• seam-faces + seam-security + jboss-as:7.1.0.Final + maven

    hi ,   I'm working on a project where I'm migrating from seam2 to seam 3 . now during the migration I'm using seam-faces and seam-security . i was able to create a demo using these features which was a web proje...
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    last modified by rahul22
  • Seam 3: Persistence module and Drools

    I added the persistence module to my project, however it throws a ClassNotFoundException because it's missing drools. I go to seam's website to download the drools module, but it's no longer continued. Will Seam Persi...
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    created by arg20
  • Multiple Persistence Units / EntityManagers In Seam 3

    Having a little trouble getting this going. I have two databases. Trying to use seam persistence and the documentation is shall we say... incomplete. Ive been doing this for years in seam 2.   Here is what i ha...
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    last modified by nathandennis
  • Issue with redirected home page accessing two datasources

    Hello,         Problem scenario:       I am accessing my application using URL: "http://localhost:8080/context/" so there after it goes to "index.html" and from...
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    last modified by beanfarmer
  • SeamTest javax.naming.NoInitialContextException

    Hi everyone,   this is my first discussion in the JBoss Community!   I have now for longer a problem with Seam tests. I have no Idea what the cause could be. Maybe an information I still have to specify so...
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    last modified by franc.rovett0
  • seam tools in myeclipse 10.0 IDE.

    how can I use seam tools in myeclipse 10.0 IDE. Help me with instructions
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    last modified by ramukarnati
  • seam3 in glassfishV3.1.2.2

    Hi everyone, Recently, I deploy a seam3 demo to glassfishV3.1.2.2,  come on the folowing error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Servlet [ParticipantPortTypePortImpl] and Servlet [CoordinatorPortTypePortImpl] h...
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    created by liseri
  • Solder 3.2 needed to resolve SOLDER-336

    https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SOLDER-336 has a pull request https://github.com/seam/solder/pull/79 which solves a serious issue regarding CDI / RichFaces. Are there any plans to release Solder 3.2 (including issue S...
  • try using REST (@POST) and make authentication with LDAP

    I'm using Seam 2.2.2 Final and I'm trying, from the implementation of Web Services RESTFul, authenticate a user through the implementation of "IdentityStore" with LDAP but I can't get the injection from "org.jboss.sea...
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    last modified by paulotrc
  • Issue using @MessageBundle with .i18n.properties file

    I am trying to configure internationalized messages using the following guide http://docs.jboss.org/seam/3/solder/latest/reference/en-US/html_single/#implementation-classes My Idea is to bind @MessageBundle interface...
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    last modified by a.andreev
  • Seam 3 Cron with JDBC

    Hello,   Is it planned to support Seam 3 cron for cluster? Up till now this is not clear how the instances of the cluster are synchronizing.   Thank you.
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    created by svanaudenhove
  • seam 3.1 dependencies problem?

    Hi,   I am using maven 3.0.3 to create a seam 3.1 project. The pom is as follows:   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www...
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    last modified by kgoedert
  • Seam Faces, Persistence, Servlet, Catch produce NullPointerException

    Hello together I'm on the setup for a new project for a Glassfish 3.0.1 ( Community ) and work on the dependencies. Seam Faces and Seam Persistence works proberly. But i will also use the atch module and have add it...
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    last modified by mischu
  • Documentation for LDAP in Seam Security

    There are several threads on how Seam Security's LDAP Documentation is incomplete (eg. >>), so I'll focus on trying to formulate what have been its main lagoons for me, in order to see if someone can help us her...
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    created by numerico
  • Incremental hot deployment with Maven and Eclipse

    How do you configure incremental hot deployment with Maven and Eclipse?
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    last modified by jee4hire
  • SEAM 3 - Invalid authorizer method declares multiple security binding types

    I need help for create security pages.           @ViewPattern("/paginas/manter/*")         @Role1 @Role2       ...
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    created by mederafael
  • JSF2 + Seam 3 Persistence Module

    Hello! I'm programmer and currently i'm working with JSF2, Tomcat and I am trying use  the Seam 3 Persistence Module   I'd like to know if someone already worked with this seam module, because i have some ...
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    last modified by gpfurlaneto
  • Seam persistence and flush mode

    I'm tinkering with seam persistence (Beta1). The documentation is a little light on how to set the flush mode to manual. I tried using a managed bean (@Named, not @ManagedBean) but after calling a method from my JSF p...
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    last modified by andrewwheeler
  • JBossAS 7.1.3.CR1: JBoss Solder doesn't work anymore

    I compiled JBossAS 7.1.3.CR1 and then tried to deploy my war which uses JBoss Solder 3.1.1.Final and runs fine on JBossAS 7.1.2.Final.  However, during deployment I'm getting a NPE in Solder's GenericBeanExtens...
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    last modified by juergen.zimmermann
  • Seam3 Conversation Scoped PersistenceUnit

    Hi,   I'm converting my seam2 app to seam3.   My JSF page calls a @ConversationScoped Seam Backing Bean which then calls @Stateless EJB (my service layer).   The JSF page starts a conversation and ov...
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    last modified by tom_goring