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Thread Does JBossSerialization support HttpServlet Request & Repons
Does JBossSerialization support HttpServlet Request & ReponsI have worked late last year on a project to "offload" web browser and system capabilities detection to a separate EJB. On the same local machine as my JSP running (Tomcat, Jasper) it worked fine since running within ...
Thread StackOverflowError during passivate of SFSB
StackOverflowError during passivate of SFSBOn my JBoss 5.1.0.GA passivation of an SFSB ends up with an StackOverflowError. Is there any way to get a detailed info which object causes the trouble? Caused by: java.lang.StackOverflowError &...
OutOfMemoryErrorHi, I get the following exception when serializing/deserializing an object of type: javax.management.openmbean.OpenType, Type: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError Message: Java heap space Stack trace: at java.lang.Abstrac...
Thread Is JBoss using JBoss Serialization by default?
Is JBoss using JBoss Serialization by default?Hi This may be a stupid question but... we're using JBoss 4.0.5, is it using JBoss Serialization by default? If so: 1. Is there something we could use/do to speed things up (serialized objects ...
Thread ConcurrentModificationException in writeSlotWithMethod
ConcurrentModificationException in writeSlotWithMethodHello, We have an application which runs in multiple nodes, they all connect to servers which are distributed amongst these nodes. Sometimes, around 20% of the time or less, we get a ConcurrentModificationExce...
Mavenization statusI managed to make everything compiles and JAR created, but am seeing test failures. It seems like the Jrunit configuration in pom.xml is incorrect. I disabled all tests temporarily in pom.xml. To run tests, you can ru...
Thread JBossSerialization marshaller/unmarshaller in JBossMarshalli
JBossSerialization marshaller/unmarshaller in JBossMarshalliI'm starting to work on a marshaller/unmarshaller in the JBossMarshalling project that uses JBossSerialization, so I'm creating this thread for issues that come up. In some cases it looks like we may request changes t...
Thread Using customized RMI socket factory with JBOSSSerialization
Using customized RMI socket factory with JBOSSSerializationHello all, We are trying to imrove RMI performance in one client-server RMI application. we customized RMI socket factory (client and server), which uses customized Socket and ServerSocket, which use JBOSSObjectInput...
jboss serialization performanceHi, Im having real problems with the performance of standard java serialization. I need to turn fairly large and complex objects in to an on-the-wire format using a (fairly) transparent mechanism (e.g: java serializa...
Thread How does JBoss Serialization handle large object graphs?
How does JBoss Serialization handle large object graphs?There is a very long-standing bug in Java serialization where it is prone to stack overflow errors when serializing large object graphs, see http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4152790 for the bug. I'm...
jboss-serialisation on 4.2.0.GAHi, I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me understand why I intermittently see this error: 2008-01-30 19:05:31,749 ERROR [ejb3.cache.simple.SimpleStatefulCache.ReportController] problem passivation thre...
Interop sanity checkWe can do this, right? JBossOutputStream on JVM for vendor 1 -> JBossInputStream on JVM for vendor 2 And this holds true regardless of whether the serialVersionUID is specified in code? In other words, JBoss ser...
MultithreadingHi. We are currently using jboss serialization for a multithreaded server solution. I just ran some performance tests and saw that all my worker-threads were busy and when generating a stacktrace they all are in the ...
Thread Fail to read a serialized object with jboss serialization
Fail to read a serialized object with jboss serializationHi, I use jboss serialization with jboss cache and I have an IO exception during deserialization. So I try to serialize and deserialize my object directly with jboss serialization and it fails. Here is the stack trac...
Serialization with NIOLooking at adapting JBoss Remoting to NIO, and I've encountered a problem with serialization. Ideally, using NIO, a small pool of threads can handle a large number of connections. The amount of time that a server thre...
JBSER-84 - Improving serializationIt is possible to avoid duplication of immutable objects... Say if in a object tree, you have the same immutable object twice, we could consider it as a single object. That would save streaming size and possibly CPU ...
String compression and performanceI was just wondering what kind of performance improvements would one expect to see for serializing plain old String objects. I am planning on using JBossCache to cache XML data and it uses JBossSerialization under the...
Debug support for SerializationHello, I'm not sure if this is the right forum for the problem but for some parts is sure is. I'm looking for a way to debug this weird serialization error i'm having (Running JBoss 4.0.4 GA). I've no idea who is wor...