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Thread maxThreads in Switchyard ?
maxThreads in Switchyard ?Hi, JBoss ESB allows for the setting of maxThreads on its various listeners. The value of this maxThreads config can be used to throttle concurrent processing by a JBoss ESB service. I'm...
Fuse Service Works and Jbpm Integration.Hi, I am working on POC to develop service platform and I am looking for Human Task Interface for fallout transaction as well as monitoring. To achieve my goal I need JBPM and Fu...
How to test a SOAP bindingGreetings, In a composite, I have a service exposing a WSDL interface and having a SOAP binding. The service has a reference to a component with a JPA binding. In order to test the composite, I deploy it and I...
Thread Issue with jms binding with reply to and requesttimeout
Issue with jms binding with reply to and requesttimeoutHi, I have a scenario where i need to implement sync consumer and async provider . Service A: Http service -> puts message in to a OrderRequestQueue which is a internal hornet queue ( has reply to a...
Thread Issue with soap binding not getting response.
Issue with soap binding not getting response.Hi Iam not getting response from switchyard component when i use soap binding. my switchyard xml is as below. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <sy:switchyard xmlns:camel="urn:swi...
Thread How to implement Sync to Async provider in switchyard.
How to implement Sync to Async provider in switchyard.Hi, I need to implement below scenario in switchyard. Consumer calls Sync soap webservice which is in switchyard, it sends the content to a queue, the queue is read by another route, the route replies must be sent b...
IBM MQ Integration JMS Gateway BindingHi, Iam trying to connect to IBM MQ from switchyard application. Iam using MQ Version: Jboss FSW 6.0.0 GA Jboss EAP 6.1 i have added the resource adapters in standalone-full.xml and started...
Any timeline on v2.0.1? (SW-2825)I know it's bad form to pester developers about releases and specific efforts, but I've been wanting to run SwitchYard with WildFly 8.2.x for months now. From what I understand from previous comments, that functionali...
Thread Clustering,Loadbalancing and Highavailablity http and jms
Clustering,Loadbalancing and Highavailablity http and jmsHi, I understand the clustering in standalone mode with respect to sca binding(internal communication within switchyard). Can you please tell me how can i achieve clustering with respect to http components and JMS c...
Thread Need help on migrating customized JBoss ESB Listeners to Switchyard
Need help on migrating customized JBoss ESB Listeners to SwitchyardWe have written customized JBoss ESB Listeners for creating dynamic listeners extending org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.lifecycle.AbstractScheduledManagedLifecycle in our application and now we are not sure how these will...
Thread Java Inheritance with respect to Swithyard/Camel
Java Inheritance with respect to Swithyard/CamelHi All , I was going through different components of Switchyard with respect to Java's Inheritance feature. The only information I got on this topic was through this link which mentioned about extension modul...
Thread I can't start the demo-policy-securty-wss-username project.
I can't start the demo-policy-securty-wss-username project.I tried to start demo-policy-securty-wss-username. I deployed the application and run WorkServiceBean.main But, I caughed the error : main, handling exception: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.val...
Thread How to implement cross domain resource sharing in switch yard
How to implement cross domain resource sharing in switch yardHi All, I have a switchyard project where I am exposing rest services is it possible allow cross origin resource sharing? How to add need headers on HTTP response? Basically how can I use CORS filter here , I don'...
Unable to resolve cache-container cluster.Hello, i have a problem.I created a project with SwitchYard, with a Service and ServiceBean. When deployed this project, i get this error: 22:08:45,822 INFO [org.switchyard.component.sca] (MSC service th...