• rich:menuItem and resetValues property

    Hello, in project which I am co-developping we are currently working on RF 4.5.8 and we are using resetValues property on rich:menuItem component. We need it to handle opening popups with validated inputs.   ...
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    last modified by michal_d
  • Openfaces validation scripts not getting included in page

    Libraries used: javax.faces-2.2.9, richfaces-rich-4.5.4, openfaces 3.0 Server Environment: JBoss EAP 6.4.2 My xhtml page uses openfaces(xmlns:o="http://openfaces.org/") for validation only. See typical example below...
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    last modified by sudda_1
  • Problem upgrading jboss eap 6.4 with jsf 1.2 to 2.1

    Hi, I am upgrading a huge app written with richfaces 3.3.3Final,  myfaces 1.2,  and jsp as the view technology. Since the app is bug I hoped to upgrade it gradually, so I decided to remain with the jsp view...
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    last modified by vera_vol
  • static data in rich:dataTable

    Hi,   Is it possible to use static data ( data which is not a result of iteration over a collection ) in a data table ? like so:   <rich:dataTable border="0">      <rich:column ...
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    last modified by shandor
  • ExtendedDataTable selection null in ui:include page

    Greetings Everyone. Im facing a problem with extendeddatatable and I will try to explain, I'm sorry if my english is not so good, maybe Im doing something wrong because Im pretty new in Richfaces and I spent some hou...
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    last modified by mariulin
  • enter key closes rich:popupPanel depsite oncomplete logic

    I've built a rich:popupPanel that is a data entry dialog and works as intended but for two small issues:   1) the status doesn't appear (it does elsewhere). 2) the Enter key with the focus in any field closes ...
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    last modified by arnieaustin
  • Resize of rich:editor not filling panel area

    I have a modal panel that is a simple pop up to show a comment field. The data is rich text so I'm using the rich:editor to display it.   <a4j:outputPanel id="modalShowTextOutputPanel">    ...
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    last modified by arnieaustin
  • a4j:commandButton, actionListener, event.data always false

    I have a a4j:commandButton labeled "add" that brings up a rich:popupPanel to perform an add action in a modal dialog. The Save and Update buttons:   <a4j:commandButton id="cmdSaveModalCommentEdit"  ...
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    last modified by arnieaustin
  • rich:autocomplete is not working

    I am working on richfaces migration from 3.3 to 4.2. I am stuck with the replacement of rich:suggestionbox tag with rich:autocomplete tag.   Richfaces 3.3 code, (It is working code)   <rich:suggestionbo...
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    last modified by seamlearner
  • rich:tab "Value" Name attribute is missing in the RF 4.5.13??

    Hello,   What is the equivalent Name Attribute for the Value as like in the RF 4.5.13??   value false java.lang.Object The current value of this component. Why this is removed? I have a problem in setting...
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    last modified by sivaprasad9394
  • rich:contextMenu with h:outputLink not firing the event in RF 4.5.13

    Hello,   Trying to fire the link url via rich:contextMenu with h:output link.My url has been generated properly but ,by clicking the menu nothing happens.   for contextMenu class="rf-ctx-itm rf-ctx-itm-sel...
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    last modified by sivaprasad9394
  • which version of richfaces should work with websphere smoothly?

    Dears,  nowadays we are working on upgrade richfaces 3.3.3.Final to richfaces 4.xxxx, so kindly advise which richfaces version should work smoothly on websphere app server
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    last modified by ash.gaber
  • Only First row "input text" - onclick- cursor position not going to the beginning of text box

    Hi,   When I click only on first row input text box the cursor is not setting to the beginning of text area. Other rows are working fine.   please find screenshot:   The code is:   <!DOC...
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    last modified by gopalh
  • RichFaces Migration from 3.3 to 4.5

    Hi All, Currently application is developed on JSF 1.2 and RF 3.3.0 platform, Now as per the requirement we need to migrate application to JSF 2.2 an RF 4.5 version. JSP Part is OK for now. Can any one please share co...
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    last modified by sumeetsrivastava
  • Select highlighted value on click of tab button in rich autocomplete

    hi,   I want rich autocomplete to select highlighted value on click of tab button, Is there any way to do so?   On click of enter key, It select's highlighted value, I want same thing to happen on use of t...
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    last modified by sachinrajmane
  • <rich:select> behavior

    rich:select is behaving weird. On selecting items with same label but different values, its behavior is different. Code used is given below.     <h:form id="loginForm">     <rich:sele...
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    last modified by yudhirb
  • Chrome 44 version tabindex is not working.

    Hi,   I know this is a browser specific issue but I just thought this is the best forum i know to bring the issue up.   Only in Chrome 44 version when I click on text box field and then press tab key , ins...
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    last modified by gopalh
  • ExtendedDataModel getRowKey() always returns null

    Currently working on an upgrade from richfaces 3.3 to 4.5. I am trying to migrate a class that was previously a SerializableDataModel and working to an ExtendedDataModel. The it seems to display correctly but when I d...
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    last modified by jland10
  • a4j:push does not recreate listener thread for JMS messages after connection is lost

    Hello, I have encountered strange behaviour when using a4j:push component in application. I am using Websphere, JSF 2.0, and richfaces 4.5.11. There is a Jms server and a applications server. Jms server hol...
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    last modified by naidmer
  • Help with custom tag attribute

    I have a custom tag that is composed by a <h:outputLabel /> + <h:inputText />. I need the maxlength to be optional. The problem is that when I use <f:attribute /> I get a class cast exception. Tag: ...
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    last modified by fkj