• Baseline calculations, trendsup metrics

    I'm using RHQ 4.5.1 and maybe this is different in 4.8 (Cassandra.)   I noticed baselines are calculated for some metrics for some resources, but not all. (These are the low/high bands etc.) Why is this? Is ther...
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    last modified by genman
  • HornetQ, XAResources and Oracle database locking issues on RHQ 4.9

    I have an HA configuration with quite a lot of agent hosts (2,000). Seen periodically are these weird HornetQ errors. I think this has something to do with XAResource and the database. I see a lot of database locks wh...
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    last modified by genman
  • RHQ 4.9 Agent cannot discover running software.

    edit: Moved the questions/issues to the top. Bolded those items that are new since the last edit.   Apache Web Server and PostgreSQL can only be detected when they are run via the console window or when their se...
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    last modified by brandondash
  • CPU Utility Percentage of RHQ Agent is about 8%

    Dear RHQ team,      We are using RHQ4.7.0 to monitor JBossAS5 and JBossAS7. Our UPJAS Agent runs on a Linux server which has 2 Core CPU and 4G memory, and monitors 2 JBossAS5 and 1 JBossAS7. As a ...
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    last modified by huchangchun
  • Any chance of a "ballpark" ETA for RHQ 4.10?

    Hello, After a lot of activity with several versions before 4.9 came in September, it's been quiet. I am guessing the devs are working on 4.10 and that JON 3.2 is involved and requires a lot more QA. Possibly it's ru...
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    last modified by pathduck
  • Documentation fixing/improvement

    Hello RHQ community,   I just followed the documentation to install RHQ 4.9 from scratch on one machine.   A few points that I came across:   On Installing the server: https://docs.jboss.org/author/di...
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    last modified by juliusmensing
  • Dealing with CASSANDRA-4206 -- "AssertionError: originally calculated column size of x but now it is y"

    Hi, I've encountered CASSANDRA-4206 on multiple Cassandra nodes.   The bug pertains to compaction failing. In particular it seems the metrics index won't compact:   INFO [CompactionExecutor:1720] 2014-01-...
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    created by genman
  • Monitoring application MBeans of JBoss AS7 running in "domain mode" using RHQ

    Hi,   has anyone experience in monitoring application MBeans of JBoss AS7 running in "domain mode" using RHQ?   MBeans seem to be fine when running AS7 in "standalone" mode, but not accessible in "domain" ...
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    last modified by dreschler
  • Question about RHQ

    I used the RHQ4.9. After I install the rhq-server  rhq-agent  and so on. I try to Operate ,when I select the execut now ,but it does't to work now.it seems didn't to Execution at once. it always It is alway...
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    created by jeryma
  • use the rhq4.9 to monitor the was7

    Hi, I used the rhq4.9 to monitor the websphere for testing according to the https://code.google.com/p/rhq-websphere-plugin/wiki/SetupGuide .when I set the environment and start the rhq-agent, I found the below warn e...
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    last modified by jeryma
  • Question about RHQ and Websphere

    hi,guys Rencently, I meet some questions about me. I need your help,thanks advance. how to use RHQ to monitor the websphere7 application server? I hava added the websphere plugin in rhq plugins:   and when ...
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    last modified by jeryma
  • Question about RHQ visiting to http://localhost:7080

    [root@pre05web01 bin]# ./rhqctl start 20:18:44,451 INFO  [org.jboss.modules] JBoss Modules version 1.2.0.CR1 INFO 20:18:45,372 Logging initialized INFO 20:18:45,401 32bit JVM detected.  It is recommended to ...
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    last modified by jeryma
  • RHQ 4.9; Data compression taking a long, long time

    Initially I noticed that graphs were missing data more than a week old.   Digging a bit deeper, I've been seeing the following being logged:   server.log:08:41:43,250 INFO  [org.rhq.enterprise.server....
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    last modified by genman
  • How does an agent plugin know when a connection setting has changed?

    I am working on an agent plugin where users are able to connect to a JMX MBean server either remotely or via local attach.  Is there some sort of ConnectionSettingsListener that allows me to be notified if the us...
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    last modified by amyw
  • Is it possible to programmatically update plugin configuration within ResourceComponent?

    Is there some way to update plugin configuration within a ResourceComponent and have the values persisted to the database so that when the user pulls up the Connection Settings page, they are able to see the updated v...
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    last modified by amyw
  • Disabling a resource type -- Necessary to uninventory?

    I've seen that uninventorying a resource in RHQ takes about 10-15 seconds. For 1000 resources, that's around 4 hours. The performance is so bad it maxes out a couple of CPUs in Oracle, plus it's written to require the...
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    created by genman
  • The quantites of one  rhq-server conncet to agent servers

    Hi,RHQ guys, As I have configiured the RHQ-server HA environment on my test environmet ,I want to know some important messages about one rhq-server connect to agent server ability without pause. If my server is 4c 8...
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    created by jeryma
  • Question about RHQ storage database postgres

    Hi ,RHQ guys I have configure the two RHQ server cluster on two different machines.the two rhq-server use one postgres database on one machine. After a while,the postgres database will appear this below about per 10...
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    last modified by jeryma
  • Question about RHQ4.9.0 configuration

    I have configured RHQ Server and RHQ-storage RHQ Agent on my one machine.I want to add another rhq agent on another machine, I have install the rhq-agent  jar plugins well. what should I do to configure rhq agen...
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    last modified by jeryma
  • Server 4.9; waiting for ever for initalization of Remoting

    Hi, after installing 4.9 from scratch (I had problems with the upgrade), the server won't start properly and no login window is shown. The RHQ logo flashes for an instant when going to coregui, then just a blank page...
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    last modified by pathduck