• Some questions on ESB and BPEL usage

    As a software engineer without substantial integration experiences, I'm currently having a hard time wrapping my head around the bird's eye view of how my target architecture is supposed to look like in a real-world s...
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    last modified by andi.scharfstein
  • SwitchYard 0.6 App in OpenShift via Forge

    This article will describe the steps required to build a sample application using JBoss Forge. As OpenShift does not currently (2012-11-15) have the latest version of SwitchYard, this document will also describe the s...
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    last modified by jsightler
  • Installing SwitchYard via Forge

    I am attempting to setup a SY project via forge, but the process is consistently failing:   Using Forge at /home/jsightler/javadevtools/jbossforge/latest     _____     ...
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    last modified by jsightler
  • Importing quickstarts into IDE

    As a complete beginner when it comes to ESB implementations in general and SwitchYard in particular, I though it might be a good idea to take a closer look at the quickstarts to get a feeling for how SY projects are s...
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    last modified by andi.scharfstein
  • Chaining Transformers

    This discussion involves the first use case "Chaining transformers, case intermediate format" listed here: http://community.jboss.org/wiki/Transformationusecases   The idea being that an organization may have a...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • SwitchYard and ESB Integration (Need your suggestion)!!!

    Hello,   I'm looking for a way to implimente a Solution based on JBPM, ESB and an Intranet (J2EE). I'm  new to the SwitchYard Comunity, and i don't know if the SwitchYard it's the perfect solution for my ar...
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    last modified by imadt
  • Implementation recommendation for service using 3rd party SOAP service

    This post is related to another post I made in the forum (https://community.jboss.org/thread/203243), and I am struggling to understand how to implement the following service model:   We integrate with several th...
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    last modified by mike.daleiden
  • Is it possible to configure a service with a client-specified timeout?

    We are currently using SOA-P 5.1 (JBossESB), but are looking to evaluate SwitchYard as it is the replacement for JBossESB in 6.0. An initial question that as come up is whether a service can be configured with a clien...
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    last modified by mike.daleiden
  • Switchyard bean service lifecycle

    What is the default lifecycle for a bean service in Switch Yard?   When using SOA-P 5.1 and annotated POJO's the default was per pipeline (essentially application) and I'm curious if it is the same with bean ser...
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    last modified by jwgrein
  • Scala and SwitchYard

    Hi Guys,                 I really like Switchyard, thanks guys for awesome simple integration framework. I saw switchyard supports Clojure, a...
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    last modified by marcus1460
  • How to configure filesystem to MQ by switchyard camel component

    As i am doing some investigations on how is it works that switchyard integration with Camel, I felt a little bit hard to understand the process of routing/processing/different pattern implementation by just providing ...
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    last modified by davidgrubby
  • SwitchYard upgrades to AS 7.1.0.CR1

    Is it auspicious to say that SwitchYard now uses "Flux Capacitor"? Well, yes! Because that is the code name of JBoss AS 7.1.0.CR1. The nightly builds of SwitchYard now uses Flux Capacitor. How cool is that? You can do...
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    last modified by mageshbk
  • Need Content Based Router After XSLT Transformation

    I try to run quickstart transform-xslt demo project, it works well. I want to add content-based router based on the value of a element or attribute in  the soap messaage after XSLT transformation. The destination...
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    last modified by alanchen
  • FileWatcher with SwitchYard

    Hi, I'm new to switchyard and also to AS7. My problem is to start a bpm ( bpmn2 ) with SwitchYard services when a file is put in a directory. Would Someone please help me or tell me where is possible to find am How...
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    last modified by scisci
  • Switch Yard and jboss esb

    Hi, I would like to know why there is a need of a new ESB system. I mean what will be the differences between switch yard and jboss esb? I red the main page of switch yard but I couldn't understand in what will it ...
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    last modified by hifly81
  • NullPointerException from Orders demo in Quickstart (win 7 64 bit)

    Hi there,   I'm very new to Switchyard and while following the getting started guide for release 0.1 I cannot seem to deploy the Orders service. Below is the console output:   E:\AppCode\JBoss\switchyard-a...
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    last modified by chrischou
  • Create a SwitchYard Gateway vs Implement Camel Component?

    Dear SwitchYard,   I am interested to integrate xws4j (an XEP-0244 IO Data implementation for XMPP) to SwitchYard. The goal is that services can be exposed and used through XMPP IO Data just as easily as they ca...
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    last modified by ceefour
  • Embedding SwitchYard inside Eclipse Runtime?

    Is it possible to embed SwitchYard inside Eclipse Runtime?   Specifically, so that deployed services can be Eclipse plugins, in the sense that required bundles use the OSGi classloading mechanism.   Thank ...
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    last modified by ceefour
  • SwitchYard hops with White Rabbit

    Note: Since this blog was written, JBoss AS 7.0.0.Final (Lightning) has been released and our build now bundles this.   Our nightly builds are now pre-configured with JBoss AS 7.0.0.CR1 (White Rabbit) and Switch...
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    last modified by mageshbk
  • JBoss SwitchYard vs Apache ServiceMix vs JBoss IronJacamar

    Dear SwitchYard developers,   How does JBoss SwitchYard compare to Apache ServiceMix?   Are they direct competitors? They seem to be targeting the same field.   My observations:   Both are tools...
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    last modified by ceefour