• Deployment issue in Fuse Fabric

    I am getting the following error while trying to deploy the test-ext feature of the test-ext-profile in JBoss Fuse Fabric. The other feature ticktock of the same profile is getting deployed alright and working fine. t...
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    created by dave.muk
  • SAXParseException -Cannot find the declaration of element 'beans'

    Jboss Fuse 6.0 is unable to parse the camel_context.xml when called from a java code as below. i don't get any such error when i run in eclipse. ApplicationContext ac = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("camel_co...
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    last modified by niteshjain132
  • Question about remote service call timeouts

    I'm new  to Fuse and going through some documents and tutorials. I've created a camel route where my processor calls a remote web service. I'm getting an error because the connection is timing out. If I use SoapU...
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    created by dmacleod
  • Fuse fabric incremental deployments

    I am facing an issue while deploying artifacts(profiles,bundles) to a fabric managed container.   This is what I had followed 1. I created a fabric container, a child container and created a new profile versio...
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    created by luckshas
  • Jboss fuse6.1 : Facing a problem, while assigning the profile to container in Fuse Fabric.

    When we try to assign a profile (OSGI Bundle) to the Fuse fabric container, facing below issue. Bundle status in Fuse fabric - Active OSGI bundle: Camel version - 2.10.0-redhat-60024 cxf version - 2.6.0-redhat...
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    last modified by bharadwaj
  • activeMq web console or alternative to monitor and send messages???

    Hi, Can someone please help on how to configure the activeMq web console or alternative, so that I can send messages and monitor queue/topics.  I know you can monitor queues within fuse web console but it seems...
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    last modified by paul.blakeley
  • Unable to Load Entities in Jboss Fuse ESB

    Hi,       My META-INF/Persistence xml is as follows   <persistence-unit name="jpapoc" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">         <class>com.xx...
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    last modified by sstbharath
  • FuseESB doesn't start on MacOS X 10.10 with JDK 8

    Hey All, I've updated my Mac to Yosemite and have installed java and have downloaded FuseESB and it doesn't start. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong. Attached is the screen shot of the errors on st...
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    last modified by jtheron82
  • Which version of FUSE ESB to use?

    Hi,   I am starting to evaluate FUSE ESB for my integration requirements with camel components and once POC is ok,we are planning to migrate existing legacy application to Fuse ESB.   But my question is, w...
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    last modified by yerrareddy.gatla
  • unable to see any feature in FuseESB...

    Hi All,   I have installed FuseESB7.1 After insatlling, when I try to view the features using the comand "features:list", I get the message "No features available". Could some one help me understand why this ...
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    last modified by sriramsharma
  • Error deploying Camel project in JBoss Fuse 6.1

    I created a simple Camel project that runs fine. However, the following error is shown when tried to deploy in JBoss Fuse 6.1 via JBoss Developer Studio. I am also giving the  contents of camel-context.sml and po...
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    last modified by rkonkimalla
  • java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not configure TLS for engine on  null:9090

    Hi all,   I have been successful in the past configuring a bundle with CXF SSL using Spring. However, when i use blueprint and configuration as below, in my bundle,   <blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi...
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    created by vrlgohel
  • My custom bundles are un-deployed when Fuse is restarted

    Hello, I am migrating my fuse deployments to the new jboss-fuse-6.1.0.redhat-379. We currently use fuse-esb-7.1.0.fuse-047. When the new server is restarted, my bundles get uninstalled and are no longer visible in th...
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    last modified by ask4ralph
  • Can't apply custom profile to fabric. Container running endless in the waiting mode.

    Hello, I have a very strange issue with applying my own profile for the fabric. I create the profile similar to the quickstart-rest profile and deploy it on the fuse. Here is my simple project (trivial camel route ...
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    last modified by nmay
  • Camel Endpoint Discovery : fabric:ClusterID not found even after installing feature

    I have a glassfish endpoint with a rest interface.  We want to access this through the ESB.  It looks like I can use fabric:ClusterID:http://myrestendpoint/myreststuff so that I can route to my service throu...
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    last modified by pcootey