• hibernate tests not running

    why ? :( http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com:80/cc/artifacts/jbosside/20060130221252/results/index.html
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    created by maxandersen
  • EJB3 RC4 released -- When can we expect HTools to be complia

    Hey Max.. I was curious if we knew when/if hibernate tools was going to be compliant with the new EJB3 RC4 stuff... there's a nice little step-by-step for the things that've changed here if it makes life any easier: ...
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    created by mculpepper
  • added hibernate tools unit tests to the build

    so now i have committed some hibernate tools tests to the build. I could not test it since the auto build does not work on my machine, but i followed all the instructions to the point. So if the build machine go bel...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • Making the auto build work on my machine

    Hi, So i followed the instructions at http://docs.jboss.com/jbosside/releng/user/build/en/html_single/ and here is what i get when i run build-nightly.bat product Buildfile: common\buildRequirements.xml BUILD FAI...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • New splash screen, and first-run wizard.

    I created a "first-run" wizard plugin that will aide users in the switch over from JBossIDE 1.4 to 1.5 (the biggest pain is having to manually enable xdoclet and packaging for each plugin now that they are run from bu...
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    last modified by mculpepper
  • Does jBPM Designer depend on Hibernate?

    I'm mainly curious if the jBPM Designer plugin is doing any sort of bundling of Hibernate JARs, and if so... why isn't that dependency being shared (i.e. org.hibernate.eclipse should be a part of the plugin classpath ...
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    last modified by mculpepper
  • So what is required to allow jboss projects to be updatable

    So is there a notion of library plugins that would allow jboss component updates to be made available via the eclipse software update mechanism?
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Got HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL message ru

    Configuration: Jboss AS 3.2.6 / Jboss IDE 1.0 / Eclipse 3.0.1 When I deployed the FiboApp.ear, I didn't get POP-UP dialog but no warning either. The messages are shown in the console: 10:38:17,870 INFO [EjbModule] Dep...
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    last modified by wy_zhu
  • Exception in log when running XDoclet 1.4.0

    I have been getting this exception when trying to Run XDoclet with JBoss-IDE 1.4.0 and Eclipse 3.0.1. Is this a config problem or is there something wrong with the JBoss-IDE 1.4.0 plugin? !ENTRY org.eclipse.core.runt...
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    last modified by ericeberry
  • 1/13 Meeting notes

    Action items from previous meeting - JBossIDE 1.5 released! Agenda items - JBossIDE 1.5.x & 2.0 Initial Roadmap: February 2006: 1.5.1 - Bug fix release for 1.5 March 2006: 1.5.2 - Release to include final 3....
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    created by mculpepper
  • Meeting this week

    Hey guys.. let's get a meeting going this week. Some items i'd like to put on the agenda: - Talk about the 2.0 Roadmap - More unit tests - 1.5.1 - Q1 Objectives
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    last modified by mculpepper
  • bugfix release needed

    Hi guys, http://opensource2.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HBX-530 and especially http://opensource2.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HBX-527 requires us/me to do a release of the hibernate tools ASA...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • 1.5 integration candidate

    Max, Koen.. here is our officical integration candidate for 1.5 final. (Sorry for the lack of notification email, I'm trying to to find a MTA for windows so java.mail works without extra config!) http://download.jbos...
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    last modified by mculpepper
  • jBPM Designer shouldn't be building jBPM from source every t

    After debugging through the build log last night I realized that jBPM Designer is pulling down jBPM for every build and building it from scratch... wouldn't it be easier / faster to just depend on binaries either in t...
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    last modified by mculpepper
  • Updated build system documentation

    Hey guys... after countless hours of trying to make sourceforge work last night with our newest integration candidate for JBossIDE 1.5, I decided to update the releng documentation to docbook, as well as release a dev...
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    created by mculpepper
  • 23. December Meeting Notes

    Here are the topics we talked about today. We were missing Marshall, but Koen and Max were there. Hibernate Tools (max) - fixed the outstanding bugs - writing documentation / cleaning up jira - waiting for info from...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • CacheIDE M1 Version Update Site

    Hi; There are some prerequire plugins to run cache plugins; these are - emf-sdo-xsd-SDK-2.1.1 - GEF-SDK-3.1.1 - JEM-SDK- - wtp-0.7.1 Marshall could we applicable to create this M1 version update site? If...
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    last modified by gurkanerdogdu
  • 20 December Meeting Notes

    Here are the topics we talked about today: 1) Tasks needed to be done for JBossIDE 1.5 Final a) Core - latest jsp editor issue (http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBIDE-263) Marshall will look into it. - Others ...
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    last modified by maxandersen
  • JBossIDE New Extension Wishlists

    Currently (in JBossIDE 1.5 Preview) we have good representation from the AppServer, EJB3, Hibernate, AOP, and jBPM projects. In moving forward, We would like to get a kind of "wishlist" from the leaders of all projec...
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    last modified by mculpepper
  • JBossIDE WTP 1.0 upgrade

    Max, Koen.. I wanted to go ahead and start the process of figuring out how to upgrade our dependencies to WTP 1.0 (against the latest milesetone). It might be prudent to create seperate branches of our code so our ni...
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    last modified by mculpepper