• weld 3.0.0 with glassfish4 classifier?

    In central repo for Weld 3.0.0.Alpha16, I'm not seeing a glassfish4 classified release version for Weld (Index of /maven2/org/jboss/weld/weld-osgi-bundle/3.0.0.Alpha16). What's the reason behind it? I'd like to upgrad...
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    last modified by mulderbaba
  • JSF2.2 + weld2.3.4 + tomcat8

    I tried to setup my web app with no success. I placed the two dependencies into the pom.xml <dependency>   <groupId>org.glassfish</groupId>   <artifactId>javax.faces</artifactId&...
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    last modified by bubi
  • CDI interceptors with Wildfly 10 in multi module maven projects

    Hi,   I am having problems with using CDI interceptors in a multi module maven project. I have created a minimalistic project, showing what I am trying to accomplish. I may have a misunderstanding on how should...
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    last modified by csaba.sarkadi
  • Why injection through new does not work?

    Hello,   I am trying to inject a List in an object that's called through a number of elements. Using the @Singleton annotation and injecting Lister in my UI class, it works.   I have: App that creates a W...
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    last modified by ctwx
  • CDI 1.1 Dispose injected resource Immediate after using

    Hello.   I've created a question on  StackOverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36690762/cdi-1-1-dispose-injected-resource-immediate-after-using   Could you please help me to solve this problem?
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    last modified by vigor78
  • Creating a new Thread with CDI

    HI,   We are using JSF2.0, Richfaces and CDI in a tomcat environment. Our requirement is to do a UI processing in a background thread and fetch data.  So we create a thread pool and do the processing ( like...
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    last modified by kalaivani_s
  • Use of @Parameters in WELD-SE,

    1. starting the container and passing something as arg.   public class Bootstrapping {      public static void main(String[] args) {         Weld weld = n...
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    last modified by kalber
  • Weld injects a proxy instead of real instance - why?

    In my application i have "@RequestScoped" converter classes that convert jpa entities to jaxb classes (dto serialized to json) and vice versa. All of those classes inject Provider<JaxbClass>. I need to use the p...
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    last modified by dermoritz
  • DeploymentException: Malformed class name

    Hello can anybody help me? I cannot seem to run my Java SE(java 8) w/ CDI Weld enabled on an uber jar. I used maven-shade to create the uber jar. Here is the stacktrace that I always get:   Exception in thread "m...
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    last modified by lolz512
  • Conversation time out bug?

    Hi Guys   I was setting up a simple web project with a @ConversationScoped bean and after begining a conversation I noticed that, by logging the conversation time out value, it stands incorrect with the actual d...
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    last modified by filipe.amaral
  • weld beanmanager wont respect java classloaders

    Hi, i have a bit of a strange setup , im running wildfly 10 (with weld) and in some point while the server starts - it loads a class from external jar , i'm loading these class using a different classloader for each...
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    created by asafbennatan
  • Injection of EJB's implementing an abstract class

    Hi all,   I have run into an odd behavior moving between jboss-as 7.1.1 and wildfly This involved a weld update 1.1.32->2.3.2 and an ejb update 3.1->3.2 . If i have interface A, abstract class B ...
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    last modified by cfinerty
  • Getting different instances of @RequestScoped bean during remote EJB call

    On WildFly 10.0.0.Final, I have a simple SLSB firing a CDI event:   @Stateless @Remote(CDITestRemote.class) @Local(CDITestLocal.class) public class CDITestBean implements CDITestRemote, CDITestLocal {  ...
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    last modified by dode
  • Weld Exception when deploying to Wildfly 8.1.0

    I added jclouds artifacts to my app and now I am unable to deploy my app to wildfly 8.1.0 because of weld exception caused by jclouds. I guess upgrade wildfly to 8.2.0 will probably solve the problem. But it is not a...
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    last modified by julie_yaoy
  • How to dynamically build independent object trees ?

    Hi all, I'm wondering how to use CDI to build multiple independent objects trees representing the same type of data. Here is an example: I have a Car, in which I want to inject GearShift and Engine. I also want to inj...
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    last modified by matiouz
  • WELD with embedded Jetty

    I've been trying to figure out how to run weld with an embedded version of jetty and not having much luck (in fact, i can not seem to get it to run under jetty at all).  I seem to get a host of strange errors tha...
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    last modified by erg144
  • Newbie question on Weld SE

    I've got a stupid newbie problem with Weld SE. I know the general ideas pretty well and use CDI in a servlet environment but am struggling with the simple stuff! I have a bean that uses @Inject (Worker is just a stan...
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    last modified by tdudgeon
  • Shouldn't BeforeBeanDiscovery#addStereotype() create custom bean defining annotations?

    Hello,   I was expecting BeforeBeanDiscovery#addStereotype() would turn a legacy annotation into a bean defining annotation (in CDI 1.2). For example, I thought this extension might do the trick for java.ejb.Si...
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    last modified by fabio.simeoni
  • Proxy classes lose original class annotations

    Hello all. I would like to ask transparent support of annotation propagated to proxy classes from original class. (This post is originally comment on CDI-10 issue.) I hope it will work transparently. It seams to me st...
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    last modified by shamoh
  • NetBeans Bug #244173

    Hi,   I noticed last year that NetBeans was flagging some of my @Produces methods as "invalid", although WELD itself accepted them all without any problem and has always executed them as I expected. So I raised ...
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    last modified by chrisjr