• How do I autoinstall dependency bundles from maven repository?

    I'm quite new to OSGi so please forgive any possible/probable terminology confusion here..   I managed to configure an extra Maven repository repository in Fuse from where I can install bundles using, example: o...
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    created by gustavsinder
  • Rest using Fuse

    Hi   I'm using the following versions : CXF :2.7.0.redhat-610379 Fuse : jboss-fuse-6.1.0.redhat-379   I'm trying to invoke the annotated "ALL" rest method ( process() ) on the service but the method doe...
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    created by glennodickson
  • How do convert xml to csv in camel

    I need to convert the xml to csv in Apache camel .Can anyone please help. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <list> <map> <entry> <string>com.fusesource.sample.dto.EmployeeDTO<...
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    last modified by szarekar
  • Api model property not seen in swagger ui

    I have class PET and CATEGORY  as follows. PET has category object. However when i run the application  I do not see the fields of Category class in Swagger UI documentation I am not using spring and don't ...
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    created by szarekar
  • Active MQ with Camel on Fuse - How to?

    Hello,   I'm tring to play around with Active MQ and Camel on a local Fuse instance.   Here is what I've done.   1/ Create a child container that run the mq-default profile (the broker)   2/ Cr...
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    last modified by stepha.dereppe
  • Failed to import bean definitions from URL location [classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml

    Hi I am getting error when try to run camel project in fuse container     org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException: Configuration problem: Failed to import bean definitions...
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    last modified by szarekar
  • xslt component not adding xsi atrribute to the generated xml output

    i am summarizing my problem in a shorter way where i can directly come to the problem.   I have xslt which will accept soap envelope as an xml and remove the soap envelope and returns the xml which it will be us...
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    last modified by siva_225147
  • How to invoke a rest service from Camel routes

    Hi,   I want to invoke http://www.webservicex.net/stockquote.asmx/GetQuote?symbol=RHT from my camel project       <camelContext trace="false" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring"&...
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    last modified by szarekar
  • Help understanding Camel : https://github.com/jboss-fuse/quickstarts

    I am new to FUSE and Camel and i was trying to understand in which scenario would i use fuse or camel I downloaded CBR project from the above quickstarts links and was able to run as a standalone camel project. blu...
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    created by szarekar
  • Understanding FUSE and Apache camel

    hi   In one of the  camel project which i downloaded from Apache camel website -  in camel-context.xml  I see routes, cxf , active mq defined and used to send and receive msgs. If all these compone...
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    created by szarekar
  • Does camel need fuse container to run it routes?

    Camel is a framework. But i am trying to understand what does it need to run -  a container or JVM?
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    last modified by szarekar
  • How to start Fuse in Background?

    Hi all, I'm very new with Fuse, I just installed and started it (bin/fuse) on a redhat server, I was wondering how can I get Fuse started in background from my laptop?   Thanks
  • Deploy JBoss Fuse Project

    I am a beginner with JBoss Fuse. I have create one fuse project using Jboss developer studio with Apache Camel spring context.. Currently I am running my project in local machine in internal Jboss-eap integrated with ...
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    last modified by hushen.savani
  • FUSE solution template

    Good day,   just wanted to share a template we use to kickstart FUSE projects, if anyone is interested. Content is a blueprint based bundle to be deployed to a fabric. The template demonstrates Camel with Java ...
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    created by eminkevich
  • Fuse Fabric zookeeper bind address

    Is possible to set a fixed network address for zookeeper in Fuse Fabric? I noticed that every time the host IP address changes the Fabric bind address changes and all the Fabric (root and child container) become unst...
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    last modified by rafaelcba
  • Anyone have a good example of high availability?

    I have a service that I want to make highly available on the ESB.  Most of the examples I have tried are routes and etc.  Is there a good example or lab to walk me through how to enable high availability? &#...
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    last modified by pcootey
  • zookeeper configuration

    hi, I'm using fuse fabric 7.2.x and I'm trying to change a zookeper configuration property "maxClientCnxns = 100" but so far couldn't find a way to update it.   I've tried creating org.fusesource.fabric.zookeepe...
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    last modified by keremyzc
  • How to get the SOAP Request from an camel exchange

    In the "cxf:cxfEndpoint" configuration if i add dataFormat=PAYLOAD only then i'm able to get SOAP Message , but the problem with dataFormat=PAYLOAD is i cannot do this MyPOJO pojo=exchange.getIn().getBody(MyPOJO.clas...
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    last modified by niteshjain132
  • How to identify if the incoming request is SOAP or REST in Camel

    Hi,   I have exposed my camel project as a rest web service. http://localhost:9090/route/restservice/getQuote   How do i identify that the incoming request is SOAP or rest - if it is REST or SOAP (are ther...
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    last modified by szarekar
  • How to identify if incoming request is soap or rest in Camel

    Hi,   I have exposed my camel project as rest based -http://localhost:9090/route/restservice/getQuote   but how do i identify if the incoming reqest is SOAP and if yes, convert it into to REST   Thanks,
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    created by szarekar