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JBoss Developer Studio 4.1, an update to the March 2011 release of JBoss Developer Studio 4, is now available for download!


  • If you're an existing Red Hat Support Portal user/customer, you can get access to JBoss Developer Studio via the Downloads section. But if you're a new user, all you need to do is signup to be granted access.
  • If you already have JBoss Developer Studio 4 installed, you can update your software using the update site through Eclipse.
  • You can get it for free (registration required) from (once that page gets refreshed)

What is JBoss Developer Studio 4.1?

JBoss Developer Studio 4.1 comes as a full easy to install Eclipse installation that bundles Eclipse WTP, TestNG, Spring IDE and the latest updated release of the supported plugins from JBoss Tools 3.2, including SOA-related tooling such as ESB, Drools, jBPM 3, and others.

Release highlights include:


  • Now based on Eclipse 3.6.2 (Helios SR2)
  • Includes bug fixes to many major components

BPEL Editor is Now Fully Supported

In JBoss Developer Studio 4.0, the BPEL Editor was included as a Technical Preview. The editor is now fully supported in JBoss Developer Studio 4.1.

JBoss Developer Studio Extras Site Includes More Certified 3rd Party Options

In JBoss Developer Studio 4, you had two certified 3rd party extras available for installation: Spring IDE and TestNG.

In 4.1, you now have the following certified 3rd party options:


  • eGit
  • FindBugs
  • Maven Integration
  • Mylyn
  • PMD
  • Spring IDE
  • Subclipse
  • and TestNG


To install these certified 3rd Party features from the update site, go to Help->Install New Software and select the "JBoss Developer Studio 4.0 Extras" site, which is predefined in the drop-down. Expand the "All Certified Features" item in the list and choose the features you want to install.


Have fun!


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Earlier this week we pushed out an update of 3.2.1 to our updatesite. This release contains a bunch of bugfixes and one main component change that requires care when upgrading. Read below for details.


Remember JBoss Tools 3.2.x is for Eclipse 3.6/Helios, if you are on Eclipse 3.7/Indigo use JBoss Tools 3.3.* instead.


The component upgrade we've done is to move our JBoss Maven integration from m2eclipse 0.12 to support m2eclipse 1.0.0 since it is a massive speed improvement compared to previous releases of m2eclipse.


This unfortunately mean that if you used our JBoss Tools Maven integration you have to uninstall JBoss Tools Maven integration and m2eclipse 0.12 to be able to upgrade because m2eclipse changed bundle id's in their migration to


Same goes if you wish to install you need to be sure you do not have m2eclipse 0.12 installed.


You can uninstall Eclipse components in the "About Eclipse" and click "Installation Details" and uinstall all the "JBoss Tools Maven"  or "m2eclipse" components under "Installed Software" and click uninstall.


After this you should be able to update without any problems.


If everything fails a full installation would be the way forward. You can see the details for that at the JBoss Tools 3.2.0 release blog.


Have fun!


p.s. this is also my last blog before my vacation so be gentle and see you again in September

These last weeks, we have been working hard to enable an exciting new feature of the Forge / JBoss Tools integration. The idea was to generate a popup with a list of plugins for which commands can be applied in the Forge console when a 'special shortcut' is pressed, much similar to the quick access feature in Eclipse.


To do this we needed to enable hidden communication of metadata from JBoss Tools to the Forge runtime and back. Today I am pleased to show the first results of this in the form of a first screenshot.

forge-ctrl-4-popup.pngAs you can see the popup contains a list of the Forge plugins for which there is a command applicable right after starting up Forge in JBoss Tools. The default way to bring up this popup is currently the key combination 'Cmd+4'.


Of course a lot of work still needs to be done for this to become really useful: all the applicable commands need to appear as children of the listed plugins and for these commands the different options need to appear somehow (probably as a new prepopulated popup). Afterwards the complete commands should be pasted into the Forge console view and executed.


Feedback and/or ideas are more than welcome!




As I mentioned in the previous blog post (, m2e-wtp had to be pulled out of the m2e marketplace, as it forced its installation for all non-WTP systems.


In order to fix this issue, the code responsible for generating the MANIFEST.MF for all projects had to be integrated into the mavenarchiver feature.

That means m2e-wtp 0.13.1 now requires the installation of mavenarchiver from the m2e-extras update site. It will be discovered automatically from the new m2e-wtp update site, hosted by Red Hat, so it will be completely transparent for new users.

However, please note that the mavenarchiver feature replaces the pomproperties one, so the pomproperties must be uninstalled before upgrading m2e-wtp.


Thus, the preferred ways to install m2e-wtp remain :


1) Import existing Java EE projects into the workspace; You'll be proposed to install the m2e-wtp plugin :


click on Finish and the installation will proceed. Your projects will be imported but the workspace will have to be restarted.


2) Go to Window > Preferences > Maven > Discovery and click on "Open catalog". Select m2e-wtp and proceed with the installation.


3) Old school installation : Use this JBoss / Red Hat update site : 


While reviewing the installation details, you can see that mavenarchiver 0.14.0 will be found and installed automatically (provided there is not a more recent version already installed)



Other that the changes necessary to reinstate m2e-wtp to the m2e marketplace, There is only one other bugfix in 0.13.1, which fixes deployment of war archives overlays in Windows (


UPDATE (03/08/2011) : m2e-wtp is now also available from the Eclipse Marketplace. However, it seems some people are unable to install it directly. Please note that m2e-wtp requires m2e 1.0. So, if it's not installed already, Eclipse must be able to find it in the available update sites.

m2e can be installed from either (for Indigo) or (for Helios and Indigo).

The change in m2e's namespace (org.maven.ide -> org.eclipse.m2e) between m2e 0.12.x and 1.0 renders updates impossible from m2e-wtp 0.12.x to 0.13.x. Thus you have no choice but to uninstall m2e < 1.0 and m2e-wtp < 0.13 before proceeding with m2e-wtp 0.13.x's installation.

(I hope I'm clear enough :-))





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