Thread Maven build arrived in the ODE-1.x-fixes branch
Maven build arrived in the ODE-1.x-fixes branchHi guys, After merging in the latest code from the ODE-1.x branch the maven build arrived in the RiftSaw 1.x-fixes branch. Huray! Now setting my eclipse was a breeze, well after checking in the generated class...
Usecase request: UDDI lookup of EndPointsI've been working on integration of UDDI into RiftSaw, and we now register BPEL EndPoints into jUDDI. We also have request to lookup EndPoints in UDDI, so I think the way this would work is: 1. One deploys a B...
Deployment order of BPEL processesIs there a way we can control the order on which BPEL jars are deployed? Typically as services depend on one another it'd be nice if the deployer can check the children are up. I'm asking because the...
Deployment order of BPEL processesIs there a way we can control the order on which BPEL jars are deployed? Typically as services depend on one another it'd be nice if the deployer can check the children are up. I'm asking because the UDDI design calls...
BPEL event listener quickstartHi I have added a quickstart to demonstrate a simple implementation of the ODE BpelEventListener interface. Give it a try and let me know if there are any problems. Regards Gary
HELP : Modify SOAP request a run time !!!Hi i'm working on developing an autonomic architecture to support workflow monitoring . I'm using Riftsaw M1. I integrated JBoss AOP framework with riftsaw to define my joinpoint. My idea is based on intercep...
How to become Riftsaw developerDear developers I am studying Software System engineering at the Aalborg University in Denmark (1st year of master studies). I am interesting in participation on Riftsaw development. I am not very experienced ...
Roadmap for RiftSaw 3.0I wanted to start a discussion on a roadmap for RiftSaw 3.0. The reason for using version 3.0, as opposed to 2.1, for the next release, is that I think it will be based on ODE 2.0 - and therefore have a backward compa...
Regarding bpel-deploy.xmlHi guys, What do you think about Riftsaw make the deploy.xml (actually bpel-deploy.xml), easier for editing not using the Eclipse Plugin, or besides any other approach, like to use Groovy or a more easy (readable) XM...
ESB BPELInvokeIn examing the BPEL invoke I have a couple questions. 1) The User Guide says: "However this section will describe how integration between RiftSaw and JBossESB actions can be achieved without the use of web ser...
WS-HT implementation of your choiceHello, I see you have WS-HT integration in futures in roadmap ( Do you think, you could integrate your RiftSaw with Apache HISE? ...
Revisit versioning strategyWhile working on I've realized that we have a general problem with process versioning: ODE itself doesn't deal with versioning, apart from making sure that only one proc...
Deployment event hook?Hi Gary, talks about registration of the BPELEndpoints in UDDI. What do you think is the best place to pick up the 'deploy-event'? thx, --Kurt
riftsaw repohi, I am not sure when will we merge current riftsaw repo into jboss org repo? or we will host it as a separate repo? as I checked out the riftsaw repo, it took me a long time, was wondering if we can merge it into ...
Thread Initial integration test mechanism now in trunk
Initial integration test mechanism now in trunkThe instructions for running it have been added to the build page: The referenced file on the command line needs to point to a property file (similar to the...
Thread Ant script for installing db's datasource, driver etc
Ant script for installing db's datasource, driver etchi all, I just committed an ANT script for installing db's datasource driver etc. so, in the riftsaw-2.0 distribution, go to install/ update the database property as following:
Shared web context If we derive the web context from the wsdl file, then it's very likely that we run into the error attached to the issue above. It's actually not an error, but to be expec...
next release riftsawHi, I'm working in research group at the university Computer Science engineering (Federico II Naples). My work is centered on the management of BPEL flows at runtime. In particular i should be able to change a single ...