• "Unable to establish connection to server" admin error message.

    Hi Iam new to TEIID. Iam using designer to create a VDB and access same   Have a simple SQL database on which I want to create VDB and run query.     There is some issue with connection to the TEII...
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    last modified by arthiv
  • Virtual procedure store select results in variable

    I am looking for some thing like below   variable myCount;   select count(1) from table1;   if count > 0   select * from table2   else   select * from table 2     So c...
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    last modified by neetacomp
  • Row Level Security using TEIID Designer

    Hello,   As per our project, we are required to migrate from Oracle to SQL (rather support both databases instead of one).   So my first question is : is VDB useful in this case where it can dynamically co...
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    last modified by neetacomp
  • When modify existing source model to add new table, it gives the message 'model with name already exists in project'

    I have already created a souce model using JDBC Import functionality.   Now I want to modify my source model to add new table.   I am following the below steps   - Select existing source model - Sel...
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    last modified by neetacomp
  • Error previewing: Validate JDBC username and password in the default Teiid server

    Hello   With Teiid Designer 8, every time I try to preview data I get a pop-up with the following error: "Validate JDBC username and password in the default Teiid server".   In the console I get: 11:50:44,...
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    last modified by dsusin
  • Teiid:Virtual Procedure Not working from Select query

    Hi,   Rnning virtual proc using exec works, but does not work from select query.   1. exec  "CompositeViewModel"."TestProc1"()   --Works 2. select * from ( exec "CompositeViewModel"."TestPr...
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    last modified by mdalei76
  • i am not able to create LDAP Connection profile in my jbossdeveloper

    searched on net and found link http://docs.jboss.org/tools/whatsnew/teiid/teiid-news-7.1.0.Beta1.html which show snapshot that i can create ldap connection profile. i am using jboss developer studio Version: 6.0.1.GA...
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    last modified by jaigates
  • Receiving Parsing error when using the Generate Relational Models From WSDL

    I am receiving the following error when using the Generate Relational Models From WSDL. ERROR: TEIID31100 Parsing error: Encountered "DirectDepositServiceView.getDirectDeposit_response.xml_in COLUMNS effectiveDate [*...
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    last modified by dnkopp
  • Auto generate option for  views

    Sugggestion:   If columns are defined for a view add a button to auto generate stubbed-query to make it valid...   I.e. select null as column1,null as column2, convert(null,timestamp) as column 3...... ...
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    last modified by virtualdatabase
  • XSD-->view import

    When creating a relational view model/table from schema... apply the annotation for the element as the column descritpion as well as any other applicable properties.
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    last modified by virtualdatabase
  • Type Resolver UI isn't giving option to convert from Source attribute type to target attribute type

    I upgraded to Teiid Designer 8.1 beta 1 from Teiid Desiger 8.0 Final   This functionality used to work just fine old Type Resolver UI.   I have target attribute as float and source attribute as double. ...
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    last modified by shakirhusain
  • how to write data using TEIID

    Hi,   I wanted to know, how to write data from text file or database to a database using TEIID.   Cheers, Mandar
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    last modified by mbisne
  • Does Preview Data work in 8.0?

    I am using designer 8.0 with Teiid 8.3.  When I try to preview a table in my view model, I am seeing the following exception.   However, when I deploy/execute the same vdb, and run a query against the s...
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    last modified by skethire
  • Error previewing data

    I am using Teiid 8.1 aplpha1. I have been able to create a vdb, deploy it and connect to the Teiid Server running on a remote jboss instance.  When I try to preview one of my tables, I get the following error: &#...
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    last modified by skethire
  • Is it possible to define UDF with vararg to be used in a static VDB ?

    The purpose of the function is to accept list of numbers and convert it into a List object:   public static List makeList(Object... items) {   List returnList = null;   if(items[0] instanceof Double)...
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    last modified by shakirhusain
  • Redundant DEFAULT Namespaces Generated In Procedures For WSDL import.

        Using  version 8.1 alpha 2  imported attached wsdl  into Teid Designer. The follwong procedure was generated that violates the rule of one DEFAULT or NODEFAULT namespaces wihtin scope o...
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    last modified by darnowsi
  • Deployment Exceptions for  VDB created for WS View Generated FromRelational Model

    I am trying to create a web service for a relational model. with Teid 7.7, Eclipse 3,7. Jboss 5.1.   WS service model view if generated from relational view as described in section 5.4.1 of Teiid Designer User's...
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    last modified by darnowsi
  • Teiid Designer translation in the national language

    Must be translated Teiid Designer in the national language. At first, I planned to build source code in Eclipce (the article "Setting Up Your Eclipse Development Environment for Teiid Designer 8.0"), but I did not suc...
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    last modified by yk6932
  • Error creating view models from source model   Was: Error creating model from flat file datasource

    I am trying to create a source model based on the flat files available in datafederation quickstart example. I am using Teiid Desinger 8.0, with Eclipse Juno.   I am able to successfully create the source model...
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    last modified by skethire
  • XML Namespaces not imported for child elements while creating XML Document Model

    Hi, I am using Teiid Designer 7.7. Attached are a set of XSD which are used to create XML document model using Teiid Designer. The Model was created fine but the namespaces were imported only for the root element. ...
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    last modified by tanmoypalit