• Bug in jboss-ejb3-spec-2_0.xsd - take 2

    Sorry, posted nonsense research before.   We have a problem with an faces-config.xml causing problems when jbosstools plugin is installed. The XML file is not for a JBoss project, but we would like to use the s...
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    last modified by jskovjyskebankdk
  • Birt 4 with Seam 2.3 - a minimun approach

    Birt is a powerful report engine and JBoss Seam is an excellent framework to improve development productivity. One can use seam-gen or JBoss Tools in order to integrate these two great tools, unfortunately it will ge...
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    last modified by bussard
  • unable to install  JBoss tools in MyEclipse V 2016 CI 4

    When installing JBoss tools(Index of /jbosstools/mars/stable/updates ) I get the below error:     An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session context was:(profile=com.genuitec.delivery...
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    last modified by bruce.2.sanders
  • Install JBossTools features in eclipse from command line

    Hi,   I'm trying to automatize JBossTools install from the command line but I can't achieve it. I tried this command line without success (it seems the feature I want and the repository provided does not match)...
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    last modified by manololito
  • Jboss EAP 6.4.0 server is very slow after macOX Sierra upgrade

    Hi All,   I recently upgraded to macOX Sierra. After the upgrade, the Jboss EAP server (version 6.4.0) became very slow during server startup's. I have configured the Jboss server within the Jboss developer stud...
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    last modified by ramchander.muddu
  • apache axis 2 installation in jboss

    I  want to install the apache axis2.war  in the jboss AS/ wildfly10    however I can't figure it out how can anyone help me out
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    last modified by qasimnawaz
  • Add JBoss 7 running in domain mode to Eclipse IDE

    Hi,   It is pretty straightforward to add a JBoss server runnign in standalone mode (7.1.1). However I can't seem to add one running in domain mode. Using a wizard you point it towards the JBoss home folder and ...
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    last modified by toriacht
  • Cannot install offline bundle of server tools [4.4.0]

    Hi,   I downloaded the update site bundle of the JBoss Tools (456MB zip) because I want to be able to install the IDE offline. When I select the JBoss AS, WildFly & EAP Server Tools plugin I get the followin...
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    last modified by dmen
  • JSF 2.2 Faces Flow support in JBoss Tools?

    Hi there, first of all sorry for my bad english. I need some help with the Development of a JSF 2.2 Application with JBoss Tools. My Job is to develop an application using the faces flow feature of jsf. Can anyone te...
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    last modified by plahm21
  • i can´t find the directory where the server was installed

    Hello, i have an issueWhen i tried to add a new server Runtime environment whit the wizard, i cant  find the Home Directory where it is. I searched in all my computer. please help meattached is the screenshoot t...
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    last modified by samuelolmedo
  • BIRT Issues with Hibernate 4.1.x

    I am using this jar org.jboss.tools.birt.oda_1.3.0.v20120611-2045-H100-Final.jar with hibernate 4.1.x   which has a slightly changed SessionFactoryImplementor (moved from org.hibernate.engine to org.hibernate.en...
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    last modified by naresh_bahety
  • How can I add bootstrap in my jBoss developer studio??

    Hello, I want to add bootstrap in my jBoss Developer studio. Can you tell me how can I that. I search on internet but count not found any way.
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    last modified by dp.nacy
  • Wildfly container can't recognize the mariadb container host name in docker tooling

    My os is CentOS 7 and I am using Eclipse JBossTools plugin including Docker Tooling. I have 2 running container where one is wildfly 10 and the other is mariadb. Both are working successfully but link of both contain...
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    last modified by aupres
  • JBoss Dev Studio Locking up when Wildfly is launched.

    I've been working on this project for weeks and all of the sudden the Wildfly 10 server locks up whenever I deploy the app.  I can kill it and return to (almost) normal function if I go and kill the server proces...
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    last modified by jseanjensen
  • Was there a tool for scheduling in JBoss?

    Am I losing my mind or is there a JBoss tool missing?  Wasn't there something last year that looked at job executions and schedules and could identify overbooked schedules and underbooked schedules, etc.?
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    last modified by dale2k9
  • BIRT Integration-Cannot find the ODA dataSource extension (org.jboss.tools.birt.oda)

    I created a Seam 2.2 + JBoss BIRT Integeration project (BIRT2.6).  I want to use the Hibernate ODA datasource for my reporting.  In my test project I used the Birt Sample Classic Models database.  I g...
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    last modified by mbaxley
  • Server JBoss 7.0 Runtime Server failed to start

    HI, I'm trying to start JBoss AS 7 CR1 inside Eclipse (Indigo 3.7 + JBoss Tools 3.3 M2), but after several minutes I get the following error:   "Server JBoss 7.0 Runtime Server failed to start"   In the c...
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    last modified by ssciacca
  • Generate entities + Oracle

    Hi, I'm trying to generate entities for a seam project using Eclipse with Jboss tools. I'm using Oracle 10g. It works fine if I use seam-gen in command line but the Jboss tool gives me the following error : Can't...
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    last modified by 2dc
  • eclipse mars.2 -mac os 10.7- jboss-tools.4.3.1

    eclipse mars.2 on mac os 10.7 seam runtime doesn't exists in  project properties and my project gives "Seam Runtime "xxx" specified for Seam project "yyy" does not exist " problem. is it about you or ??
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    last modified by xdat26
  • Using Camel Router Editor (from JBoss Tools Integration Stack) with Camel Spring Boot

    We have started to try out building Spring Boot based application that uses the Camel framework.   Since not all members of the team is familiar with the Camel framework we have been looking for a graphical edit...
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    last modified by pontus.ullgren