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Thread resource operation run as
resource operation run asHi, would like to check if there is an option to specify what user on given platform should be used to perform resource operations. Imagine situation where there are single platform with muliple application se...
Thread How to monitor SNMP from RHQ server or agent?
How to monitor SNMP from RHQ server or agent?Help please, I am trying to set up RHQ (server or agent) to retreive SNMP data, and then generate alerts. I found reference to an "experimental" plugin with broken source code links. This seems like a com...
Oracle TimesTen driver; cannot reload native libraryThe plugin I wrote works, but it seems like the classloader for the plugin doesn't unload its libraries, so I must do a full restart of the agent. It seems that ClassLoader is GC'd but maybe not in all cases actually ...
High consume memory on RHQ 4.1.0Hi guys. I have in my enviroment the RHQ 4.1.0 server and postgre installed on the same machine. I monitor 29 machines with RHQ. I configured 2GB of memory ram for the RHQ machine. After few hours, the java process co...
Rest API: POST Resource errorHi, I am a developer of the jboss overlord project. We have an integration of our project with JON. Here are the installation steps we follow: https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/UseDtgovToDeployAnApplica...
Resource updates complexityHi, working on some management task via RHQ and ran into an issue that seems a bit complex as for such as simple task. Imagine I need to change a size of connection pool in a resource group - JBoss AS7. So to ...
Thread RHQ Installation Error - rhq-server.properties file is not valid
RHQ Installation Error - rhq-server.properties file is not validOn Windows 7 - Install PostGresql 9.3, LoginRole, create a database rhq. - Modify the rhq-server.properties updating it with the postgress database information. rhq.server.database.connection-url=jdbc:postgresql://...
RHQ InstallationHi, I am a developer of the project Jboss Overlord. I am trying to perform a deployment in the RHQ platform. These are the steps I followed based on the official documentation: - Install PostG...
Thread Affinity groups UI broken in RHQ 4.12, Agent list still limited
Affinity groups UI broken in RHQ 4.12, Agent list still limitedI thought I'd ask before firing off some bugs. It looks like the Affinity UI for RHQ 4.12 doesn't work. You can't create new groups, you can't assign agents to existing groups. The other UI element is ...
Availability Monitoring in new UIHi, since the new graphs the old Availability screen is replaced with a green bar showing availability. This is good but it has one major problem, in that it is really hard to 'hover' over a point in time and...
Thread Impact if agents are not reachable by server
Impact if agents are not reachable by serverHello together RHQ is exact the monitoring solution as we need in our project. Unfortunately one exception ... In our deployment we can't provide reachable agents for any host, because they would be in foreign...
RHQ on WildFly 8.1Hi there , i just starting to learn RHQ server and I am wondering is it possible to deploy rhq on WildFly server . I mean i simply want to run rhq on wildfly . I did not find any example...
Thread RHQ Storage/Cassandra performance issue in RHQ 4.12
RHQ Storage/Cassandra performance issue in RHQ 4.12This is my (fairly large) test system, with 3 cassandra nodes, 6 disks each, etc. RHQ 4.9 performed fairly well, with compaction/aggregation times, so I'm not sure why performance is worse or different. ...
Thread Upgrade 4.6 to 4.12 fails: Database Plugin versions are not updated.
Upgrade 4.6 to 4.12 fails: Database Plugin versions are not updated.Hi, after fixing the other bug I think this one is a harder nut to crack. Upgrade using 'rhqctl upgrade' exits with no errors using the command:
./rhqctl upgrade --from-agent-dir /opt/rhq/rhq-agent --from-se...
Automation for bundle managementHi, I am trying to figure out if there is any out of the box automation capabilities for bundle management. Assuming there is CI server (like jenkins) that build and test projects that should be provisioned to...
Thread Upgrade 4.6 to 4.12 fails with missing keystores during Jboss startup
Upgrade 4.6 to 4.12 fails with missing keystores during Jboss startupHi, I've started upgrading our installations to RHQ 4.12 and have encountered an error when upgrading one of our older 4.6 installations to 4.12. The installer fails at the point where it (I assume) tries to ...