• One jvm not starting up in a group while the other starts up in slave

    Hi , i am not able to start up one jvm as part of the group while the other jvm starts up with no issues . can someone help if someone has seen same issue in their environments ?   Thanks in advance
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  • JBoss EAP 7 - erroneous trace on Injected Resources

    This was asked on StackExchange, then migrated to StackOverflow as I am a Stack newb - though have been using it for years for answers - but had never asked a question.  Anyways, If I can find the answer, I'll so...
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    last modified by jasonglass
  • JBOSS EAP 6.3 ERROR while Editing BPMN file

    Hi, We have JBOSS EAP 6.3 installed on a LINUX box. We have the jbpm-console.war deployed on it using the jbpm-installer. The jbpm instance points to a separate ORACLE instance. Also it is a clustered JBPM environme...
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    last modified by deepak_sonawane
  • Different versions of Java - Jboss EAP 7.0

    Good evening, I am new to using Jboss. I am using JBoss EAP 7.0 with Java 8 on Linux RHEL 5.5 I would like to validate an application that uses Java 6 (update 45), how to configure Jboss so that applications can us...
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    last modified by jacksfranco
  • ERROR:New missing/unsatisfied dependencies. While Migrating app from jBoss 5.1 to EAP 7

    Hi,   I am trying to migrate a webapp based on JDK 1.5 running on JBoss 5.1. My application is war archive(Maven Multi module project) having dependent jar in its class-path (myApp.war/WEB-INF/lib/dependent.jar)...
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    last modified by verma.pankaj
  • Multiple Jboss EAP 6.1 environments running on same network subnet

    Hi   We have a potential configuration issue with multiple Jboss EAP 6.1 domain and host controllers running in the same network.   We have Dev, Test, UAT, Pre-Prod, Live, Training Jboss environments e...
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    last modified by jasondean-2
  • How to get Jboss EAP 7 default or custom workManager in spring configuration file.

    Hi All,   I am trying to implement the jca based jms in spring with Jboss EAP 7.0 and below are my configuration         <bean id="messageHubTaskExecuter" class="org.springframe...
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    last modified by sureshshine2020
  • Jboss EAP 6.1 Deployment and Service start up issue Jboss Fuse service works

    I have a switchyard component connecting to IBM MQ.     I have followed the resource adapter configuration mention below URL:     https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/JBoss_Enterprise_Ap...
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    last modified by ravi21588
  • Class loading problem

    Hi,   I'm a JBoss newbie. I have a problem with a sample application that declare a dependency from a module. This module try to access to a class that is contained in web-inf/classes of the application (a sing...
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    last modified by samuele.firpo
  • exception sending context initialized event to listener of ...<custom>ContextListener java.lang.RuntimeException

    Trying to migrate Weblogic application to JBoss 6 version. In deploying the .ear file I get this from JBoss, 'exception sending context initialized event to listener of ...<custom>ContextListener java.lang.Runti...
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    last modified by garjanice9
  • Is JBOSS Enterprise Application Platform -Version 6.3.2 compatibale with ORACLE EBS 12.2.5

    Is JBOSS Enterprise Application Platform -Version 6.3.2 compatibale with ORACLE EBS 12.2.5?   Please let us know as we are upgrading to Oracle EBS 12.2.5.
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    last modified by nagasrinivasachary
  • Configure reference to deployed JAR in manifest.mf

    How to configure references to the deployed jar through console in the war's manifest.mf file.  We have global modules defined like Manifest-Version: 1.0 Dependencies: org.antlr,org.apache.commons.lang   ...
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    last modified by prabhujboss28
  • postgresql driver in domain mode is not working

    Hi everyone!   I'm trying to build a JBoss infrastructure with two hosts in domain mode. In this domain, I want to use a datasource with the postgres driver as a module but it is not working as it should.  ...
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    last modified by shameless
  • configuring mod_proxy with JBoss EAP-7 running in standalone mode

    Hi, I'm newbie here...i'm trying to configure web proxy to get my application. so the set-up is apache httpd 2.4 / mod_proxy (windows) => jboss-eap-7.0/standalone (linux) in app we are using keycloak to validate th...
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    last modified by kalai_5665
  • JBoss Negotation SPNEGO / Kerberos

    Hey guys,   we have a problem with kerberos / active directory and jboss. We try to find a solution last week but we dont know. Our try is to build a SSO with our web application against the ad. I found many ex...
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    last modified by jkueck92
  • Spring JMS Connection failing in Jboss EAP 6.4.9

    My application has Spring JMS libraries(3.1.1) deployed on Jboss eap 6.4 GA which will connect to another Jboss server(6.4.9) and working fine, jms connected successfully.   later I patched Jboss eap 6.4 GA with...
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    last modified by prism.vibgyor
  • JBOSS eap6.3 logging config from log4j.xml not working in EAR, but working in WAR

    Hi,   I have custom logging configurations defined in log4j.xml, and this file is placed in one of jar file ex: admin.jar. Put this jar file WAR archive ex: MyApp.war\WEB-INF\lib\admin.jar, and deployed in JBOS...
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    last modified by rajpalle
  • JBOSS Console Datasources didn't show usage.

    Hi,   I am using JBOSS EAP6.1.1.GA. Recently we are getting error: No managed connections available within configured blocking timeout (30000 [ms]) .   After I check the datasource pools in my JBOSS conso...
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    last modified by x6811060
  • Is there any solution for JBoss JMS to connect to mqtt server

    I want to use ActiveMQ to create a broker to connect to another Mosquitto broker. And then, I can use ActiveMQ to receive the message from Mosquitto broker. What I am done now is: integrate the ActiveMQ with JBoss EA...
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    last modified by abcd013
  • java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.util.logging.LoggingPermission" "control")

    Dear all,   I am trying to deploy switchyard application in Jboss EAP server.   iam getting the below error. Caused by: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.util.logging.LoggingPermi...
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    last modified by ravi215881