• Log4j 1 and 2 Teiid Logger implementations

    Hi All:   I use Teiid Embedded in two projects. One with Log4j 1, and the other with version 2.   I see inLogging in Teiid that Teiid supports Log4j 1 but I do not see this Logger implemetation in Teiid Em...
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    last modified by gary.gregory
  • datasource selection according to the caller user

    Hi,   Thanks for your precedent questions! Thanks to them we are making very good progresses.   We are working with the embedded version of Teiid (dynamic vdb). We would like to manage the access control ...
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    last modified by szarazfika
  • SAP HANA Datasource

    Hi,   We have got a very interesting task. We have to retrieve data from SAP HANA (Trial). As well as I know we do not have an sap hana translator and I tried with the oracle and hsqldb translators instead. In b...
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    last modified by szarazfika
  • Impala datasource

    Hi,   When trying to retrieve data from Impala we experience that: - Teiid can connect to the 'default' database in Impala and retrieve tables from the 'default' database - Teiid can't connect to any newly cre...
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    last modified by szarazfika
  • Loop issue in Procedure

    I'm having an issue I can't figure out if I'm doing something incorrect or there's a bug..     BEGIN   DECLARE string VARIABLES.ExecSTring;   DECLARE string VARIABLES.WhereClause;   DECLAR...
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    last modified by virtualdatabase
  • convert a comma separated string to json array

    Hello,   I have created a virtual view where i concat two fields and get a single comma separated field. now i am trying to convert this string to a json array   value of field i have is -> "one, two" ....
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    last modified by prashanthi1
  • Access to original SQL from ExecutionFactory

    Hi,   Is there anyway to get hold of the original SQL sent to Teiid (parsed or unparsed) from within ExecutionFactory.createExecution? I.e. before it has been rewritten by Teiid.   It may be accessible fr...
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    last modified by mickalas
  • NOT IN construct behaves inconsistently

    Hi everybody,   I am experiencing an inconsistent behavior of the NOT IN clause when NULL values are returned by the subquery.   For example, I have the following two tables defined in a PostgreSQL datasou...
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    last modified by fox123
  • How to get User IP when it logon failure

    When log in successfully to Teiid, we can see info in security.log:   2015-09-02 05:59:42,987 INFO  [org.teiid.SECURITY] (New I/O worker #4:) Logon successful, created session: sessionid=bFfMzaKOOmYQ; userN...
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    last modified by lxjsj
  • Question regarding transactional behavior while writing to VDB

    Hi,   I am trying some scenarios where I am writing to a VDB. I have integrated Atomikos as the transaction manager while starting the Teiid Embedded server. When I call a commit() from my application, I can se...
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    last modified by pranavk
  • Embedded Teiid authorization (dynamic mode)

    Hi,   Previously, I got the right answer about how to create a custom authentication mechanism inside a dynamic approach, thanks.   For authorization, I understand we can use the database privileges and it...
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    last modified by szarazfika
  • Can't resolve teiid-parent maven heirarchy

    Hi,   What do repositories must I add need to enable consumption of teiid-admin via maven? Why does a released version of teiid depend on a pre-release ancestor pom?   org.jboss.as:jboss-as-parent:pom...
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    last modified by pkahn
  • Embedded Teiid security (dynamic approach)

    Hi,   In my company we are evaluating the leverage of the embedded Teiid. It looks quite promising and now we have to configure authentication and authorization. We have an Active Directory that we would like t...
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    last modified by szarazfika
  • Data Not getting parsed for complex type in Odata

    While retrieving the table data from SAP using Odata, it doesn't display the data for complex type, as it is not getting parsed . It throws error Type not found "RMTSAMPLEFLIGHT.FlightDetails"     After l...
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    last modified by singhall
  • How to improve max socket connections for Teiid

    when I use server as: 2cores 8G, the Teiid can support around 500 connections, then it will throw the connections reset error but when I upgrade server to: 8cores 16G, the connections seems are also 500 connections...
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    last modified by lxjsj
  • materialized views in Teiid embedded

    I want to update materialized view in Teiid embedded for data addition/update in source data though listeners running with embedded teiid. Listeners would subscribe events of source data. So matarealized view update i...
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    last modified by rupeshsingh01
  • conversion of static vdb (xmi) into dynamic vdb

    Hi all, I am starting using Teiid Embedded. I have some question.   1. Can static vdb (xmi) files be converted into dynamic vdb (xml) ?   2. Can static vdb be used/deployed in Teiid embedded server? how i...
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    last modified by rupeshsingh01
  • how to make a update call to a view table by odata URL

    Hello,   I am trying to update one column of a view table. I have below queries in my Select and Update tabs of my transformer editor.   Select Tab-   SELECT   column1, column2   FROM &...
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    last modified by prashanthi1
  • TEIID16012 and TEIID16011 while retrieving data from View

    In the attached project, I have build a view LinkFileTrain.xml with a table TrainFileView. There is a transformation query which I have written like   SELECT   train_id AS train_id, dst_id AS filename &#...
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    last modified by jayeshgarg
  • Teiid designer giving String index out of range

    Hi,   I am using Teiid Designer version 9.1.0 along with Teiid Beta version teiid-8.11.0.Beta3. I just opened an example project PartsProject.zip(attached) and it starts giving me the below error. I am not sure ...
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    last modified by jayeshgarg