• How do I use Switchyard JCA binding for BytesMessage?

    The JBoss Switchyard quickstarts all use string message types and available transformations only handle text format.  I have attempted to use jca-inflow-activemq and jca-outbound-activemq demos for ActiveMQ Bytes...
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    last modified by uz072c
  • Switchyard Install Fails on Eclipse

    I ma having a heck of a time doing what should be the most simple thing - getting SwitchYard to install in Eclipse.   I am following instructions from the SwitchYard installation page: Home - SwitchYard - Proje...
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    last modified by patrickawilson
  • SwitchYard No Longer Basis for SOA-P 6?

    I was puzzled to see last week the announcement from Red Hat that a public beta of the new SOA-P 6 has been released based on FuseSource Works.  I had been wondering why the public beta was taking so long to be r...
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    last modified by archsynthe
  • Deploy order of sub-dependencies in ear-bundled SY applications

    Hello, I'm currently working on a project where we deploy several SY application (10+) as a single EAR package, which works great. Now we would like to introduce dependencies among SY applications, simply to start one...
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    last modified by jachym.culka
  • How can i use switchyard camel with activemq?

    I get confused in  switchyard camel ,Mq in default is hornetQ,But I am interesting in how to use activemq with camel
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    last modified by alex.liu
  • Switchyard - Configure for multiple E-Mail boxes

    Hi   In short: I have a DB table that carries a list of mailboxes (with username/passwords). I am trying to configure switchyard to pull emails dynamically from exchange based on data in this table. My plan is...
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    last modified by nojlib
  • Simple question regarding switchyard and jsf integration

    Hi, I'm studying switchyard, and I have this question about implementing switchyard services: We have 2 projects; One project is web based with jsf; The second project is a switchyard project with enterprise servi...
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    last modified by ribeirojc
  • Multiple Transformations On Camel Route's Contract

    My setup is as follows: Component 1 is a Camel route which splits messages in two categories and routes them to Component 2 Component 2 is a Camel route which aggregates the the two messages categories The two mess...
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    last modified by pzl_mz
  • How to call from non-SwitchYard Application without HTTP protocol

    I'm researching a proper Switchyard API which corresponds to ServiceInvoker provided by JBossESB. I've alread read a forum[1] and understood that @Reference and RemoteInvoker are very useful tools for us, however I fo...
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    last modified by ksuzumur
  • Redundant from() in Camel Java DSL

    Is it possible to get rid of the from("switchyard://SomeSerivice") in a Camel Java DSL? I think this feature existed in the inline route( implementation.camel )  but since inline routes are not allowed anymore I ...
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    last modified by pzl_mz
  • SwitchYard - SFTP, FTP

    Hi,   I have this requirement.  I need to read files from SFTP server and do some massaging.   I am using the SFTP binding for this reason.  But what I want to do is, premove the file to my l...
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    last modified by srini8881
  • Error handling policy for SwitchYard

    Hello,   I'd like to know if SwitchYard has a feature that can configure the policies on error handling over SY applications, or at least there is any plan to implement such a feature. For example, how can I con...
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    last modified by tadayosi
  • NPE occurs in unit tests when a service has two File bindings

    Hello folks,   I'm trying to create a SY application with the following switchyard.xml:     <sca:composite name="camel_helloworld" targetNamespace="urn:switchyard-quickstart:camel_helloworld:1.0">...
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    last modified by tadayosi
  • SwitchYard does support database polling?

    Hi,   I would like to know if SwitchYard ( or Jboss ESB) supports SQL executions by time time frequency. For example:   Every 5 mintunes, execute "select * from table where status = 0".   I another S...
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    last modified by leandropantoja
  • Switchyard error store/fault sink documentation

    Hi   The documentation here https://community.jboss.org/wiki/ErrorAndFaultHandling mentions an error store or fault sink that will be used to store faults if no fault handler is specified and implies that there ...
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    last modified by tschan
  • Is it possible to have 2 different components with rest bindings using the exact same root context path?

    I have component A promoting some interface to which I create a rest binding. The same for component B. Both components are packed as ears and deployed as such.   The problem is, when deploying both, given the...
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    last modified by susanacabaco
  • Error in deploying switchyard application on Jboss 7.2.0.Final

    Hello everyone!   I'm trying to deploy an application on JBoss 7.2.0.Final to test SwitchYard, and I'm getting an error listed below -     14:39:03,792 ERROR [org.jboss.msc.service.fail] (MSC service...
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    last modified by tenzor
  • Max transactions per second achieved with Switchyard

    Hello,   I have heard that bringing an ESB into an architecture, when compared with directly communicating with say HornetQ or Zeromq for raw messaging, will result in performance hit. Is that true?   Our ...
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    last modified by kkopalle
  • no response of camel component

    Hi,   my camel component is promoted as soap webservice and consumes a bean service . Routing and bean service use the same java interface.   <service name="TestWebService" promote="Routing/RoutingServi...
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    last modified by tstelter
  • Switchyard Property delegation to remote service

    Hello,   I have a main module(jar) with all service classes and a switchyard.xml which defines these main services. Then I will have multiple other jars which will define own services by referencing the main se...
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    last modified by mkoenig