• Removing @author from source files

    There are loads of issues with @author tags.  I vote for removing them, but don't let me bully you.  Can people whoe have committed (or are considering committing) please +1 or -1 removing these from our pro...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • Proposed SwitchYard Editor UI Changes

    Hey all,   After taking a bit of a breather and a look at the editor with fresh eyes (and some discussions with Brian), I'd like to propose a few cosmetic changes to the editor: Decorator Icons I think the edito...
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    last modified by rcernich
  • Can SY be installed into EAP 6.0?

    Since EAP 6.0 is based on AS7, I was wondering if SY could be successfully installed into an EAP 6.0 instance? Just for grins, I tried to run the SY 0.5.0 installer against a clean EAP 6.0 install, but it failed when ...
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    last modified by mike.daleiden
  • Transaction Policy: Stage2

    Now I'm struggling with https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-748   Code https://github.com/igarashitm/core/commit/6b61621a20bcbfde1c3ed192909a4286a34b4fbc   What I have done so far Added 3 more int...
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    last modified by igarashitm
  • SwitchYardTestKit enhancements

    Hi!   In quite a few of the tests in SwitchYard, a MockHandler is used as a substitute for the real service. For example, a test might look something like this:   String payload = "dummy payload"; MockHand...
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    last modified by beve
  • Tagging posts

    I see most of the discussions entered are never tagged. May I know the reason why? I prefere to tag any post. You can edit them later too. For example if you are creating a post of "Tooling for so and so" under Switch...
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    last modified by mageshbk
  • Testing of staged 0.5.0.Final bits

    OK, 0.5.0.Final bits are ready to roll.  It would be good if we could kick the tires just to make sure no last-second issues crept in.  Here are the download links:   http://downloads.jboss.org/switchy...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • Component Icons for Tooling

    (Work in progress)   As we've started discussing improving decorators for the SwitchYard graphical editor for the next release, it came up that we should probably have a comprehensive list of icons for bindings,...
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    last modified by bfitzpat
  • Centralize property labels for easier sharing?

    Right now, we have the following constants that are used as Context Property labels: switchyard-component-camel-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar org.switchyard.component.camel.composer.CamelComposition CAMEL_EXCHANGE_PROPERTY = "c...
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    last modified by dward
  • A few ideas for tooling

    I have been playing around with SwitchYard editor and a few ideas came to my mind. Could you let me know what do you think about it? I will file JIRAs if you like.   Generate corresponding component service from...
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    last modified by igarashitm
  • Cannot install switchyard on openshift

    Hi   I followed the instructions on https://github.com/jboss-switchyard/switchyard-openshift - the only difference was I used the openshift web console to create the jbossas-7 app.   I got the following er...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Forge install switchyard issue

    I think I'm jinxed at the moment.   Trying to install switchyard into forge, so that I can install switchyard into openshift, I get the following:   install-forge:      [echo] Creating s...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • MixIn dependency management

    On my way to rebase my JCAMixIn onto new NamingMixIn, I have noticed the NamingMixIn#(un)initialize() would be invoked twice when using HornetQMixIn and JCAMixIn together(both of them extends NamingMixIn). As Keith su...
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    last modified by igarashitm
  • Issue with switchyard.xml generated in SCA editor 0.5.0.beta1

    Hi   I created the following switchyard.xml using the SCA editor:     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <switchyard xmlns="urn:switchyard-config:switchyard:1.0" xmlns:bean="urn:switchyard...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Socket address change in 0.5 beta1

    Hi   After updating to 0.5.beta1 I've got a test failure in my copy of the bean-service OrderService quickstart that I'm using as part of the bam project. The test runs against port 18001, which used to work, bu...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Tooling of JMS Gateway

    Cant' believe I forgot this ... oh well.  Here's the spec: JMS works for both service bindings and reference bindings.   Service binding options :           ...
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    created by kcbabo
  • Where JCA outbound to sit?

    Already sent pull requests for JCA outbound, but I'd like to talk about it ... https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-834   Before that, I should say "Processor" is the plugin of JCA outbound gateway, that ...
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    created by igarashitm
  • Support for operation selectors in SCA references

    During work on sql quickstart I tried to create one reference with two bindings having different operation selectors. I discovered that this is not supported because always latest binding is executed. I found workarou...
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    created by splatch
  • Switchyard metadata in Camel mediations

    Hey, During work on sql quickstart I've found that it's extremally different to get operation name for calls from switchyard consumers. To detect operation I had to rely on body type. Are you ok with putting some add...
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    last modified by splatch
  • Support for esb interface in tooling

    Just trying to gather some bits of information for interface.esb support in the tooling.   The schema looks like this: {code:xml}    <element name="interface.esb" type="swyd:EsbInterface" substitu...
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    last modified by bfitzpat