Async vs synch in choreography modelsOr perhaps a better title is the use of two-way Choreography Tasks vs one-way. We have had the discussion before about how to model async services in BPMN2 Choreography models. One of the more interesting feat...
Missing Savara 2 scenario artifacts?A couple of things dont seem to be available any longer in the Savara 2 scenarios: 1. Description attribute on message links. Even with the structured attribute list, it is useful to have free text annotations. 2. R...
bpmn opens as white document - featurelessHi the bpmn files generated from savara are not showing correctly in the bpmn editor. I have got the latest from I'm not sure if this is re...
Thread Does Savara have support to go from BPMN2 to CDL and the reverse?
Does Savara have support to go from BPMN2 to CDL and the reverse?I was wondering if there is a facility that enables you to create a BPMN2 from a CDM model in pi4soa part of Savara and if there is a way to go from a BPMN2 in Savara to a CDM model? Cheers Steve T
Where is the BPMN editorI just created a fresh Indigo environment with all the Savara/pi4soa plugins installed. I imported the purchasing example and then generated the BPMN. But NO EDITOR so the bpmn files are all text only (and xml of cour...
Savara Purchasing ExampleI have decided to port all my scenarios to Savara scenarios. In so doing I downloaded the pruchasing example but to my surprise there is no model just schema, requirements and messages. http://downloads.jboss....
Problem with a scenario and modelI have been trying to get the model tested against the scenario but the last create(tns:ClearedDerivativeTransactionMessageType) doesn't seem to work. I have checked the model and the scenario many times but am stuck....
Thread How to model asynchronous service interactions?
How to model asynchronous service interactions?Often it is known early on in the service development lifecycle that there is an existing service that must be consumed as part of the business process (choreography), for which the service will respond asychronously....
Thread Error creating Choreography from Scenarios - SAVARA-BPMN2TOOLS-00008
Error creating Choreography from Scenarios - SAVARA-BPMN2TOOLS-00008When I select the SuccessfulPolicyQuote.scn and UnsuccessfulPolicyQuoteBadDriver.scn and select Savara -> BPMN2 -> Create Choreography I get the following error Error: 'file ..../SuccessfulPolicyQuote.s...
Thread Any executable examples in BPMN 2 (or in Switchyard BPEL) ?
Any executable examples in BPMN 2 (or in Switchyard BPEL) ?Hi all, I was wondering if there is any executable example (purchase example for instance) developed in BPMN 2. I wanted to start using SAVARA from a complete (from scenraios to executable processes) e...
Thread How do I write CDM's that can generate BPMN2
How do I write CDM's that can generate BPMN2I have a fairly small CDM model (attached I hope) and I have turned on the super validation for the CDM model. My aim is to generate BPMN2 for the CDM but I still have errors in the CDM that are as a result of the sup...