• Problem loading spring context

    We are facing an issue loading spring context with modules. Our project structure has a main war(a.war) with all the dependencies bundled in WEB-INF/lib. We have a separate jar(b.jar) which has camel & cxf integra...
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    last modified by ramavs2
  • Kerberos in JBOSS security realms

    Hello,   I am trying to use Kerberos authentication in one of the EJB3s deployed in JBOSS. JBOSS is version 6.2. I have setup the -D options in the JBOSS standalone xml to point to the krb5.conf and the jaas.conf...
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    last modified by shamrocks
  • Kerberos in JBOSS security realms question

    Hello,   I am trying to use Kerberos authentication in one of the EJB3s deployed in JBOSS. JBOSS is version 6.2. I have setup the -D options in the JBOSS standalone xml to point to the krb5.conf and the jaas.c...
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    last modified by shamrocks
  • JSF 1.2 + jboss seam + Jboss EAP 7.0.0 issue

    Hi,   I want to migrate JSF 1.2 + jboss seam 2.2.0 GA application to Jboss EAP 7.0.0.   I used https://access.redhat.com/solutions/793963  Multi-JSF feature in EAP 7 to solve JSF 1.2 problem I am see...
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    last modified by ranganayakulu
  • The applications fail to be deployed JBoss EAP 7

    Hello,   I have the task to migrate an application that's running on tomEE. I have installed JBoss EAP 7 and can run the quickstarts provided by RedHat. However, I have (as expected) some problems to deploy my a...
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    last modified by getgolfedkid
  • Dynamically invoke remote EJB3 method using reflection

    Our current application has a requirement to route all remote EJB calls used for batch jobs through an MDB to facilitate retries. As a result, I need to invoke the remote EJB through reflection.   When looking u...
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    created by vrushank.desai
  • Jboss EAP 6.3 :[org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS013412:

    Dear All,     JBoss EAP 6.3 I'm facing issues server start up once deploy the WAR file i'm facing below issues please kinldy help me to resolve the issues. and Attached my standalone-full xml file.   ...
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    last modified by jkar
  • Hibernate Exceptions not propagated to Application deployed in JBoss 6.4

    Issue: The Web application uses JPA/Hibernate to communicate with H2 database. This application is deployed in JBoss EAP 6.4 and uses its Hibernate modules. When an 'org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationExceptio...
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    last modified by manikandan511
  • JTAOverWSATFeature cannot be enabled

    Hello,   I am running a JBoss EAP 7.0 with XTS Modul and trying to activate WS-AT with JTAOverWSATFeature. But there seems to be an bug. If I set the feature in javax.xml.ws.Service.create(...) I get the followi...
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    last modified by chschred
  • Email alerts upon exceptions in JBOSS server log file

    Hi there,   We want to setup email alerts in JBOSS upon exception in the JBOSS server log file. Is there any way of doing this in the new EAP 7.0? Our environment is Windows Server 2008/2012.   Thanks, ...
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    last modified by syed.ahmad
  • How we can configure multiple HTTP ports in Jboss standalone ?

    Hi All,   I have a small requirement, I am looking to run & access my applications with different port in standalone environment. Is it possible ?   Let say :   I have configured Jboss EAP 6.4 in...
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    last modified by nurubhas
  • java.io.FileNotFoundException: Source 'D:\JBoss\EAP-7.0.0\bin\content\eArsiv.war\WEB-INF\lib\lept4j-1.2.3.jar\win32-x86-64' does not exist

    Greetings, I was developing an application with Spring Boot and using tess4j for OCR process. It was jar packaging and working well. I just changed packaging to war and deployed to jBoss EAP7.Now i am getting "Source ...
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    last modified by muratsenermk
  • JBoss EAP7 standalone scripts

    Hi - I am new to this forum and JBOSS so please bear with me as I am learning my way around. I downloaded from the developer site JBoss EAP 7.0.0,  jboss-eap-7.0.0-installer.jar I unpacked the files and trying...
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    last modified by tesawicki
  • How can I make the rule engine always choose the rule with higher Salience?

    I´m using Salience to make the priority of each rule, but when I fireAllRules, it doesn't always choose the rule with higher Salience. How can I make the rule engine always choose the rule with higher Salience? ...
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    last modified by ljpms
  • MBeanServerLocator for Jboss6

    We have code, which uses org/jboss/mx/util/MBeanServerLocator to lookup MBeans. However, EAP 6 has removed this class from the Jboss Package. What is the alternative?
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    last modified by rahul198
  • What's the point? :)

    Hi all,   Following on from my earlier message, regarding inconsistencies with JBoss 6 and MQ 8, using Resource Adapter 7.0. I'm wondering if there is anyone out there technically able and friendly enough to ans...
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    last modified by speedco
  • JDBC Driver for what ? profile or machine ?

    Hi All,   I have small query.. can you pleas clarify.   I have configured JbossEAP domain in 3 boxes with horizontal setup.   VM'S ===== 1) server1.example.com--- >EAP instances (dev-1,test-1,pr...
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    last modified by nurubhas
  • Unexpected behaviour with JBoss 6.3 and WebSphere MQ 8.0 Adapter

    Good morning, can anyone help me?   I'm working for a client that has JBoss EAP 6.3 implemented, communicating with MQ 8.0 using the MQ Resource Adapter. MDB's are configured:   @ResourceAdapter("wmq.jmsra....
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    last modified by speedco
  • how to monitor jboss eap 7 using jon 3.3?

    hello everyone  im using jon 3.3 server but im unable to monitor jboss eap 7 how can i do it?
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    last modified by aronraja
  • host controller was not able to connect Domain controller After install the SSL in Management console.

    Hi All,   I have faced small issue in my Jboss EAP environment, After configuring SSL for Management console.   I have two VM'S (RHE Linux 6.4).names as   1) Server1.example.com 2) Server2.example.c...
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    last modified by nurubhas