• Send JMS message on remote queue

    Hi, I want to produce a JMS message on a remote queue.  I have 2 JBoss instances: one that hosts the queue, and one that produces the message.  I followed this blog post to guide me.   On my JBoss ...
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    created by jsbournival
  • Where can I add these variables on JBoss web console like validationQuery, etc?

    I have used MySQL, Spring, MyBatis. Like you know, when there is no database connection for 8 hours (default time), the database close the connection. And when I tried to run an application, it gives an error messag...
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    last modified by brightpeoples
  • Provider Log4jServletContainerInitializer not found

    I was hoping someone might be able to help me figure out this deployment error. I am using Jboss eap 6.2 and have a webservice that uses a library which has a log4j2 logger. This library uses log4j classes only availa...
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    last modified by theblur05
  • Jboss EAP 6.2 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.validation.Configuration.getBootstrapConfiguration()Ljavax/validation/BootstrapConfiguration;

    Hi all,   We have lot of existing rest services developed using jersey and deployed in JBoss EAP 6.2. Now we are trying to incorporate Bean Validation Support (https://jersey.java.net/documentation/latest/bean-...
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    last modified by melbin
  • Helloworld war deployed using management console in EAP 6.4 doesn't work.

    Hi All,   I am deploying the helloworld war with one servlet in it using management console. The war is deployed but the servlet is not getting loaded. I get HTTP 404 when i access the linik localhost:8080/Hello...
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    last modified by shruaror
  • property files used in runtime

    We are upgrading our application using EAP 6.4.0.  We would like to know where should we place all the property files which are used in runtime.  As in JBoss 7.1, we put all the property files in the NX-runt...
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    last modified by lilylove2shop
  • JBoss EAP 6.4.0 integration with LDAP - how to pass user password to LDAP

    Hello, dears.   Thank you for reading my question. In my JBoss EAP 6.4.0 I have successfully setup LDAP-connection to MS Active Directory (port 636, ldaps) for http-management. LDAP-authentication works fine;&...
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    last modified by tkulibaev
  • Custom principal in a cluster environment not replicating changes between cluster nodes

    Hi,   We have: A cluster with 2 nodes on different hosts (JBoss EAP 6.3) Apache 2.2 with mod_cluster for load balancing. We use JSF 2.1 for our web apps. SSO enabled Sticky Sessions enabled. Custom princip...
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    last modified by mduffour
  • javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: For input string: "" in Jboss 5.2 EAP.

    Hi All,   I got this error when using the Jboss 5.2 EAP.   Please help.   Thanks, Simon   <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">    <env:Heade...
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    last modified by simonkao2714
  • JBoss EAP 6.3 - SSO and Sticky Sessions not working

    Hi guys, we have a cluster with 2 nodes (JBoss EAP 6.3 with Single Sign On enabled), node 1 and node 2 in different servers. On top of that we have an Apache2 and are using mod_cluster for load balancing and sticky se...
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    created by mduffour
  • eap 6 Is it possible to config datasource lookup from outside container?

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    last modified by heavencoke
  • Reverse Proxy with mod_cluster and port 11826

    I tried following the steps of setting up reverse-proxy with my JBoss clustered environment on my Apache server using these directions. In my mod_cluster.conf file I have my balancer defined as such:   CreateBa...
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    last modified by holodnicks
  • Connection string for Sql to connect using windows autentication

    Hi team, I want a connection url to connect to sql db using the windows service account that is to connect using windows authentication through AD.Please help in the same . Currently we are able to connect using sql...
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    created by devashish008
  • Starting jboss-as: chown: missing operand after `/var/run/jboss-as' Try `chown --help' for more information.[  OK  ] [deva21@rhel6 init.d]$

    HI team , I am starting jboss as service i am getting this error now i have given full permission to directory but till getting t his error.As well as the jboss is not starting up.Please help me get this isssue fixes...
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    last modified by devashish008
  • Apache Advertising with JBoss EAP 6.3 Issues

    Hello,   I'm trying to get Apache and JBoss EAP 6.3 standalone advertising and discovery working with mod_cluster 1.3.1.  It looks like Apache is advertising and Jboss is receiving, but it doesn't appear to...
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    last modified by holodnicks
  • Jboss 6.3 deployment Error

    Jboss: 6.3.2_jasmine (I just change the application name to AppName for posting in the group) I get the error as follows:   JBAS015870: Deploy of deployment "AppName.ear" was rolled back with the following fa...
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    last modified by itzpraveens
  • Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: trusted certificate entries are not password-protected

    Hello to all !   I use JBoss EAP 6.4.0 and I have successfully setup LDAP-connection to MS Active Directory (port 389) for both http-management and jboss-cli.sh.  LDAP-authentication works fine.  But...
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    last modified by tkulibaev
  • Switchyard bpel-console - SayHelloWorld exception java.lang.Exception: Rollback failed

    Hi Team,   I have installed bpel-console with Switchyard and deployed the sayHelloWorld BPEL process. Below are my environment details   OS: Linux 64 bit EAP version: 6.4.0 Switchyard installation: switc...
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    last modified by murali1311
  • Zanata: Failed to start context

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to set up a small Zanata server for personal use; however, every time I start the server, I'm greeted with a message that tells me that Zanata could not be started. The zanata.failed conte...
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    last modified by lehti
  • OpenCms 9.5 deploy on Jboss 6.3.0 EAP

    Hi guys,   I'm having some problem with deploying OpenCMS 9.5 on JBoss 6.3.0 EAP. These are the step i have done. Extract opencms.war from the downloaded archive and copy it to the {JBOSS_HOME}/standalone/deplo...
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    last modified by moofie