• How to allow CORS

    Hi, I've a service bean with a rest binding, is it possible allow cross orignin resource sharing? How to add need headers on http response? Thanks Mirko
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    last modified by scisci
  • Switchyard not getting loaded while installing Fuse on EAP container

    Hello,   I have downloaded jboss-eap-7.0.0.Beta.zip and extracted it and I am able to execute the server in both the standalone and domain modes. However, when I try to deploy the Fuse jar fuse-eap-installer-6.2...
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    last modified by deepalic
  • switchyard-helloworld-demo.rar

    yes here is the design. I am using Wildfly 8.1 and switchyard-2.0.0.Final-WildFly
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    last modified by salvuzzo
  • JMS message selector

    Any examples and/or advices how to use message selectors with either JMS or JCA (with JMS) binding and reference? I could not find any examples. The idea is simple: one component sending messages with certain propert...
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    last modified by ozkin
  • Switchyard SOAP binding can only consume unwrapped packages, how do i put the stripped part back?

    Hi, apparently soap bindings in switchyard can only consume bare soap; if you do not set this <soap:messageComposer unwrapped="true"/> so a soap envelope like this <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.o...
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    last modified by ckazan
  • What is the easiest way to add additional properties to outbound JMS messages via Camel JMS Binding?

    Hello,   I'd like to attach an extra property to outbound JMS messages emitted from a SCA reference implemented by Camel JMS Binding like this:           <reference nam...
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    last modified by tadayosi
  • switchyard Clustering standalone mode in different boxes

    Hi All, Iam a newbie to Jboss FSW 6.0 and switchyard, iam trying to acheive clustering by creating two instances of jboss eap 6.1 in different boxes.   I had connected the machines in network using wifi router....
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    last modified by ravi21588
  • Invoke Activity Failure and Recovery

    Trying to achieve the functionality as described at ODE link http://ode.apache.org/extensions/activity-failure-and-recovery.html SwitchYard 2.0.0 I have created SwitchYard project with BPEL component and succ...
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    created by anandkumar1427
  • Security using Wildfly 8

    I think that Switchyard could have a problem with the security context using Wildfly 8. When I deploy a sample app using Wildfly 8, I get the exception:   Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/c...
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    last modified by arielcarrera
  • Delayed Queue in Switchyard

    Hi,   We are using switchyard for creating a number of web services. We have a requirement to send a message (xml) to a Queue with an initial delay of 5 hours. Another service consumes this Queue after 5 hours...
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    last modified by vinodhvp
  • Resteasy component - JAX-RS Sub-resources

    Hi, is it possible to create jax-rs subresources in Switchyard?
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    created by arielcarrera
  • Upgrade JBoss ESB 4.4.GA to SwitchYard

    Hi,    We are looking to perform the following upgrade and need some advice regarding migration from JBoss ESB to SwitchYard:   JBoss 4.2.1 --> WildFly 10 Seam 2.1.1 --> Seam 2.3.0.GA RichFac...
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    created by barrybevel
  • Roadmap Switchyard

    Hello Team,   I would like to know the plan de switchyard by the next years.   Is there a Roadmap ?    Thanks and happy new year !
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    last modified by gonzalo.luengo
  • Attaching MIME headers to SOAP request

    I am trying to attach MIME headers to a SOAP request. I have attached my code. The header is not getting attached, I tried checking using TCP/IP monitor is eclipse. Kindly let me know what am I missing here?
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    last modified by bhaskar87
  • Runtime business processes

    Is it possible to add / deploy new business processes (bpmn) to SwitchYard at run-time? Maybe it is not a feature of SwitchYard as such.. The idea here is that, say, JBoss/SY is hosting multiple SY applications and y...
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    created by ozkin
  • How to add customer serverpipeline factory to switchyard camel netty component

    I have a requirement where, i need to check whenever a client connects/disconnects to my listening socket. As i am using switchyard netty binding, i see there is no paramter options for this. Even if i plan to use ne...
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    last modified by bhaskarsk
  • Switchyard: Invoking outbound soap webservice with NTLM authentication fails

    Hi,   I am trying to invoke an external webservice using the following NTLM configuration in switchyard.xml:       <sca:reference name="EngineSoap" multiplicity="0..1" promote="Route/Engi...
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    last modified by hariprasad.chindam
  • JPA binding with Switchyard

    Hi guys,   I'm new to Switchyard and wrote my first little app which retrieves content from REST binding, routes response to bean and then stores data (+- 500 records) using JPA binding and JTA transaction manag...
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    last modified by bhampton
  • Problems trying to construct a clean and realistic pom.xml for Switchyard/wildfly 8.1

    Hi, I am trying to do a little demo project from scratch... I downloaded the switchyard zip with a lot of modules into the layers SOA and BPMS and copied these into a wildfly server... Now I am trying to get a clean...
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    last modified by arielcarrera
  • how to run switchyard web-service on different jboss server

    Hi all,   I've a question. Is there a way to run siwthcyard service on a jboss server which is independant from switchyard ? For instance, I've developed a switchyard application with wildfly support and seen th...
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    last modified by delivren