• Is it possible to exclude the "schema" attribute in hibernate reverse engineering generated @JoinTable JPA annotations?

    Hi there,   we're generating JPA enities using hibernate reverse engineering within Eclipse (5.0.0.Final-v20150924-2221-B39) using "Java 5 Syntax", "Generate EJB3 Annotations" and the Generic Exporter with sligh...
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    last modified by wolfgang.werner
  • Need Help upgrading from 6.3.3 to 6.4.6

    Hi,   I'm new to Linux and JBOSS. I'm trying to upgrade from jboss 6.3.3 to 6.4.6 and I need detail instructions on how to do it. I tried to follow the jboss Application Enterprise instructions but they are not ...
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    last modified by chiribaoc
  • Cannot use C3P0 with Hibernate

    Hibernate works great for me until I attempt to include C3P0, at which point I run into issues. I added these to my pom.xml:      <dependency>   <groupId>org.hibernate</...
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    last modified by guitarerjon
  • Jboss plugin for a web server.

    Hi,   I am from PLM domain and where data security is of prime importance. I am deploying SAML based security and for that I am looking for Jboss plugin for a web server. Can anyone help to identify where I can ...
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  • How can nvcarhar fields of a table in sqlserver database be converted correctly when generating entities from tables via eclipse jpa tools

    I tried to generate entities from tables in eclipse via jpa tools. (the image is below)     while converting, jpa tools define object types for fields whose type are nvarchar.       you ...
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    last modified by ttndev
  • Any method by using which we can stop users from accessing JBOSS URL till it is started fully

    Hello All,   We have a scenario where we start JBoss with informing the users not to connect, but as soon as the jboss is starting still some users are trying to connect. Due to this jboss does not start proper...
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    last modified by adhiraj.rana
  • model jdbc source

    I want to define and test the VDB depen on the jdbc,here is my stpes:   here,I met the two problems: firstly, when I double click the Preview Data,it show the error like this: secondly, I execute the vdb i...
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  • How to start up jboss in windows with parameters?

    Hello, I am new to jboss and I just downloaded jboss folder on my windows.I am having super hard time starting up jboss. I was able to startup jboss without any parameters  and it works fine.   Problem: T...
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    last modified by gamer2d
  • Error install jboss tools

    i try many time to install jboss tools at Eclipse - mars on market   An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session context was:(profile=epp.package.jee, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2....
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    last modified by cmcmccha2
  • jboss tools cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview

    I followed this tutorial to create my ionic application : http://tools.jboss.org/documentation/videos/hybrid_angularjs_ionic.html   I used the following ommand to add crosswalk browser : ionic browser add crossw...
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    last modified by yan.langlois
  • java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to initialize ZipWrapper:

    Hi, After migrated from jboss 4 to jboss 5.2 eap following error occurs when we did not use application quite some (i.e not a time out issue) Please help me to fix this.   Jar files   Seam-Version: 2.2.6...
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    last modified by shan_ac
  • Marketplace install broken on mars-1?

    I have a fresh Mars-1 and I'm trying to install JBoss Tools from the marketplace but it stops with   !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine 4 4 2015-11-29 18:51:17.183 !MESSAGE An error occurred during the org.ecl...
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    last modified by nickarls
  • Non-resolvable import POM: Failure to find org.jboss.spec:jboss-javaee-6.0:pom:3.0.2.Final-redhat-15 error

    I'm getting an "Non-resolvable import POM: Failure to find org.jboss.spec:jboss-javaee-6.0:pom:3.0.2.Final-redhat-15" error and can't figure out why. Can someone help me.
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    last modified by mschwery
  • About Fuse Development

    Hi,   I just want to know whether i can use only transformation part of jBoss fuse tool. I dont want other parts of jboss fuse.What should I do? where can i download the jars for the same . I am facing issue t...
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    last modified by ravi.puri
  • Arquillian plugin for Eclipse Mars?

    Hi, I have Eclipse 4.5.1 (Mars.1) on which I have installed JBoss Tools 4.3.0. In Installation details it shows that I have "Arquillian support (Experimental)" version 1.2.0.Final-v20150925-0253-B27.   However,...

    Hi, Is there any API to convert json to xml and vice versa using configuration file.
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    created by ravi.puri
  • Can we use rules as .DRL file and decision tables in the same program?

    Hi, I am using Drools6.2.0 Final version. I see that examples use rules as  .DRL files and decision tables but through different programs (different main programs). Would anyone suggest if I could use both .DR...
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    last modified by manjuladev
  • want to use tern 1.1.0 snapshot with jboss tools 3.7

    Can I install tern 1.1.0 snapshot without having conflicts with jboss tools 3.7 afterwards?:   Your original request has been modified.   "Tern feature" is already installed, so an update will be performed...
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    last modified by nimo22
  • A “org.jboss.logging.appender.FileAppender” object is not assignable

    Hello     I started experiencing problems with my jboss lately.It started with a java heap space error, after I solved that it's giving me errors like:   ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR A "org.jboss.loggin...
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    last modified by chank23
  • Remove JBoss items from tool bar

    Hi.   After install JBoss Tools 4.3.0 in eclipse Mars eclipse tool bar shows new items and i want to remove them. The new items are:     How can i remove JBoss items from tool bar?   Thanks an...
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    last modified by algarcia