• How to configure a restful service into fuse.

    Hi Everyone!!   I'm following below link to develop a restful webservices into fuse-      http://www.jboss.org/quickstarts/fuse/rest/#system-requirements   I've created one package ins...
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    created by himanshu.sinha
  • Failed to import bean definitions from URL location [classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml

    Hi I am getting error when try to run camel project in fuse container     org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException: Configuration problem: Failed to import bean definitions...
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    last modified by szarekar
  • How to invoke a rest service from Camel routes

    Hi,   I want to invoke http://www.webservicex.net/stockquote.asmx/GetQuote?symbol=RHT from my camel project       <camelContext trace="false" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring"&...
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    last modified by szarekar
  • Help understanding Camel : https://github.com/jboss-fuse/quickstarts

    I am new to FUSE and Camel and i was trying to understand in which scenario would i use fuse or camel I downloaded CBR project from the above quickstarts links and was able to run as a standalone camel project. blu...
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    created by szarekar
  • Deploy JBoss Fuse Project

    I am a beginner with JBoss Fuse. I have create one fuse project using Jboss developer studio with Apache Camel spring context.. Currently I am running my project in local machine in internal Jboss-eap integrated with ...
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    last modified by hushen.savani
  • Deploy a WebService CXF packaged in WAR

    Hi!   I tried to deploy a simple Apache CXF WebService packaged as WAR file inside JBoss Fuse 6.1 with no success. I followed the steps described in JBoss Fuse Documentation: WAR Deployment Model (sounds like th...
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    last modified by rafaelcba
  • How to identify if the incoming request is SOAP or REST in Camel

    Hi,   I have exposed my camel project as a rest web service. http://localhost:9090/route/restservice/getQuote   How do i identify that the incoming request is SOAP or rest - if it is REST or SOAP (are ther...
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    last modified by szarekar
  • How to identify if incoming request is soap or rest in Camel

    Hi,   I have exposed my camel project as rest based -http://localhost:9090/route/restservice/getQuote   but how do i identify if the incoming reqest is SOAP and if yes, convert it into to REST   Thanks,
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    created by szarekar
  • How to invoke a rest service from Camel routes

    Thanks Grzegorz This is what i am trying to achieve   1) REST UI http://localhost:9090/route/customerservice/customers/GOOG   2) Calls :http://www.webservicex.net/stockquote.asmx/GetQuote?symbol=RHT ...
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    created by szarekar
  • Error running camel project - https://github.com/christian-posta/file-rest-blog/blob/master/README.md

    Hi I downloaded the project from gethub   https://github.com/christian-posta/file-rest-blog/blob/master/README.md serviceclass is I tried running the project using two ways - import javax.ws.rs.*; import j...
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    created by szarekar
  • CAMEL-FUSE project error

    I am running this sample camel project. however, I am getting below error on camel:run Could you pls help   [ERROR] ************************************* [ERROR] Error occurred while running main from: org.apache...
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    last modified by szarekar
  • what is Jboss FUSE - is it a container or framework ?

    What is the difference between Jboss FUSE and Jboss EAP
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    last modified by szarekar
  • Getting SOAP-Request Headers in Response

    when i invoke a camel cxf endpoint by passing Headers, i get the same headers in response, is there any way to ignore the headers only in response.   This is how i get Headers-   public void processHeade...
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    last modified by niteshjain132
  • features:install jdbc-driver-postgres [command not working]

    Hello Everyone,   I am trying to issue the following command from the JBoss Fuse shell: features:install jdbc-driver-postgres   This is however is not working. When I type in this command I receive the...
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    last modified by x100
  • Fuse 6.1 installation issue

    Hi guys,   I am new to Fuse and wanted to get familiar and run the example application. I have downloaded the zip file jboss-fuse-full-6.1.0.redhat-379.zip. After unpacking in a directory I run the command: bin\...
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    last modified by stoyan
  • How to get the System Environment variable inside camel context

    I have a system variable "JBOSS_FUSE_HOME" and in my camel context i tried this   <camelContext trace="false" id="Camel"  xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring"> ..... .....   ...
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    last modified by niteshjain132
  • Please explain me the difference between Jboss FUSE and Apache camel

    when to use and not to use -   Jboss FUSE and Apache camel ?
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    last modified by szarekar
  • Invoke a Route on bundle StartUp

    Server - Jboss Fuse 6.0 Trying to invoke a route when the ApplicationContext is loaded successfully using ApplicationContextAware Interface.   package com.test; import org.apache.camel.CamelContext; import or...
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    last modified by niteshjain132
  • Not able to load Drools through knowledgeBase/ksession

    does anyone know why sample drools project is working when run via main() Method , and when invoked via camel processor, i'm getting the following error wile trying to create the knowledge base (KnowledgeBase kbase =...
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    last modified by niteshjain132
  • JBoss Fuse ESB Cluster setup

    Hello Experts,   I am new to JBoss Fuse ESB and exploring the best practices in setting up a cluster of ESB. I also could not understand the usage of Profile and container. When and why do you create a profile a...
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    last modified by dpravin74