• HTTP Gateway

    (Document Under Construction)   Configuration Namespace Basic Configuration URL Patterns Request Handling Payload Decoding Request Information Response Handling Asynchronous Responses...
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    last modified by tfennelly
  • JBossWS - Quick Start

    Right on' Developing web service implementations The service implementation class Deploying service implementations Consuming web services Creating the client artifacts Constructing a service stu...
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    last modified by asoldano
  • JBossWS - CXF JMS transport tutorial

    Since 3.2.1 (CXF) JBossWS-CXF supports JMS Transport to transfer SOAP messages. There is a testcase in the codebase to demonstrate this ability, available here. In this tutorial, we will use a wsdl first web service ...
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    last modified by asoldano
  • JBossWS - WSF

    Since 3.0 (JBossWS) Starting with JBossWS-3.0, JBossWS provides a general web service integration layer. For the first time, our users have the choice to deploy one of three possible certified JAXWS stacks in JBoss A...
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    last modified by asoldano
  • JBossWS - Stack Metro User Guide

    This page covers features available in JBossWS Metro stack only. Please refer to the common user guide for a basic introduction to JAX-WS programming as well as documentation on all features, tools, etc. the JBossWS W...
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    last modified by asoldano
  • SmokeTestJBToolsServerSupport

    Smoke Testing JBoss Tools support for Application Servers   1) Open recent JBoss Tools 2) open servers view (window -> show view -> other -> Servers) 3) create new server      - type...
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    last modified by rob.stryker
  • JBossWS - JAX-WS Annotations

    JAX-WS Annotations javax.xml.ws.ServiceMode javax.xml.ws.WebFault javax.xml.ws.RequestWrapper javax.xml.ws.ResponseWrapper javax.xml.ws.WebServiceClient javax.xml.ws.WebEndpoint javax.xml.ws....
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    last modified by asoldano
  • ESB and CDI Integration

    Thinking of how CDI can be integrated with JBoss ESB.  These notes are super rough right now, but I figure it's best to talk out loud early.  I hope to share some pseudo/mock-up code within the next two week...
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    last modified by kcbabo
  • Interesting UI and Dev Resources

    Interesting UI and Dev Resources On the Web  This page will serve as a collection of links to various interesting or thought-provoking articles I've found on the web relating to development or user-interface top...
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    last modified by bfitzpat
  • JEELab-priprava

    Příprava prostředí pro cvičení předmětu Java EE  JBoss Developer Studio (JBDS) "Ruční" postup - pokud nepoužijete předpřipravený zip.   Stáhněte, nainstalujte a spusťte JBD...
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    last modified by ozizka
  • TestJBossPortletBridge

    Checklist before handing tag to QA: Create the tag Verify the release notes Make sure that all unit tests pass Make sure war deployables created using archetypes deploy fine   Guide for QA   We will only be...
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    last modified by wesleyhales
  • How to run JBoss AS testsuite against EWP

    TBD   Currently, see the config at http://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/view/EAP-CI/job/JBoss-EWP-5.1.x-Testsuite-sun16/configure   And also here (merely the same) http://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/view/EAP...
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    last modified by ozizka
  • MRG-M (AMQP) Gateway/Listener for SOA-P 4.3

    MRG-M is the "Messaging" implementation of Red Hat's Messaging/Realtime/Grid offering.  It is a supported and enterprise implementation of AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol).  AMQP is similar in concep...
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    last modified by dkittler
  • Why do I get "Could not find new XAResource to use for recovering non-serializable XAResource"

    "Could not find new XAResource to use for recovering non-serializable XAResource" is a very generic error that you will see thrown from the recovery manager in arjuna.  Normally it will look like...   2008-...
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    last modified by benwing
  • HowToContribute

    Here's a quick link to the contributor application: https://www.jboss.org/contribute/Getting Started in the JBoss Community  The strength of JBoss Professional Open Source is the large and vibrant developer comm...
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    last modified by mmusaji
  • Install MySQL on Fedora

    This article documents how to install MySQL on Fedora Linux 13. It may be useful for later versions as well. Install MySQL Server Start Server Set Root Password Create Database Create Login Cre...
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    last modified by aguizar
  • WhatHappensToJBossIfIRestartTheDatabase

    What happens to JBoss if I restart the database?  You can configure the following in your -ds.xml   <valid-connection-checker-class-name>[see [jboss]/docs/examples/jca/[mydb]-ds.xml]</valid-connect...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • JBossSecurityProjects

    Security Student Research Projects PicketLink  This is our collective Identity Management project.   Project Site:  http://jboss.org/picketlink   Discussions: http://community.jboss.org/commun...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • HornetQ publicity

    Here's a selection of blogs, news reports and articles related to HornetQ on the web.   August 2009   http://www.h-online.com/news/The-H-Week--/114118 http://www.centos.se/red-hat-spins-off-jboss-2x-as-hor...
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    last modified by timfox
  • HornetQ Performance

    Want to know about HornetQ performance? You've come to the right page. This is where we collate HornetQ performance results. SPECjms2007 results - HornetQ exceeds ActiveMQ performance by up to 307% HornetQ- ...
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    last modified by timfox