• Common CFG File Reference in Multiple Blueprints

    I have a question about referencing CFG files in Camel Blueprints.  We would like to have a common CFG file that is referenced in multiple of our Blueprint XML files.  This common CFG would have things like ...
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    last modified by schellinger
  • Setting up camel route on Fuse with Aries + JPA + Hibernate

    Hello,   can anybody explain steps involved in setting a camel route on fuse, which is based on aries blueprint and use JPA+Hibernate for database connectivity.   I am trying to run one POC by refering to ...
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    last modified by vaibhavc4
  • Migrating to Jboss Fuse from JBoss ESB

    Need help, was trying to migrate Jboss ESB code to Jboss Fuse and i came accross org.jboss.soa.esb.addressing.EPR and org.jboss.soa.esb.couriers.CourierUtil   does anyone has idea about equivalent code/component...
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    last modified by niteshjain132
  • Deployment issue in Fuse Fabric

    I am getting the following error while trying to deploy the test-ext feature of the test-ext-profile in JBoss Fuse Fabric. The other feature ticktock of the same profile is getting deployed alright and working fine. t...
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    created by dave.muk
  • SAXParseException -Cannot find the declaration of element 'beans'

    Jboss Fuse 6.0 is unable to parse the camel_context.xml when called from a java code as below. i don't get any such error when i run in eclipse. ApplicationContext ac = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("camel_co...
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    last modified by niteshjain132
  • JBoss Developer Studio - JBoss Fuse start ssh problem

    In JBoss Developer Studio I run Servers -> Jboss Fuse 6.1. The console doesn't have any errors. It seems that everything is working properly, but when trying to connect to ssh I get the error: Error connecting 127...
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    last modified by grzegorz.ziemski
  • HazelCast in Jboss Fuse 6.0

    Previously i was using HazelCast 3.2.6 and hazelcast.xml (in JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3.1) to configure distributed caching between different nodes of a cluster configured Replication, TCP/IP, Multicast commun...
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    last modified by niteshjain132
  • Karaf - Get values from more than one property file

    is there any way to load more than one property file when the Fuse starts up , and then get the values from any of those properties file for corresponding Key ?   i am using Jboss Fuse 6.0
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    created by niteshjain132
  • Invoking a Router via Processor

    Already waste 2hours and still not able to figure , how to invoke a Router in Camel context via a Java code.   Tried this -   in Java Class : ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationConte...
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    last modified by niteshjain132
  • Question about remote service call timeouts

    I'm new  to Fuse and going through some documents and tutorials. I've created a camel route where my processor calls a remote web service. I'm getting an error because the connection is timing out. If I use SoapU...
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    created by dmacleod
  • Endpoint status in fabric registry

    I have endpoint in /fabric/registry/camel/endpoints/XXX with following properties: id container consumer started   Property "started" is always false. How Can I manage this status and what parameter "started...
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    last modified by antoniaklja
  • Error handling and redelivery in conjunction with XA transactions

    Hi All!   I'm trying to implement a simple and classic integration pattern which uses XA-transactions. JBoss Fuse ESB version is 6.1.0.GA. And I need an advice how to implement error handling and redelivery in ...
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    last modified by 0xaf
  • Introscope Wily with JBoss FUSE

    We are running FUSE 6.0 with one root and 3 child containers. We added the Wily jar to the CLASSPATH in the 'karaf' script in the root container 'bin' folder and it loads fine. But when we try to assign the same CLASS...
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    created by chenthilan
  • Jboss fuse6.1 : Facing a problem, while assigning the profile to container in Fuse Fabric.

    When we try to assign a profile (OSGI Bundle) to the Fuse fabric container, facing below issue. Bundle status in Fuse fabric - Active OSGI bundle: Camel version - 2.10.0-redhat-60024 cxf version - 2.6.0-redhat...
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    last modified by bharadwaj
  • activeMq web console or alternative to monitor and send messages???

    Hi, Can someone please help on how to configure the activeMq web console or alternative, so that I can send messages and monitor queue/topics.  I know you can monitor queues within fuse web console but it seems...
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    last modified by paul.blakeley
  • How can I deploy a Java agent library to Fuse/Fabric child containers?

    I have a Java agent library that does byte code instrumentation (like Byteman or YourKit) which I want to have loaded into child containers started by Fuse/Fabric?  I can do so with the Fuse/Fabric root container...
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    created by snorth44
  • Which version of FUSE ESB to use?

    Hi,   I am starting to evaluate FUSE ESB for my integration requirements with camel components and once POC is ok,we are planning to migrate existing legacy application to Fuse ESB.   But my question is, w...
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    last modified by yerrareddy.gatla
  • unable to see any feature in FuseESB...

    Hi All,   I have installed FuseESB7.1 After insatlling, when I try to view the features using the comand "features:list", I get the message "No features available". Could some one help me understand why this ...
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    last modified by sriramsharma
  • Communicating components using within a fabric???

    Hi.  I am new to fuse so please excuse me if I use the incorrect terms here or have misunderstood something.  Anyway, if I have a fabric and I have several containers within that fabric.  If I deploy/pr...
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    created by paul.blakeley
  • Error deploying Camel project in JBoss Fuse 6.1

    I created a simple Camel project that runs fine. However, the following error is shown when tried to deploy in JBoss Fuse 6.1 via JBoss Developer Studio. I am also giving the  contents of camel-context.sml and po...
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    last modified by rkonkimalla