• Teiid array inserts incorrectly translated to PostgreSQL?

    Hi, I've created a dynamic VDB with a BOOLEAN[] column that is backed by PostgreSQL (the DDL is something like CREATE VIEW "_view_data" ("id" SERIAL,          "booltest" BOOLEA...
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    last modified by woko
  • Array data types not available in postgresql?

    Hi, I'm trying to create a dynamic VDB with a BOOLEAN[] column (the DDL is something like CREATE VIEW "_view_data" ("id" SERIAL,          "booltest" BOOLEAN[],   ...
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    last modified by woko
  • Data read scenario failing after Teiid version upgrade

    Hi,   I was using Teiid 9.2.1 earlier and upgraded to 11.1.1 in my application which is using Teiid embedded. The same data reads scenario which were running fine earlier have started giving me exceptions and fa...
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    last modified by pranavk
  • Data Sources Missing - Data Source Creation Error

    Hello Experts,   I have connected to flat file and the xml file and created two Tables successfully. After selecting one of the the table, I am clicking on the running man icon, it is giving two consecutive erro...
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    last modified by rakeshjain1
  • OData Translator Paging Extension in Web Services Translator

    Hello, all.   I just joined the group today and have just been working in JBoss for 5 months.   I have been tasked with adding the OData Translator paging capability to the Web Services Translator.  T...
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    last modified by ws6wws6w
  • How to fetch data from SOAP wsdl ?

    HI all , i am trying to fetch data from wsdl using Teiid Soap Webservice in JAVA . but no data is getting .. below is My JAVA Class method i am using   private static void Method1() {   String procedure2...
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    last modified by srinivas460
  • Tableau client not able to get batches from DV

    HI,   Scenario is that we are connecting teiid dv layer from tableau client and making a simple select. That select is heavy and expected to serve around 10 millions of rows. What we have been struggling for so...
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    last modified by sanjay_chaturvedi
  • Any How-To on installing Teiid from scratch

    Hi,   I am new to Linux and and want to install Teiid in it.  Is there a full instruction on how to install Teiid on a freshly created CentOS 7.5?   Any help is appreciated.   Thanks,   R...
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    last modified by rickshaw888
  • store procedure teiid

    Good morning,     STORE SQL PROCEDURES     I have three tables: the first table has the file name:     FILE table: fileid first name DATE OUTCOME     the second table h...
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    last modified by glprobot
  • Looking to convert timestamp into UNIX epoch value in release 9

    Hi   I am looking to convert timestamp to unix epoch value.     I could see that it is implemented as to_millis in release 10  [TEIID-5026] Add function to transform timestamp into Unix time - JB...
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    last modified by avinashch.1611
  • store procedure teiid

    Good morning,     STORE SQL PROCEDURES     I have three tables: the first table has the file name:     FILE table: fileid first name DATE OUTCOME     the second table h...
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    last modified by glprobot
  • reading csv in writing db

    source -> I connected my physical database schemas? functions? views? web_services? on other folders I do not know what they are and what needs to be done.My problem since there is a new topic for me is there ...
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  • Beginners Tutorial for beetle-studio

    Hello together, I am trying to get beetle-studio up and running with a mysql database in my Minishift environment. I cloned the sources from GitHub GitHub - teiid/beetle-studio  and got it deployed. I end up wit...
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    last modified by cjohn001
  • JBoss Data Virtualization Installation

    Hi,   So far, I was able to install JDK 1.8 and JBoss Developer Studio 11.3.0.GA. I am facing issues on the installation of Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization, it says Installation Fail:   Trying to connect...
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    last modified by rakeshjain1
  • Subject State (Semantic Web)

    Hi all,   Before digging deeper into this subject areas I would like to know about the state of the art in this respect before trying to re-invent the wheel (again) Semantic (Linked Open Data) integration:  ...
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    created by ssamarug
  • CustomMetadataRepository error

    Hello!  On implementing a custom metadata repository I've not been able to capture with TRACE or attached debugger to the Teiid process an issue with my metadata custom class.  Super-simple implementation an...
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    last modified by don.krapohl
  • Teiid/oData - Is it possible expose virtual procedure with post method?

    Hello:   I created a virtual procedure with one json parameter. I acces the virtual procedure using oData. The procedure is exposed by get method but this have the URL length limitation (2,083 characters for IE)...
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    last modified by angeladdati
  • Troubleshooting preparser loading

    I've followed guidelines from PreParser - Teiid 9.0 (draft) - Project Documentation Editor  to build and deploy a preparser.  In this trivial example I'm just returning "select 1".  I have a working Tei...
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    last modified by don.krapohl
  • Trouble converting SAP JSON datetime to timestamp

    I got the following problem, I tried consuming a SAP SuccessFactor REST service as JSON. This works without problems. However, I'm having trouble converting the date to a normal timestamp.   The format of the da...
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    last modified by marc.kusters
  • Select label are not always read

    Hi,   Has something changed in the JDBC driver?   Since teiid 10.3 (I think) I something encounter problems with software not reading column labels where it used to do this in the past.   e.g.  ...
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    last modified by gadeyne.bram