• Need a push

    Can somebody pick up this pull: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-1162   I have a couple of other pulls in the queue as well in case you are feeling frisky.
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • Using the Eclipse m2e Checkstyle Extension

    Hey all,   If you're working on the SwitchYard project and Eclipse is your IDE of choice, you're more than likely using m2e, which may balk about the checkstyle executions in the project poms.  You may inst...
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    created by rcernich
  • Development on SwitchYard - Eclipse Plug-ins

    Development Environment Base Eclipse platform: Juno JEE Additional requirements: EMF SDK EMF Compare SDK EMF Model Transaction SDK EMF Validation Framework SDK Graphiti SDK Graphiti SDK Plus Graphical Editing Framewo...
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    last modified by rcernich
  • Sanity check 0.6.0.Final release

    Bits are posted and we need a bit of tire kicking.  Please download the distribution and test things out.   http://www.jboss.org/switchyard/downloads.html?dir=v0.6.Final   Some things I would like to ...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • Clustered Registry Architecture

    Overview This article describes the architecture and implementation of the clustered service registry used in SwitchYard.  If you are interested in how clustering is configured and used in SwitchYard, check out t...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • Dynamic Endpoint Resolution

    Is it possible to have such a feature in Switchyard? Is there any API to allow interact with the service registry at runtime in order to register new instances of known service types? If not, would it be of any intere...
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    last modified by edevera
  • Google Protocol Buffer transformer?

    I saw this JIRA for natively tranforming Google Protobuf style messages, which looks like it's been around for a while:  https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-190   I'd be interested in helping out wit...
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    last modified by cwash
  • SwitchYard Eclipse Tooling Versioning Process

    The build qualifier for the Eclipse plugins is generated automatically by Tycho.  Because of this, standard Maven versioning does not apply.  This is a guide detailing the steps required to create a release ...
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    last modified by rcernich
  • exposing Exception set in Camel DefaultExchange ?

    Hi,   i'm wondering what needs to be configured in switchyard such that Exceptions set in org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultExchange are ultimately logged to the server.log ?   i've come across a scenario wher...
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    last modified by jbride
  • can someone with a windows box reproduce this?

    https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-978   The age old saga of windows and spaces in path.  Really just need to confirm that it's still an issue and if so pinpoint where it is happening (config, sy pl...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • handling of RuntimeException in a BeanService

    Hi,    it appears that a RuntimeException is *somewhat* buried when thrown in a BeanService.    for more clarification, please add the following at the top of the submitOrder( ....) function in o...
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    created by jbride
  • 0.6 SwitchYard Eclipse Editor feedback

    Hi all,   I have been playing around with SwitchYard Editor and got a few ideas of nice to have.   Generate an integration test (invoking service via binding) add corresponding mixin into test class mock ...
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    last modified by igarashitm
  • will something like automatic impact analysis be implemented in the SOA-P 6 ?

    We are looking for something that enables automatic impact analysis, so if we change a webservice we can see what kind of impact this has on our total SOA setup. Will something like this be implemented in the SOA-P 6 ...
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    last modified by bartk75
  • Installing Switchyard on a AS 7.1 domain running in HA?

    Has anyone been able to successfully configure Switchyard to run in a domain?   I make what I believe to be all the necissary config changes to domain.xml, and copy all the module files. The configuration being...
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    last modified by kevinrc
  • [User Guide] List of annotations

    Hi,   I have created a list of annotations in User Guide https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/SWITCHYARD/Appendix+A+-+Annotations   Could you guys let me know if you find something I have missed?   ...
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    last modified by igarashitm
  • Tools - setting app namespace after project creation

    Should we allow this?  I can't seem to find an option to specify this at project creation time or editing an existing project.  I submit that we should allow both.
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • Maven mojo proposal: setVersion

    Hey there kids!   In experimenting with approaches to solve SWITCHYARD-733, I came up with a fairly simple solution.  Basically, create a new goal to our switchyard maven plugin, called "setVersion".  ...
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    last modified by dward
  • proper way to add the resteasy dependency.

    Hi all,   Firstly, not sure if this is best asked in SwitchYard forum or AS7 forum, but I am trying the switchyard first to see if someone else experience this as well.   I have now seen the following war...
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    last modified by jeff.yuchang
  • If you add a quickstart test to release ...

    First, way to go!  This is the right thing to do. :-)   Second, make sure you have your dependencies right.  This can be tough to figure out when everything is built locally, but you need to define the...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • org.riftsaw:engine:jar:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT is not found on Nexus

    Hi Riftsaw guys,   I got this error and actually I couldn't find 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT directory in https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/staging/org/riftsaw/engine/   [ERROR] Failed to execute goal o...
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    last modified by igarashitm