• JBoss Messaging moved to archive?

    I noticed that JBoss Messaging was moved to the archive section.   I wonder why this was done, as JBoss Messaging is still used in the very latest production ready JBoss AS version (namely JBoss AS 5.1). This mi...
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    last modified by henk53
  • Javascript error in the forum prevents replying

    Hi,   I'm using Firefox 3.6.6 and I am unable to relpy to a discussion. When I click on the reply link I get the following Javascript error:   {noformat} Erreur : missing ) after argument list Fichier Sou...
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    last modified by henryju
  • Outlook 2010 socila networking surprise

    I just noticed this and thought I would mention it. I am using Outlook 2010 which provides integration with social networks and various social networking features. I noticed that for all emails for forum notifications...
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    created by peterj
  • Can we have the next/previous topic links for User forums?

    When reading user forums, it will give the readers much better experience if we have next/previous topic links to allow navigate posts continously. It's annoying to keep have to go back to the discussion listing page ...
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    last modified by saltnlight5
  • Searching is not easy enough in this site

    I found the searching feature on this site hard to use!   Most of the time, I want to search a topic in where the space/community I am already in (HornetQ or "Website Issues") the discussion listing page. But ty...
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    last modified by saltnlight5
  • User forums site are so slow!

    This new site looks good, but it's painfully slow! Can this be improve?
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    last modified by saltnlight5
  • community.jboss.org forums mixed mode

    It must have been reported already, but the new security improvements to these forums have missed the mark by leaving the content presentation in mixed mode. Aside from being insecure because the session cookie/info ...
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    last modified by andrew_yaweb
  • Infuriating inline quoting

    One feature I relied on all the time with the old forums was inline quoting of a previous reply.   This does not work, without an unreliable and hacky workaround (cut and paste everything), which often results i...
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    last modified by timfox
  • code:xml wiki markup syntax eats up newline characters

    As shown in this thread http://community.jboss.org/thread/150637?tstart=0
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    created by jaikiran
  • Search - case sensitive?

    I keep running into newer issues with the search feature of the forum. I now realized  that the search functionality is case sensitive. I entered the following search text:   jboss mc faQ  and it retur...
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    created by jaikiran
  • Nice editor feature

    I've been so vocal about problems with the editor that I thought I would mention something that I like about it. Earlier today I was cursing the web site and editor because after typing in a fairly lengthy reply I got...
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    last modified by peterj
  • Poor search

    I have been trying to find a thread in the AS forum for that past 10-15 minutes, in vain. I remember which forum contains that thread and who the participants are. So i go to the search page and enter in the name of t...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • More whining and complaining

    Yeah, it's me again.   When i comment on a wiki page, or a document, the editor window does not show my cursor position. Makes it really difficult to correct mistakes since I have idea where the cursor is locate...
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    created by peterj
  • I hate this editor, part 3

    Here I am answering a post. I click the Quote button, and edit the quoted text to get just the senetnce I wanted. I add a reply to that sentence. Then I copy and paste another sentence from the original post into the ...
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    last modified by peterj
  • How to inline quote

    When replying to a post in the forums and quoting the original reply, I sometimes like to make inline comments in the quote which should be offset to the level of the current mail, not the reply.   In the old fo...
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    last modified by timfox
  • Useless search

    Why, when I do a search on the term "DatabaseServerLoginModule" can it not find this wiki entry: http://community.jboss.org/wiki/DatabaseServerLoginModule   There are so many wiki enbtries that I used to be abl...
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    last modified by peterj
  • Changing the status of question

    Hi,   There are options like helpful answer and correct answer. Once by mistake i have clicked on correct answer and then i tried to reset it. It is not possible.   Thanks Rasa
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    created by rasa
  • I hate this editor, part 2

    This bug has pestered me once too often!   I type some text into the editor window. Then I am not sure of the exact events, but it involves some cursor repositioning usually to correct or add some text, after wh...
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    last modified by peterj
  • No Link to JIRA on Homepage

    Hy there,   I just searched 15 Minutes on the JBoss.org Homepage to Find a Link to the JIRA, but i didn't find one. In the Help Section there was a nice artikel how to write a Bug Report, but no link at all. ...
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    created by soon5
  • Default Search Forum

    IMO, the search function should default to the forum you are in when you start your search. You've already implicitly narrowed your search and you probably want to remain in the forum you're in. Moreover, the forum li...
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    created by treespace