• Event to observe beforeTransactionCommit

    Is there an equivalent of beforeTransactionCompletion event in Seam 3 ?   Basically my requirement is that i need to send out an email but only if the transaction is ready to commit. In seam 2 I did this by obs...
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    created by davisonri_k12
  • Seam 3 need at least other 2 minor version updates

    Hello, I invested quite a lot in Seam 2, and I was (and am) happy to see that the core of it became a standard with CDI (that I really  like) but obviously after you have many projects and clients you cannot jus...
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    created by demetrio812
  • Seam Security - Authorization doesn't work (with workaround)

    Hello, I've followed the Seam 3 guide to add Authorization check using Seam Security, basically I have a custom @Admin annotation and I applied in Pages.java to avoid unauthorized access to the administration by user...
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    created by demetrio812
  • Seam Faces InputField injection not working

    I have already posted this question on Stackoverflow, but I fugure posting it here might reach a more appropriate audience. I am not sure if this is the appropriate forum for this, so please corret me if I posted in t...
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    created by bjoernp
  • Why @ViewScope and Seam Managed Persistence Context doesn't work?

    Hello friends,   How I use Seam Managed Persistence Context with @ViewScope? When I put:     @SuppressWarnings("unused") @ExtensionManaged @Produces @PersistenceUnit @ViewScope private EntityManag...
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    last modified by rafaelmeireles
  • seam 3 identity on a cluster

    Hi,   Everything that I read on the forum tells me that I should have no problems running a seam 3 application o jboss cluster. I also read on seam security docs that the Identity is a session scoped bean. So I ...
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    last modified by kgoedert
  • Spring Seam : ManagedPersistentContext and Injection (Spring -> CDI)

    Hello, I create a sample app with spring some time ago. I've managed pretty easily to : inject spring bean into CDI configure Seam 3 ManagedPersistentContext from Spring (à la Seam 2) Here's what I...
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    last modified by gonzalad
  • Seam security external and SAML.

    hello, In documentation of Seam Security http://docs.jboss.org/seam/3/security/latest/reference/en-US/html/index.html, is information that there is only OPENid support. Is this actual, or maybe there is possibility ...
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    created by mrychly
  • Managing conversations thru url patterns

    In Seam 2 I could configure transaction boundaries via the pages.xml thru something like this   <begin-conversation join="true"/>   1. Is there something similar that I can do for SEAM3/Weld ? I want...
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    last modified by davisonri_k12
  • Seam3 Scala Bean problem

    Hi all,   I tried to change this example (http://blogs.sourceallies.com/2010/02/java-ee-6-and-scala/) and make it a single EJB bean referenced from directly from the view using Seam and I am getting an strange ...
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    last modified by rafaelri
  • Simple application with Seam Faces

    Hi !   I'm trying to create very simple application with Seam Faces. But I can't do it!   I have: 1. Created empty project (with  org.jboss.spec.archetypes:jboss-javaee6-webapp-archetype:7.1.1.Beta3...
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    last modified by mike_sh
  • Error on deploy Seam 3 example eap51-weld-jsf-webapp

    I am trying to deploy eap51-weld-jsf-webapp on JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final on Ubuntu 12.04 and JEE7 as default. And I do not know if is the server version or the Java version but I get the following error,   23:02:36,0...
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    last modified by pepelara
  • Integrating jBPM 5 with Seam

    Hi, I’m a computer engineer student working in a project with jBMP technologies. We have software using jBPM 3 integrated with Seam 2.2, we are considering migrating it to jBMP 5. We were searching, without succ...
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    created by rquinta
  • Solder / getWebResource to all files in a folder - How?

    Hi there.   Solder makes it easy to get access to a server resource.   WebResourceLocator locator = new WebResourceLocator(); InputStream inputStream = locator.getWebResource("/WEB-INF/standard_resources/...
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    last modified by aykay
  • Seam 2.3 on jboss 4.3

    I am very interested to run seam 2.3 on jboss 4.3 , I try that after set jsf2 jars in my.ear and add this param to web.xml :   <context-param>     <param-name>org.jboss.jbossfaces.WAR...
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    created by ahmedabuzaina4
  • SessionScoped or ConversationScoped beans in Seam Cron Module

    Hi guys,   is it possile to use seam cron with SessionScoped or ConversationScoped beans??   If I try this I get an Exception with the Errorcode WELD-001303 No active contexts for scope type javax.enterpr...
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    last modified by suikast42
  • when updating the cureent object,the previously selected object is going to be updated in jboss seam

    I am using jboss seam, In my code i am using @StateFul session,Session scope and extended persistence context. when i am going to update the current object using entity-manager.merge(obj) and entity-manager.flush() ,t...
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    created by vinay0986
  • Security Module: Identity Management doesn't work

    Hi! I'm using seam 3 security module with identity management with JpaIdentityStore, postgres and Jboss 6 to create users on my database, but it's not working. I'm following the example provided (http://docs.jboss.org...
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    last modified by felipezf
  • Seam3 examples - Missing dependencies?

    I've been trying to get the examples running (specifically security-openid-rp, but I've tried several others) but they crash when I try to deploy to JBoss AS7. The error references org.hibernate.Session, so I added h...
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    created by malikdrako
  • viewscoped beans and web session replication

    Hi,   If I enable web session replication in my app which is built with seam 3 + cdi + jsf 2 in jboss 6.1 I get this exception:     {code} [org.infinispan.interceptors.InvocationContextInterceptor] E...
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    created by kgoedert