online, but I'm not getting it using JBDS 9 and trying to reverse engineer JPA->Generate Entities from Tables.   How to generate entities from tables with Ecli...
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    last modified by fischman_98
  • creating recurring conversations seam

    good day , I wanted to ask since several weeks ago I'm trying to solve a problem with an application in SEAM 2.3, I describe my problem:   I have a recipe display in which a customer when selected , invoked an r...
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    last modified by nicolas.guevara
  • Try Catch blocks get disrupted

    Hello all!   Well this is my story.   I've been playing around with Jboss Developer Studio to make myself a nice Jboss Fuse project.   First I tried to make a simple Camel Route to consume from a que...
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    last modified by onimurasame
  • Software update in Jboss Central not working

    When i am trying to open the Software/Update tab in JBoss Central, it is showing error "Connector discovery completed without finding any connectors. Please check your internet connection and try again." and not showi...
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    last modified by ayushjain2593
  • Reference file contains error jboss-ejb3.xml

    Hello there, Trying to create a very simple MDB with JBOSS EAP 6.4 as per the documentation, I need to reference activemq-ra.rar adapter, created the file jboss-ejb3.xml: <jboss xmlns="http://www.jboss.com/xml...
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    last modified by habouhassan
  • Jboss forge fails to install picketlink plugin

    Hi, I am new to JBoss and Java EE and starded my learning by doing with Forge. The problem is that I would like to install the Picketlink module : http://forge.jboss.org/addon/org.picketlink.tools.forge:picketlink-fo...
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    last modified by tkostov
  • Camel editor change my route.xml

    I'm using Eclipse Luna with    JBoss Developer Studio (Core Features)    8.0.2.GA-v20150114-2029-B382 and JBoss Fuse Tooling Apache Camel Editor    7.3.0.v20141209-1819-H34...
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    last modified by gcollin
  • install the jboss Data virtualization Development

    My JBDS version: Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0.GA. 1. when I choose the install/update the JDVD.   2. here is the error info as follows:
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    last modified by lv_levi
  • Widfly 9 Connector for Jboss Developer Studio 8

    Hello,   I'm unable to connect JBoss Studio 8.1.0 (latest version) to Widlfly 9. The connector is missing from the list and I can't seem to find a way to install it using the Jboss Central window...   Can ...
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    last modified by tiago.matias
  • Developer Studio: EAP or standalone download?

    I’d like to download JBoss Developer Studio from http://www.jboss.org/products/devstudio/download/. There are two options: “Installer With EAP” and “Stand-alone Installer”. What is the ...
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    last modified by zahtilaz
  • Upgrade from version 8 to version 9

    Is there a way to upgrade JBoss Developer Studio 8 to version 9 from within the program or does one have to download the entire installer from the website?   I've installed numerous updates from the JBoss Centra...
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    last modified by ilmostro7
  • JBoss 8.01 compiles fine while 9.0.0 fails

    I am trying to upgrade a project from JBoss 5 to 6.4. When I load the project into devstudio 8.1, the system complies fine. When I load it into 9.0, it errors. All of my seam references to seam 2.2 produce an  e...
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    last modified by wcheckle
  • Log-In issue with Jobss Localhost

    Hi,   I'm using JBoss Developer Studio Version: 9.0.0.GA. I have just installed and created users admin(management role) and venkat(application role) and I started server. I can able to log into http://localho...
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    last modified by lvlakku
  • how does one get Dev Studio to actually use the proxy settings?

    Using JBoss Developer Studio 9.0.0 and trying to install the integration stack (to get data virtualization), but Software/Update fails with the following:   Unable to connect to repository https://devstudio.redh...
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    last modified by waynez
  • Problem in starting/running Jboss as 7.1 (or 7) Final with Developer studio 5 M5

    I am working with these stuff   - Jboss developer studio 5 M5 - Jboss as 7 Final and Jboss as 7.1 Final - JRE 1.6 -Windows XP SP3 My problem: I could not run/start any Jboss server. (7 or 7.1) when I start the...
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    last modified by samyomar82