• Expanding rich:tree till to the particular tree node based name criteria entered outside of the tree in rich faces 4.3.5

    Hi,       I am using rich faces 4.3.5 version and I have a requirement like, I need to expand rich:tree programmatically until the name or id of the tree node matches which is entered outside of t...
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    last modified by askkuber
  • RichFaces CDK component rerender

    Hi.   I'm trying to create my own component. I want to add some kind of buttons or links to my component, which will fire its decode renderer method (for do some logic) and then rerender my component with new ...
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    last modified by madd123
  • @Inject instance is null on start up servlet

    Hello All,     am new in CDI, (Container Dependency Injection). My problem is and injecting one bean class and using that injected bean class instance used in servlet constructor. The servlet is call on s...
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    last modified by vipinlal.tg
  • How to walk through the treebinding (UITree) programmatically  and set their treenode expanded based on node text matching in Richfaces 4.3.5

    How to walk through the treebinding (UITree)  programmatically and set their treenode expanded based on node text matching in Richfaces 4.3.5. is there any way I can walk through the rich tree (UITree) programm...
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    created by askkuber
  • using rich:contextMenu in action column to navigate to another page causes render issues

    So, I have a list page with a data grid. The last column, "action" had a drop down menu in it and onhover would appear a menu of edit or view. Choosing either, navigates one to the edit page.   On the edit page,...
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    last modified by arnieaustin
  • How do I run the Panel Manu Example in Showcase Example

    Hi,   I am new to JSF, Please help me to run the basic example for Richfaces. I am following the http://showcase.richfaces.org/richfaces/ samples. But when I tried the examples (RichFaces Showcase ). It doesn't...
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    last modified by chandrasekhar.goka
  • rich:popupPanel form submission issue

    Hello. I have modal rich:popupPanel within h:form. Something like this: <h:form id="popupForm">     <rich:popupPanel id="popup"           ...
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    last modified by dfilippov
  • rich:focus inside rich:popupPanel not applying focus

    I have two modal rich:popup panels (dialogs) for data entry. I have a rich:focus inside the form of each, linked to the related action bean's property that indicates which field to focus:   rich:focus id="focus"...
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    last modified by arnieaustin
  • script error with rich:select

    I have a rich:select on a page and receive the following after autocompleteMethod returns a few options.   TypeError: this.popupList is null /org.richfaces.resources/javax.faces.resource/org.richfaces/select.js...
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    last modified by corneil
  • Rich faces 4 +Mojarra 2.0.1 ->Ajax Render not working.

    Hi,   Please find my code attached for the below requirement: 1) I have added <a4j:outputPanel> inside <h:form> of a main pop up page. This is the main pop up page and when I click on this "Add Vend...
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    last modified by gopalh
  • RF 4.5. CR1 - popupPanel doesn't work properly (autosize and tooltip)

    Hello, On RF 4.5 CR1, the autosize attribute doesn't apply when the content of the popup is dynamically updated. Is there a javascript method that i could call on the oncomplete of my event to force the popup resizin...
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    last modified by bluez974
  • Guidance requested on getting previous screen to refresh

    This is not a purely RF question, but of the Places listed, I thought I'd put it here.   We have a UI pattern we follow through out out applications:   List Screen where user can enter filter criteria and ...
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    last modified by arnieaustin
  • richfaces autocomplete getting the selected row on key enter

    I am using richfaces 4.5.9.final. I use a composite primary key on my objects, as e.g. carVendor, carTyp, carYear. I want to show the CarVendor in an autocomplete field with a table layout. The fields carTyp, carYear...
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    last modified by klaus55
  • Richfaces 4.0.0 + Mojarra 2.0.3 => Ajax problems in dynamic ui:include

    Hello everybody,   As I found many topics about the same problems and tried every solution I found and that nothing worked, then I decided to ask for my problems here. Maybe I dodn't found the good topic to sol...
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    last modified by maze_fr
  • rich:picklist target property getter is not invoking

    Hi,   I am facing very strange behavior with rich:picklist component. The getter method of Value attribute property is not invoking. because of this, all the target values are setting to Source box. Could any o...
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    last modified by vpenugo
  • rich:calender is not working in RF-4.5.6

    I am using rich:calendar and it is opening when I click on calendar icon. but the issue is when ever I click on next/previous (icons -- '<<', '<', '>', '>>' ) icons the calendar is disappearing and n...
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    last modified by vpenugo
  • JS called from modal popup hangs with status behind panel

    See the dialog below. If the user selects the class type, it should refresh the backing bean list for the related classes. I have these two (plus the dates) on a tab that serve as the search UI for the trainings taken...
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    last modified by arnieaustin
  • RichFaces 4.5.2 & Websphere 8.5.5 - a4jCommandlink/a4jCommandButton/a4jsfunctions onComplete is triggered multiple times

    Hello everyone,   In our application on Websphere environment, we are facing an issue related to a4j components [commandLink, commandButton, jsFunction]. The onComplete behavior is getting triggered multiple tim...
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    last modified by karthik143
  • RF-13854 still present in 4.5.10.Final

    I have two rich:select's with the second dependent on the first, which is shown below. Notice the presence of the listWidth parameter as discussed here: RichFaces 4.5.10.Final VDL Documentation.   <ui:decorat...
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    last modified by arnieaustin
  • Ajax not calling listener, opening modal panel anyway.

    I have a bean that displays a list of records on a tab page in a data grid. The last column, Action, contains a rich:dropDownMenu with two actions: Edit and View.   The menus are supposed to execute a method on ...
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    last modified by arnieaustin