• Before You Post to SwitchYard Development

    Please keep in mind that the SwitchYard Development forum is for development-related discussions on SwitchYard itself.  These discussions mainly occur between contributors to the project or people considering a c...
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    created by kcbabo
  • Gateway Lifecycle and Metrics Support

    Hey all,   I've recently been working on SWITCHYARD-1500, part of which includes the addition of lifecycle (i.e. start/stop) and metrics (i.e. performance data) support to gateways/bindings.  The specific c...
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    last modified by rcernich
  • Seam and CDI together Not Supported In GateIn Portal with switchyard

    Hi ,        Recently i integrated Switchyard Proxy service(PerlService), My Lead did that job with the help of Magesh, and gave the code to me to integrate,   my application involves Ga...
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    last modified by sheriman
  • Test runner (SwitchYardRunner) always validates the SY config model under test

    Hello,   I noticed that currently there is no way of forcing SwitchYardRunner to eschew the validation of the config model specified in @SwitchYardTestCaseConfig annotation, in contrast to the switchyard-plugin ...
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    last modified by tadayosi
  • Switchyard Packaging options

    I have formally started a project now with switchyard, and the first step was to seperate some of the supporting code I need into another project and include it with maven in the switchyard project. No problem there. ...
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    last modified by boanergesza11
  • Switchyard sample application

    Hello,   I have been searching for a concrete example of switchyard which can help me to understand and start developing on own. Please guide me.
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    last modified by udhayakumar_t
  • accept different mail types in service?

    Hi guys,   I have this simple app that uses the camel mail binding. I have the mail binding poll a gmail account and if new emails are received they are consumed by my app. the mailbinding forwards the incoming ...
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    created by piratew
  • Nonsensical error message

    Hi everybody;   Im new to switchyard, and have been toying with it for a while. I have been following https://community.jboss.org/en/switchyard/blog/2012/06/22/an-impatient-newbie-user-s-introduction-to-switchya...
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    last modified by boanergesza11
  • HornetQ ActivationSpec properties

    I took a look at ActivationSpec properties available on HornetQ. It's more than I thought....   [resource] HornetQ ActivationSpec implementation - https://github.com/hornetq/hornetq/blob/HornetQ_2_3_0_CR2/hornetq...
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    last modified by igarashitm
  • Adapter concept to fully support service versioning

    Hello,   I would like to discuss a new feature, I developed for SwitchYard [1]. My changes solve a similar issue as discussed in [2].   Essentially, my changes treat the problem of service versioning -...
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    last modified by goc
  • Maven dependency errors while creating switchyard projects.

    How to create a Maven local repository in our machine. I tried using nexus repository manager.Please can anyone let me know how to create a local repository. Due to  company internet policies we are unable to d...
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    created by 2yelaguresh_1989
  • Switchyard invoking BPM signal-event

    Where can I find more information on using a signal-event in a Switchyard BPM process? I am looking for examples or documentation.   I have a very simple process with START_PROCESS and SIGNAL_EVENT action types....
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    last modified by dckes
  • wsdl breaks using 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

    Hi,   attached to this post is an example SY app (packaged as a jar) that exposes a soap service and deploys just fine in SY-0.8.0.Final on EAP6.0.1   the same SY app does not deploy using SY-1.0.0-SNAPSHO...
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    last modified by jbride
  • Hello Guys I am getting an error while installing. Please can anybody help me.

    Description Resource Path Location Type ArtifactDescriptorException: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.switchyard:switchyard-api:jar:0.8.0.Final: ArtifactResolutionException: Failure to transfer org.switchyar...
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    created by 2yelaguresh_1989
  • Exposing service-level security meta-information

    The purpose of SWITCHYARD-1414 is to allow for multiple security configuration sections within a switchyard.xml, and be able to reference a named section from a component service or component reference.   So bas...
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    last modified by dward
  • Moving from auditor to event listener

    Hi   The runtime governance project currently intercepts exchanges (to derive activity information) using an auditor. The downside to this is that it requires the switchyard app to currently be packaged as a war...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Context properties and attachments in bean services

    Following up on three recent observations by Magesh: Bean services cannot set out/response context properties after the removal of Scope.IN and Scope.OUT. Bean services can accept an attachment, but not return an at...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • Transaction behavior with faults/errors

    Tomo and I have been discussing SWITCHYARD-1431 and I wanted to open the discussion up to a wider audience based on the scope of changes.  Here is a summary of the proposed changes:   TransactionHandler wil...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • Auditor and exchange

    I have been updating rtgov to use the eap6.1 version of switchyard and noticed that the switchyard exhange is no longer available as a property of the camel exchange passed to the auditor. From a brief review of the c...
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    created by objectiser
  • JAXB marshalling change between 0.7 and 0.8

    Hi   For background, this topic relates to a savara discussion thread: https://community.jboss.org/message/807515#807515 and a change that occurred in switchyard between 0.7 and 0.8: https://github.com/jboss-sw...
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    last modified by objectiser