Thread Related to RHAMT support for C/CPP & Shell script migration to RHEL
Related to RHAMT support for C/CPP & Shell script migration to RHELHi, I wanted to check if there are any plans to support via rules migration of C/CPP code base and Shell script to make it RHEL ready from legacy unix systems ( like HP-UX, AIX,Solaris etc) Regards, D...
Java based rules with WindupI am new to Windup development and am trying to create java based rules with Windup..i dont know how to start ...already i have created xml based rule its working... Could please share any guide line for java ba...
QuickFixTransformation sampleHI, Can anyone help me with QuickFixTransformation sample? is it possible to do complex transformation with this windup tool? if yes, can we show some sample? Thanks.
Windup 4.0.0.Beta4 is out!Windup is changing the face and content in parallel, so if you know about or not we have now Red Hat Migration Toolkit presentation on Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit Overview | Red Hat Developers site whi...
Random log rotationI'm finding that my windup logs are being rotated randomly. I've tried looking through documentation but hadn't had a lot of luck other than it can be random based upon your suffix, but this just seemed odd to me. Wi...
Windup eclipse plugin not starting at allHello, I have installed Windup Eclipse plugin going through the step of this link Windup Eclipse Plugin Guide - Red Hat Customer Portal However, after configuring the run and launching it I get the ch...
Migration from OC4J to JBossWe are planning to migrate from OC4J to JBoss. Could anyone provide any documents(if anyone have) or information on this topic?
Thread Windup rules: excluding files / logical operators in when condition
Windup rules: excluding files / logical operators in when conditionTrying to match some patterns in e.g. xml files and exclude certain files. The <when> condition supports logical operators, but how do they work? Example below does not work as expected. As well, removing the...
Thread NullPointerexception while runnig windup tool
NullPointerexception while runnig windup toolI am using windup 2.4.0 version. When I try to run the tool getting the below exception. WARNING: No packages were set in --packages. This will cause all .jar files to be decompiled and can possibly take a lon...
Thread Writing graph config to /tmp/windupgraph_0CrM12/ Windup execution failed due to: null java.lang.NullPointerException
Windup Eclipse Plugin Showing ErrorHi, I just cloned the GitHub - windup/windup-eclipse-plugin: Windup Eclipse Plugin and tried to run the mvn -U clean verify command. Everything seems to run good but at last I get the er...
Windup 3.0.0.Final is here!After WindUp Eclipse Plugin 3.0.0.CR1 release we have finished our way to the major upgrade for WindUp and first stable release of WindUp Eclipse plugin. We've added new rulesets to support migration paths fro...
WindUp Eclipse Plugin 3.0.0.CR1 releaseAfter next months of hard work, we're pleased to announce the first candidate release of the Windup Eclipse Plugin, which aims to make application migrations and upgrades faster and easier by bringing Windup's migrati...
Thread java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: MALFORMED When Analyzing Java Files
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: MALFORMED When Analyzing Java FilesI'm currently running Windup 2.7.0.Final against an application to be migrated from EAP 5 to EAP 7. Most of the rules process successfully, however the AnalyzeJavaFilesRuleProvider rule failed, apparently due to a pro...
Blog Post Windup 3.0 for Eclipse IDE! New 10 min demo by John Steele
Windup 3.0 for Eclipse IDE! New 10 min demo by John SteeleDid you know Windup had an Eclipse plugin? Well now John Steele has taken it to impressive level packed with features. Check for yourself: Windup 3.0 Eclipse Plugin demo - YouTube
Want to try it in y...
Blog Post Windup coming to Eclipse IDE! Try alpha release
Windup coming to Eclipse IDE! Try alpha releaseWindup is now integrated with Eclipse IDE. The Windup plugin marks migration issues in application code, provides help to fix issues, and offers automated code replacement where possible. (I'll add a demo video when ...