• Problems with JBoss Developer Studio

    Hi Guys.   Im trying to install the Switchyard at my JBDS, and in the first step I just get problems.   Im running on Windows 7, 64. My JBDS is the   JBoss Developer Studio Version: 6.0.0.GA Build...
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    last modified by fmaymone
  • SOAP header properties

    Have found a problem with handling of header values in the BPEL component. When a header value is included in the SOAP request header, it is passed through (assuming the context mapper is set) to the BPEL component wh...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Client-Challenge Security Callbacks?

    I just created SWITCHYARD-1304, which I think we really need.   Here is the description copied/pasted: There are at least two places in our code where we extract security credentials that, if not found, we just ...
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    created by dward
  • please help test clustering

    Code still needs to be cleaned up a bit (more than a bit in some places), but it's functional and nothing in terms of configuration or setup should change between now and beta 2.  If you have a few spare cycles, ...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • Unable to bind remote:binding.soap error

    Hi All,   I am trying to add the quickstart camel-soap-proxy to a JBoss AS7 cluster. While building with maven I am getting the following error: Invalid content was found starting with element 'remote:binding.r...
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    last modified by kkopalle
  • Review of properties support for 0.8

    Here's a summary of our discussion of properties support in 0.8: https://community.jboss.org/wiki/SwitchYardPropertiesSupport   Tomo - can you review that and let me know if more detail is required?  As pa...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • The Button Pad Is Your Friend (Updates for SWITCHYARD-954)

    Ok folks, feedback time again.   For SWITCHYARD-954, we've been talking about further fleshing out the button bars in the editor to accelerate development. Less click & drag from the palette and more hover,...
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    last modified by bfitzpat
  • SwitchYard Editor Design Changes

    Hey all,   If you haven't seen SWITCHYARD-1266, it's a request that the SwitchYard editor look "softer" and "more like the Eclipse bpmn2 modeler."  These are rather amorphous requirements, but I gave it a s...
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    last modified by rcernich
  • Integration test applications

    This thread got me thinking about our release testing: https://community.jboss.org/message/794151#794151   In particular, it reminded me that our current integration testing for release builds is based exclusiv...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • Need feedback on Component Service/Reference Nub Changes in Editor

    As we've done some cleanup for SwitchYard 0.8 in the editor, we've been doing some work to "smooth the edges" of the UI a bit and make it more pleasant to look at.   One of the things Rob did was change the shad...
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    last modified by bfitzpat
  • Improving fault/error handling (even more)

    Lukasz added some nice updates for making errors more visible here: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-1245   I would like to discuss some additional measures that can be added on top of this support.&#...
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    created by kcbabo
  • ack a consumed hornetq core message

    Hi,   this post is in regards to the onMessage(....) function of the Hornetq InboundHandler.java   when working with the Hornetq Core API, i'm pretty certain that the clientMessage.acknowledge() function ...
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    last modified by jbride
  • Generated config in quickstarts considered harmful?

    I'm beginning to think so?  Even though we have tooling support to view generated config, there's still an issue with viewing the switchyard.xml for a quickstart in a text editor (or on GitHub) and not seeing the...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • Cache question in the clustering (remote) module.

    Hi all,   I am now working on the clustering feature for the riftsaw 3, which is deployed on top of the SwitchYard. I have a question with regard to the cache name that is used the switchyard-remote:   Wha...
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    last modified by jeff.yuchang
  • Sanity check 0.7.0.Final release

    Same thing we did for 0.6.  Download the bits and give them a run.  I have posted the 0.7 stuff to the v0.7 folder on our downloads page.   Some things I would like to see tested:   - Different p...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • How to change xml prefix on response (bean service)

    Hi,     I have defined a WSDL look like this:   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <wsdl:definitions      name="Pessoa"      targetNamespace="http:...
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    last modified by leandropantoja
  • Missing module dependency in drools module

    Hi   I'm getting some warnings when I test bam against the latest master (0.7.0.Final version), which are fixed by adding a module dependency for javax.enterprise.api into the drools modules.xml.   The war...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Camel Mail binding

    I just submited pull requests for camel-mail binding. It's based on camel-mail component.   Example configuration for mail receiver/poller. It's based on ScheduledBatchPollConsumer.      ...
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    last modified by splatch
  • SwitchYard Clustering same targetNamespace limitation

    I would like to use the targetNamespace attribute on a composite service to uniquely DEFINE AND VERSION a service. I would like to use a convention like "urn:group-id:service-id:service-version" for the targetNamespac...
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    last modified by yusufb
  • Service Clustering with copies of DTOs

    Setting up a link from a SwitchYard service to another separately deployed SwitchYard service using the @Reference annotation works well when: the DTO's are primitive types, or The Provider service and Consumer serv...
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    last modified by yusufb