• Deployment on Jboss-eap-6.1 process?

    Hi Jboss Expert ! I have installed jboss-eap-6.1 and start domain base server on windows environment now I want to deploy simple application "Helloworld" but I couldn't find deployment directory in domain server. Kin...
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    last modified by asifas
  • ejb not exported, missing dependency

    Hello,      I'm deploying an ejb in jboss eap 6.3 packaged as a jar.   11:23:35,614 INFO  [org.jboss.as.ejb3.deployment.processors.EjbJndiBindingsDeploymentUnitProcessor] (MSC service t...
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    last modified by settholo
  • [standalone ha cluster] replication/failover of stateful bean

    Hi,      I have two jboss instances using the standalone ha configuration. They see each other and testing the quickstart example for the clustering they work fine. I would like to have an cluste...
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    created by settholo
  • Module dependencies in EAR

    I am reading the develop guide on https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/JBoss_Enterprise_Application_Platform/6.3/html/Development_Guide/index.html The article says "Subdeployment modules (the WAR and JAR d...
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    last modified by shawnchung
  • EAS Management Beans - Performance Statistics

    Hi All,   Is there somewhere online I can go that will list all of the available management beans I can access via JMX?  I am looking for a listing of management beans and their description (e.g. short-runn...
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    created by dishmael3
  • parrallel / side by side deployment

    Google gives nothing sufficient neither for parallel deployment jboss 7 nor for side by side deployment jboss - here it actually returns oracle weblogic solution.   Parallel deployment is possible in tomcat. I...
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    last modified by jjakub
  • Java Transaction Service - Distributed EJB Transactions Across Multiple Containers

    Hi All     I tried this JBOSS tutorial  and its works fine     but i tried to bind IP to my servers and run this example but i got exception Server 1: EAP_HOME_1\bin\standalone.bat -b
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    created by eranga4u
  • Learn Java to advance in Jboss

    Hello folks, I have started working as linux/jboss administrator and I need your advice. As I see in order to advance in Jboss and understand ins and outs of it I see that I need to learn java. Can you please advic...
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    created by zviad.goglodze
  • Wrong JPA query translation

    Hi to all, I've this JPA query (please, forget about the fact that the two conditions in 'or' are the same, it's only for example purpose, for having a complex query.):   CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager...
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    last modified by antlia
  • How to read jBoss server configurations from custom java program

    Hi All,   I am trying to read the server configurations through Java program, but I dont know how. For ex, if I want to know the datasource values like, the min and max pool size or read the jboss memory to say ...
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    created by anandpaul