• Teiid Designer 9.1 What's New

    Highlights  Teiid Designer 9.1 introduces the following notable changes and features   TEIIDDES-2337 - Add Swagger UI to Expose VDB RESTFul Procedures TEIIDDES-2395 - Add shortcut to Find Model Object in ...
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    last modified by tejones
  • error while "Test JDBC Connection" in server Teiid instance

    Hello,   I have created a new server in JBDS, and added it as the default server. In Teiid Instance tab, I am not able to make "Test JDBC Connection". It is giving error - Unable to establish connection to serv...
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    last modified by prashanthi1
  • DV is not suitable for recording the historic snapshots of data !

    Hi guys,   i am nearly new here and very interested in dv. Me and my boss are in conflict, because i dont understand, how ist possible to take snapshots with dv. It's very important for our use cases. I mean in...
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    last modified by mrbanane
  • How to determine the query performance using Teiid Execution Plan

    Hi,        How to determine the SQL query performance using Teiid Execution Plan        I want to know the time taken of select, union, joins, where, order by.......
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    last modified by govindarajs
  • Automate or Schedule VDB Deployment

    Hi,   I have a working VDB that I use to insert data from CSV file to MySQL.   I want to automate this task and schedule it to run everyday at midnight.   How can I do this?   Regards   M...
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    last modified by kisienya
  • Add a MySQL database to your OpenShift Data Virtualization instance

    Add a MySQL database to your OpenShift Data Virtualization instance This article will show you how to add a MySQL database to your DataVirtualization instance on OpenShift online, and load some sample data.   ...
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    last modified by mdrillin
  • Integrate Teiid Designer with EAP6.3.0

    I'm hoping you can help me with a problem I am having around server integration and Teiid designer. I must start by saying I'm not that familiar with this platform, this is a research project. So I've been hitting Goo...
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    last modified by martinmcquinnswinton
  • Error: GETTEXTFILES does not exists

    Hi Everyone, I am trying to create a vdb using flat file source in Teiid Designer. I have followed the steps mentioned in the link given How to create a virtual database from a text file using Teiid - Sergio Moral Ru...
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    last modified by nandini123
  • Teiid JDBC connection fails from Teiid Designer8.5

    I am using EAP 6.1 Alpha with Teiid 8.7 final, I have deployed a static MySql VDB. Able to make a Teiid JDBC connection through Squirrel Client. Now When I try to create a Teiid JDBC connection through TeiidDesigne...
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    last modified by rajni.kumari14
  • Not able add hints in transformation query using TEIID Designer 8.5

    Hello,   I am using teiid designer 8.5 to create materialzed view on static VDB. We want to update the cache of materialized view for single row. To achieve this we tried adding hint /*+ cache(updatable) */. But ...
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    last modified by akshy_harale
  • What is the best way to assign primary keys to views for OData

    Hi- I am trying the expose the VDB as REST using OData. It works but I need advise for cases where I don't have primary keys. There are two cases- There is a table in the database with a primary key column, this tab...
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    last modified by sanjeev.gour
  • "Test JDBC Connection" Unable to establish jdbc connection in Teiid Designer

    Hello,   I've set up JBOSS AS 7.1 and Teiid 8.2 on WIndows. I've installed Teiid Designer 8.0 in Eclipse Juno sr1.  All I'm trying to do is "Test JDBC Connection" and it gives me the message: unable to esta...
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    last modified by joelruisi
  • Consuming a JSON REST WS in Teiid Designer result in "Invalid REST connection profile" error

    Hi people. I am trying to consume a JSON REST web service that I've developed and deployed, following more or less the steps that are described into this wiki post (How to Consume a JSON REST Web Service in Teiid Des...
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    last modified by jeffbicca
  • Teiid Designer Installation error !!!

    Hi ,   Trying to install Teiid designer thru JBoss Studio . Following the below procedure :   JBoss Studio > help>install new software> http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/release/luna/in...
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    last modified by smohapatra1984
  • problem defining primary key on view model entity

    I have a source relational model where some entities I want to expose via OData REST don't have a primary key.  As you know, teiid OData support will not expose a given entity via REST unless the entity has eithe...
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    last modified by gmackinnon
  • Mapping stored procedures from SQL Data Source

    Hi, When I try to import stored procedures from an SQL Database, the Name in source of the stored procedures are automatically changed from "originalProcName" to "originalProcName;1" in the source model and the stor...
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    last modified by anantk
  • How do I delete existing Connection Profiles from the "Import Database via JDBC" Wizard?

    Hello,  I am trying to troubleshoot how to preview data in teiid designer, however, through the experimentation process of creating connections the profile list has grown and is throwing error messages in the err...
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    last modified by cb11
  • How to create a Teradata connection in Teiid Designer

    Can someone point me to where there are directions for creating Teradata connection in Teiid Designer?
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    last modified by cb11
  • Teiid Designer insert multiple records from a CSV

    Hi,   I have successfully managed to insert one record at a time from a CSV into MySQL using Teiid.   I now want to insert multiple records   A snippet of my working SQL, I am calling already existin...
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    last modified by kisienya
  • Teiid localhost:31000 connection errror

    Hi I get the following error on Error log when I start up Teiid.   Where could the problem be?   eclipse.buildId=4.3.2.M20140221-1700 java.version=1.7.0_71 java.vendor=Oracle Corporation BootLoader c...
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    last modified by kisienya