• Tile Plugin fails to start using JBOSS Eclipse Toolkit

    Hello All,   When using Eclipse Galileo and JBOSS Toolkit to 'auto publish' to JBOSS 5.1, the Tiles Plugin seems to fail to load properly, resulting in Tile Controllers not being executed.   I imported fro...
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    last modified by mrobin21
  • Content Assist in attributes which should be filled with id's

    Guys!   It's really superb thing to have assist in for example Ajax4jsf command component reRender attribute which suggest all id's defined on the page.   How about to consider facelets templating? Do you ...
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    last modified by ilya_shaikovsky
  • create/extend  a builder for hbm files?

    hi..   is there a way to ensure that when i save an hbm file eclipe will automatically add 3 properties to it? (it's a legacy kind of thing) .
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    last modified by elhanan
  • birt integration doesn't work with EnumType

    hi..when i try to use a query which includes an enum i get: [select p.userName,p.letterTemplate.description,p.letterTemplate.templateType  ,p.policy.policyId,p.created from PostedAda p] 'org.hibernate.type.EnumT...
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    last modified by elhanan
  • Which version of JBoss are you using with JBoss Eclipse IDE?

    Hello everyone =) We are trying to track JBoss Eclipse IDE's usage to specific versions of JBoss application server, and we would highly appreciate your feedback in this poll. Thanks for the feedback!
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    last modified by mculpepper
  • Linked resorces folders and Web Project

    Hello. I created a folder is "Link to folder in the file system"(with marking of corresponding checkbox in wizzard) in Web project. That folder had *.html files. Then I opened it in the Project Explorer view any inner...
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    created by ildar_kh
  • [Struts Flow Editor Bug] any solution or advise for debuggin

    I found bug in "Struts Flow Editor". my environment is ---------------------- Eclipse: 3.4.2 Struts Tools: 3.0.1 ---------------------- the bug I found is below ------------------------ description: when "Act...
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    last modified by keibun
  • Integrate with XText/JET/Xpand: Drop Freemarker as generatio

    Hi! I like Freemarker, I really do, my first web application was built with Velocity, and I enjoyed it a lot back then, and Freemarker is even better, but support for Freemarker in Eclipse is very weak, and improving ...
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    last modified by luxspes
  • Validation onlyh for last modified files (and maybe related

    Hi! Validation is still too slow, (we have a project with around 2000 .xthml files, and, frankly, to make it usable, most of the team plain goes to Preferences->Validation and unchecks all the checkboxes in the "B...
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    last modified by luxspes
  • Code Assist for Custom Components

    Hey guys, I'm working on a project where we heavily utilise custom components. And by following the instructions provided in the documentation I have been able to get custom code assist to work for us :D (Very happy)...
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    last modified by kragoth
  • Taylor MDA

    Hello to all, First of all, I have nothing to do with this project. I came across it, when I was reading some articles on dzone. I started to study it, and i think it is really great. Needs some improvements/bug fixi...
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    created by vpetcu
  • JBoss Tools on Fedora 10 xulrunner error

    I am getting a version conflict with xulrunner on Fedora 10. It is looking for 1.8 and my system has 1.9. This cause the JBoss HTML Editor to not open. I had the same problem with JBossTools so I purchased JBDS Porf...
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    last modified by supernovasoftware.com
  • Google Protocol Buffers + Netty support

    Hi, Netty project has pretty good support for Google Protocol Buffers (protobuf). That is, if you describe a message format with a .proto file, protoc (protobuf compiler) will generate some .java files, and then you ...
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    last modified by trustin
  • Editing in visual pane

    For the html elements, you can edit the values of elements in the visual pane. I've been trying to achieve the same for some of my elements (mainly on, a label). Changing the children attribute on the template, the m...
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    last modified by kukeltje
  • Force full or partial update in vpe plugin

    Some of the elements I have, depend on values of other, not nested or parent elements. If I change one of these elements, I'd like to be able force an update of these dependend elements or a full update (like done bij...
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    last modified by kukeltje
  • executing javascript in vpe?

    Is it possible to include javascript in the generated visualdocument and have it 'run' like e.g. would happen on the 'onload' event? or any otherway? Or should I manually convert the javascript that runtime generates...
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    last modified by kukeltje
  • Class diagram MDA

    Have you evaluated Taylor MDA as a project to add to JBoss Tools? The idea is fantastic: MDA+SEAM+EJB+JPA in a class diagram, plus Use Case diagrams The problem is that it is vey buggy and lacks a lot of features. The...
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    last modified by paucarre
  • Can't compile Jbpm tool

    After configuring the build_local.properties properly ANT gives me an error: Buildfile: C:\Users\Pau\workspace\jbpm\builders\org.jboss.tools.flow.jpdl4.builder\build.xml main: -properties: -clean: [echo] Cleaning di...
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    created by paucarre
  • Incorporate Hibernate Search into Hibernate Tools idea

    Hi. I have an idea to incorporate Hibernate Search into Hibernate Tools. Of cause I'm intresting to get some feedback about it... What do you think? There are several propositions for startup: 1) Hibernate Cosole Cofi...
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    last modified by vyemialyanchyk
  • JBOSS AS Stopping

    Hi, in our Eclipse-based development environment we noticed that in the JBOSS Tools for Eclipse 3.3 there is still the problem (as is the same with the Eclipse WTP version) that when the JBOSS AS 4.2.2 is being stoppe...
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    last modified by wchico2