• Response is not returned from Camel's onException handler

    Simple test application has one composite service with HTTP binding and one Camel route implementing the service. The route has own exception handling and transforms the response to "error" string in case if an excep...
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    last modified by ozkin
  • Null pointer exception in CDI Bean inject Switchyard

    Hi Guys,   I am working on a SwitchYard project where I am trying to consume a Rest Service. Its running on Jboss EAP 6.3 though I have tried on Wildfly but error remains the same. The application gets deployed...
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    last modified by ramandeep
  • I/O Parameter Mapping in JBPMN- Switchyard

    I am using jBPM3 Tools (version- 4.5.2000) Final to create a very simple BPM process. My Process has got just one SwitchYard task in it. When I try to create I/O parameter mapping under Switchyard Service Task-->Pr...
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    last modified by tarun_bansal04
  • Injecting web service problem

    Hi all,   I've got an issue with injecting a web service into a bean, the web service is never intialised so when it's method are called I get NullPointerException. The code for injecting the web service looks l...
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    last modified by lostvicking
  • camel bean to activemq

    i am looking to build a switchyard service that reads messages from activemq and sends the message to another queue.  i'll need to implement a dynamic content based router and as such would like to leverage camel...
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    last modified by mlybarger
  • Problem deploying service on Fuse Service Works server

    What I get following the The Open Universe: Your First Fuse Service Works Application tutorial, a basic hello world project. I try to deploy my switchyard-example SwitchYard project and the console gives me this: ...
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    last modified by stevenswj
  • SFTP Reference - Switchyard 1.1

    Hi i'm working with Switchyard 1.1 and in one project I reference a Interface Java with binding SFTP and Generate a File.xls and I need move that File to the folder reference with the SFTP and works fine but the file ...
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    last modified by slashispy_91
  • Which version of wildfly does SY support?

    Hello   We are currently running SY1.1 on Jboss 7.1x, and are looking to upgrade SY.   Can someone tell me what is the latest stable version of wilfly that SY2 runs on?   Thanks
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    last modified by magick93
  • Missing dependency installing SwitchYard tooling in JBoss Dev Studio

    Problem is somewhat similar to Hints needed regard SwitchYard Tools installation | JBoss Developer although I'm using JBoss Developer Studio 8.1 not Eclipse.   I follow the 'correct answer', which is installing ...
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    last modified by stevenswj
  • SY 2 Beta 1 not working with Wildfly 8.2 final

    I tried upgrading both SY (from A2 to B1) and Wildfly (8.1F to 8.2F) simultaneously and have been unable to get it working.  The main error on bootstrap I get is this:   SWITCHYARD040005: Unable to load mod...
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    last modified by moraleslos
  • Single URL for many rest services

    Hello. I am developing REST services and they have to use single URL. For example http://localhost:8080/broker/web. Each REST service packaged as JAR according to tasks they intented(customertasks.jar, internalprovid...
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    last modified by maciavelli
  • Configuring redelivery delay and maximumRedeliveries when working with AMQ

    Hello. My environments: WildFly 8.1. SwitchYard 2.0. Active MQ 5.11. I made an SY application which gets messages from queue in ActiveMq message broker. For this task I have added resource adapter in WildFly:  ...
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    last modified by maciavelli
  • A service reference to service '<<X>>' is not bound into this client proxy instance.

    Hi Guys,   we are using SwitchYard 1.1.0.Final in our app and we are reproducing a behaviour that is happening from some to time.   Sometimes, when we start our application, some services seems not be be ...
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    last modified by calca
  • Transformer to convert Pojo to itself

    Any ideas why SwitchYard would need a Transformer to convert a Pojo to itself?   SWITCHYARD010813: Cannot convert from 'com.mytest.Pojo' to 'com.mytest.Pojo'. No registered Transformer available for transforming...
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    last modified by ozkin
  • JBDS creates switchyard.xml file invalid

    Hello,   Using JBDS 8.1.0.GA with switchyard projects, I have the following error message in the Problems tab:   The referenced Java interface for service "OrderRepositoryReference" specifies more than one...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • RESTEasyPublishException

    Hello   In my project I have a switchyard bean with a reference to another bean, and when I'm trying to add RESTEasy binding to this reference at deployment I have such exception:   23:44:52,614 ERROR [org...
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    last modified by anikulin
  • camel route json unmarshal

    i have a simple sy project that tries to unmarshal a simple json string to an object in the camel route using camel's xstream library.  i tried the jackson library, but it gives a similar error:   Caused by...
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    created by mlybarger
  • how to properly create and register Camel Endpoint within SY 1 and get CamelContext

    Hallo,   I'm trying to create an bean endpoint and register it within Camel/Switchyard context (SY version 1.1). This is part of a method with @Named bean:          ...
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    last modified by dzizes713
  • Is a Switchyard service a singleton?

    Greetings all,   If I create a SW bean service (annotated with @Service) is this service deployed as a singleton within SW? My initial testing indicates it is: I added a method annotated with @PostConstruct and ...
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    last modified by earnest.dyke
  • Domain mode Clustering with SwitchYard

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    last modified by mageshbk