• Mocking out real endpoints in blueprint not working

    Hi all.   When I follow the procedure described in http://camel.apache.org/mock.html to mock endpoints and skip sending to original endpoint, it does not work when using blueprint. Using the debugger I see that ...
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    last modified by salex
  • Fabric Ensemble - cxfrs endpoint url

    Hi all,   i've create one fabric ensemble with 3 fabric server on 3 different server, every fabric server have one container with broker :   FuseESB:admin@esb-n1> fabric:ensemble-list esb-n1 esb-n2 ...
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    created by salvatore.matino
  • Unresolved constraint in bundle org.apache.camel.camel-example-cxf-osgi

    Hi there,   i was trying to test the Camel cxf example provided in the apache camel 2.11.0 distribution ( that i cpmpiled with success)  , so i followed the suggested deployment command to try to deploy the...
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    last modified by jelramzy_jelramzy
  • javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: invalid provider

    Hi,   I am trying to add a JavaMail client to Fuse(4.4.0-fuse-00-43)  and keep getting a javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: invalid provider.  I believed it to be caused by the fact that the mailapi i...
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    created by drdennis
  • share the same security context in the webconsole and container in AMQ 5.8?

    Hi all,   I have the following question: is it possible to have a shared security context between the AMQ 5.8.0 ( or AMQ 5.7 )  container and the embedded web console while using Fuse Enterprise 7.1 ? ...
  • Transaction Processing Manager support

    Can anyone tell me if Fuse ESB has a Transaction Processing Manager that can be exposed for use with other legacy system that want to participate in an XA transaction?
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    last modified by gje306
  • WSS4JInInterceptor cannot read signature properties file on Unix platform

    Hello,   I have faced with issue that org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j.WSS4JInInterceptor cannot read signature properties file on Unix platform.   However it works fine on Windows platform.   Source...
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    last modified by albus.ua
  • Debugging Apache Shiro in FuseESB

    I tried to enable log on the FuseESB by modifying org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg and set the following:   Sift appender log4j.appender.sift=org.apache.log4j.sift.MDCSiftingAppender log4j.appender.sift.key=bundle.n...
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    last modified by lekkie_lomotayo
  • Profile upgrade appears not to change port number

    I'm new to Fuse ESB and I've been following the getting started tutorials (which are well written and informative). I've been trying out the examples as I go through them and I've just reached the section on updating ...
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    created by gje306
  • Getting exception for jetty-http handler in Karaf

    Hi, When I start FuseESB Enterprise Server on my pc running XP, I get exception as described below.   Can you pls provide some insight to this situation..?   Thanks, Parimal.   - FuseESB:karaf@ro...
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    last modified by parimal.patel
  • Is there an example for FUSE ESB and continuous delivery using fabric?

    Hi,   Are there any examples demonstrating best practices for FUSE ESB Enterprise with fabric deployed to multiple servers using continuous delivery?   I appreciate continuous delivery can be done a lot of...
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    created by jasonnh
  • Relying on an external AMQ Broker in Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1

    Hi,   Mu question is related to the possibility of relying on an external JMS Broker like an external standalone AMQ rather than the default  embedded Fuse MQ  , is there any step by step document desc...
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    last modified by jelramzy_jelramzy
  • Which load-time-weaver weaver-class is used in Fuse ESB OSGi environment

    Does anyone know the load-time-weaver weaver-class that works well in the Fuse ESB OSGi environment? I tried to use org.springframework.instrument.classloading.ReflectiveLoadTimeWeaver, however it does work well in an...
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    created by lekkie_lomotayo
  • Need help to implement ehCache (without terracotta) on cluster environment

    Hi Freinds,   When i am trying to use ehCache for cluster evn, I am getting below errors (Can also find attachment.)   java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:  ...
  • trouble with the org.apache.karaf.webconsole.cfg file

    Hi there,   i am using the Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1 and wanted to give a try to the webconsole security setting following the steps in the provided documentation on the site.   here is the suggested configu...
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    last modified by jelramzy_jelramzy
  • How to set admin permission on FUSE ESB

    Hi,     I am getting below errors when trying to deploy/install bundle on Fuse Fabric... Using FuseESBEnterprise-7.0.0     Is there any way to give admin permission in Fuse ESB ?  How can ...
  • Messages "disappear" if camel route fabric endpoint resolves to null/blank

    Hi,   This question was originally posted on the Camel Forum - it was pointed out that FuseSource would be more appropriate.   The following appears to be a bug  in Fabric, but I wonder whether anyone...
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    last modified by fordm_martin.ford
  • Disable autocommit

    Hi,   I cannot find the way to disable auto-commit with FuseESB. I am using Oracle's datasource from Oracle's JDBC driver (oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource) and autocommit is set by default to true.   th...
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    created by kevinthackray
  • Using Apache Abdera on Servicemix

    Hi   I am trying deploy a bundle that fetches versions from Drools Guvnor running on Tomcat. The response from Drools Guvnor is an atom feed and I am using apache abdera to parse the feed.     The apa...
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    last modified by mpalvankar
  • Camel, CXF REST endpoints, and route builders; Am I doing it right?

    Hi,   I'm attempting to use Camel as an endpoint for a RESTful interface, and while I've managed to get the behaviour I want; I'm wondering whether I've missed something in the way my components are wired togeth...
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    last modified by dazbert42