• Eol of dv

    So sad to hear that DV is no longer available after this Friday.. Amazing to me the behemoth of rh could never capture the success of mmx.  The seemingly conscious decisions that derailed the success track is un...
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    last modified by virtualdatabase
  • How to create pushdown function for DIGSTRING using ("teiid_rel:native-query" '$1') in VDB ddl xml file?

    How to create pushdown function for DIGSTRING using ("teiid_rel:native-query" '$1') in VDB ddl xml file?   Its working fine in PI OLEDB Tester, SELECT Tag, Time, DIGSTRING(CAST(value AS Int32)) State FROM piar...
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    last modified by thiru28
  • Odata v2 not showing all records

    Currently I have the following predicament. I have a view that is comprised of multiple other views (10 to be exact). These are joined using a left outer join. The datasource is an oracle database.   Whenever I ...
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    last modified by marc.kusters
  • Optimizations / Performance on federated scenarios

    Hi Guys, I was testing this amazing platform federating various datasources and I want to know if there is any standard steps to improve the performance on a scenario with multiple datasources. My execution times are ...
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    last modified by artenisdavid
  • Error when running Teiid Server [WildFly 9.x]

    I am trying to create and run a Teiid instance so that I can import and override some Teiid translators. However, when I try to run the Teiid instance I get this error: 11:27:12,352 ERROR [org.jboss.as.server] (Contr...
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    last modified by ts-giulio.brusa
  • Translator override breaks Teiid process

    When trying to override a Teiid translator to enable comments in SQL to go down to the source query (e.g. /*important info*/ SELECT 1 should show up in the source) it breaks the Teiid environment and throws an error s...
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    last modified by ts-123459
  • Does Teiid Support Importing Files Under Particular S3 Bucket Dynamically?

    Hello,   We are currently doing a POC where we have an S3 bucket. Multiple JSON files are imported into this bucket on hourly basis. The format of all the JSON files is the same. We want the newly imported JS...
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    last modified by rinku.singh.111
  • DECLARE and SET not working on VDB

    We are executing below on VDB: DECLARE @date DateTime SET @date = (SELECT CURRENT UTC TIMESTAMP) SET @date = dateadd(dd,-5, @date) Error Message: [Code: , SQL State: 50000] Remote org.teiid.api.exception.query.QueryPa...
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    last modified by adi22
  • Teiid failed to deploy due to DuplicateRecordExcept

    We have a customer try to create virtual data source that is made of three mySQL databases. On occasion, it works, but more often than not, it does NOT work.  The error says "Duplicate tables" but there do not se...
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    last modified by ichanjasper
  • teiid.io and docker

    Hi,   At teiid.io I read that docker images can be obtained from https://hub.docker.com/r/teiid/teiid/ . This docker hub page does say "This image is no longer being maintained. Please utilize https://hub.docker...
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    last modified by gadeyne.bram
  • Unable to query/import multiple json loops for Rest source

    Hello All,   Im importing Elastic Search index through Import>Teiid Connection >> Source Model>selected the data datasource Our Elastic Search index source is json file and elastic search is exposte...
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    last modified by srinath0533
  • Define list of UDF in VDB definition

    Hi,   I am trying to define multiple UDF functions in VDB definition but unable to load multiple UDF at a time, @ VDB Definition - Teiid 9.0 (draft) - Project Documentation Editor it's mentioned that we can defi...
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    last modified by kulbhushanc
  • Data source password changes for every 90 days. Any options to have fixed login.

    Hello All,   Q.1: We have odbc connection created on the Wildfly server and we are referencing the connection as data source. Since our odbc password changes for every 90 days, we will have to configure the conn...
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    last modified by srinath0533
  • How to speed up TEIID loading.

    Hello, I have ~ 100 VDBs (most of them are just newer versions of older VDBs). All of them use just one datasource (for simpler example) - postgres database defined in standalone-teiid.xml . Why TEIID standalone (wi...
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    last modified by lukyer
  • how to configure HAProxy for load balancing with Teiid

    Hi,   We have our teiid setup in domain mode. We want to haproxy for load balancing.
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    last modified by adi22
  • TEIID40095 TEIID31079 View materialized.testViewCache is not defined by a query expression.

    When I tried external materialized view .I encountered a problem : 2018-07-12 16:32:31 ERROR [main] (SpringApplication.java:833) - Application run failed org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Erro...
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    last modified by huangyun
  • REST POST and Native Query

    Hi Teiid Team,   1. The oracle database supports WITHIN GROUP which is not supported by TEIID. 2. So I have written a native query which is already working. I have created CREATE FOREIGN PROCEDURE for it. 3. I...
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    last modified by mahavird
  • Jboss DV (Wildfly10.X) integration with ElasticSearch through REST

    Hello All,   I tried to find some information online on Jboss DV integration with ElasticSearch but couldn't find any.  Are there any documents or blogs that can help me to understand the Jboss DV integrati...
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    last modified by srinath0533
  • Impersonate Oracle in the VDB

    Hi!   I connect a vdb to oracle data base. I use a service user (or generic user) in the connection. But, I need execute some inserts with impersonate. Is it possible?   Thank you. Angel
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    last modified by angeladdati
  • It fails to execute Oracle database query using teiid, but is successfull with MySQL and MSSQL server database tables

    The below logic is good and able to connect two database tables(SQL Server and MySQL databases) using Dyanmic VDB:   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {   EmbeddedServer server = new ...
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    last modified by klmurty