1. Re: Call for Papers... for the JUDCon2010: Berlin event
ruchirc Aug 23, 2010 2:18 PM (in response to james.cobb)Title:
Performance Improvement of Jboss EAP 4.3 Platform and other Jboss Platforms
Target Audience:
Any one who wants to architect an globe distributed enterprise env and want to achieve the optimum performance
One of the principle objectives of this endeavour was to increase the performance of the overall system without touching the code and to formulate a strategy in which we can utilize the best practice provided by Apache, Red Hat Jboss, Sun JDK and various other distributed components. This white paper provides an in-depth knowledge of how to increase the performance of the system without going into the complexity of redoing the code.
During the last few years J2EE/JavaEE based applications have largely spread over our networks. Our Jboss EAP 4.3/ J2EE platform uses a distributed multi tiered application model for enterprise applications. Application logic is divided into components according to function, and the various application components that make up a J2EE application are installed on different machines depending on the tier in the multi tiered like
• Hand held, Smart phones,Client-tier components run on the client machine.
• Web-tier components run on the J2EE server.
• Business-tier components run on the J2EE server.
• Enterprise information system (EIS)-tier software runs on the EIS server.
Taking this distributed component into preview this white paper works as a baseline for Jboss EAP 4.3 J2EE/ Java EE platform in NBC Universal and provide guideline for the performance counters from the core infrastructure components, application server, webserver, java engine.Speaker/s:
Name: Ruchir Choudhry
Job Title: Technical Manager
Company: GE/NBC Universal
Bio: 14 years of professional expertise in Technical/Engineering Program Management/Leadership/R&D in a globally distributed team, for entire lifecycle of program/projects, at various levels which include Managing/Architecting/ designing Enterprise class systems based on, Cloud Computing (VM), J2ME, WAP, J2EE, LAMP, E-commerce (B2B, B2C, C2C), EAI, Wireless, Web and Client Server Technologies
Recognized professional with broad experience in Media, Content distribution.-
Performance_ImprovementV05242010.pdf 313.4 KB
2. Re: Call for Papers... for the JUDCon2010: Berlin event
ruchirc Aug 23, 2010 2:26 PM (in response to james.cobb)Title:
Biometrics for Global Web Authentication: an Open Source Java/J2EE-Based Approach
Target Audience:
JavaEE, SSO, Enterprise, Architects, Security.
J2EE based Web applications have largely spread over our multiple networks/VLAN over the last couple of years. Thus it becomes essential for the applications often need authentication across the multiple networks. Taking this point into consideration we have been working on integrating biometric verification capabilities using open source single sign on techniques. Going with this thought that the source code can be shared and can be used for multiple purposes and can enrich the knowledge of the entire biometric society we chosen a widely accepted Java-based open-source system for web authentication called Central Authentication Service (CAS) using the Java Authentication and Authorization Services (JASS).
[Name] – Ruchir Choudhry
[Job Title]- Technical Manager
[Company]:- GE/NBCUNI
Biometrics for Global Web Authentication: an Open Source Java/J2EE-Based Approach
Target Audience:JavaEE, SSO, Enterprise, Architects, Security.
Abstract:J2EE based Web applications have largely spread over our multiple networks/VLAN over the last couple of years. Thus it becomes essential for the applications often need authentication across the multiple networks. Taking this point into consideration we have been working on integrating biometric verification capabilities using open source single sign on techniques. Going with this thought that the source code can be shared and can be used for multiple purposes and can enrich the knowledge of the entire biometric society we chosen a widely accepted Java-based open-source system for web authentication called Central Authentication Service (CAS) using the Java Authentication and Authorization Services (JASS).
Speaker/s:[Name] – Ruchir Choudhry
[Job Title]- Technical Manager
[Company]:- CI Network Technologies Pvt. Ltd
[Bio]-14 years of professional expertise in Technical/Engineering Program Management/Leadership/R&D in a globally distributed team, for entire lifecycle of program/projects, at various levels which include Managing/Architecting/ designing Enterprise class systems based on, Cloud Computing (VM), J2ME, WAP, J2EE, LAMP, E-commerce (B2B, B2C, C2C), EAI, Wireless, Web and Client Server Technologies
Recognized professional with broad experience in Media, Content distribution. -
3. Re: Call for Papers... for the JUDCon2010: Berlin event
eschabell Aug 30, 2010 8:03 AM (in response to james.cobb)(Workflow and BPM track)
Get your BPM ducks in a row - preparing for migration to jBPM5
Target Audience:
JEE, Architects, Process Architects, BPM developers, JBoss developers
With the recent shift to unify the projects DroolsFlow and jBPM4.x into jBPM5, we are all wondering what the impact could be to our existing BPM projects. What is new in jBPM5? What does one need to be aware of? What does one need to prepare in advance for a move to this new platform? All these questions and more will be discussed in this session.
First, we will take a look at what has happened historically within jBPM to get us where we are now, with jBPM3.x and jBPM4.x versions. We will discuss DroolsFlow in relation to the path towards jBPM5. Next we will take a look at the Request for Comments (RFC) that was put into the community and resulting architecture for the future of BPM within JBoss Middleware. This leads to a closer look at the resulting jBPM5 road map and how this will relate to the JBoss Enterprise BPM products moving towards the future.
Finally we will provide a plan for positioning your existing Enterprise jBPM projects for the eventual move towards jBPM5. This will cover the architectural layers involved, a look at the tooling being created for this and steps you can take to ensure a smooth transition moving into your jBPM future.Speaker/s:
Eric D. Schabell – JBoss Solution Architect Benelux, Red Hat
Eric D. Schabell has been working within software development since 1998 for many differnt organizations such as IBM, Radboud University Nijmegen, SNS Bank and smaller software companies. He has always been involved in different roles within Open source project; Sourcemage Linux, eGroupWare, DocConversion, cmlFramework, and is currently helping out in the JBoss jBPM project. He is currently working as a JBoss Solution Architect in the Benelux at Red Hat, occasionally has taught JBoss jBPM/BRMS courses, is a guest lecturer at the Radboud University Nijmegen and has published often on Open Source topics. See http://www.schabell.org.
4. Re: Call for Papers... for the JUDCon2010: Berlin event
belaban Sep 3, 2010 5:50 AM (in response to james.cobb)Title:
Dynamic clusters with Apache httpd, mod-cluster and JBoss
Target audience:
Architects, system admins
The mod-cluster module, developed by JBoss, has many advantages over
mod-jk, such as dynamic addition and removal of cluster nodes and web
applications, and dynamic load balancing between httpd and the
different JBoss servers.First, we'll present the architecture of mod-cluster, and its
advantages over mod-jk.Then we'll show how to configure mod-cluster and JBoss.
Finally, we'll demo a dynamic cluster, running in the cloud (EC2). The
demo includes adding new JBoss servers to a running system (e.g. to
cover load spikes), removing running instances, and adding and
removing web applications.Attendees will walk away with an understanding of what mod-cluster is
and how to use it.Speaker:
Bela Ban, developer, JBoss
Completed his PhD at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. After some
time at IBM Research, he did a post-doc at Cornell. Then he worked on
NMS/EMS for Fujitsu Network Communications in San Jose, California. In
2003, he joined JBoss to work full-time on open source. Bela manages
the Clustering Team at JBoss and created and leads the JGroups
project.Bela's interests include network protocols, performance, group
communication, trail running, biking and beerathlon. When not
hacking code he spends time with his family. -
5. Re: Call for Papers... for the JUDCon2010: Berlin event
hardy.ferentschik Sep 8, 2010 11:45 AM (in response to james.cobb)Title:
Lost+Found - Fulltext search with Hibernate Search
Target Audience:
Java developers
Hibernate Search bridges the gap between O/R model and fulltext search and allows for a easy integration of both
technologies without unnecessary boilerplate code. This talk introduces the core principles of these two technologies and
shows with the help of some simple examples how Hibernate Search brings them together.Speaker/s:
Hardy Ferentschik – Developer, JBoss
is part of the Hibernate team focusing on Hibernate Validator and Search while trying not to neglect the maintenance of Hibernate Annotations and EntityManager.
After completing his Master in Computer Science at the Univeristy of Karlsruhe in 2000, he worked for several companies with a focus on web applications and intra- and internet search. Today after 12 years working as developer the title of Software Craftsman resonates best with him.
6. Re: Call for Papers... for the JUDCon2010: Berlin event
tsurdilovic Sep 12, 2010 2:15 PM (in response to james.cobb)Title:
Applying JBoss Drools in Assistive Technology
Target Audience:
Architects, Developers, End-users
JBoss Drools has become a powerful rules and Complex Event Processing (CEP) inference engine. Drools Fusion and Drools-Flow coupled with other Drools modules provide an integral development and implementation framework to numerous discrete-state event-driven systems.
It is believed that these benefits of Drools can also be applied to “non-typical” applications in the fields such as manufacturing control, advanced robotics, as well as human-machine interactions which we are focusing on in this presentation.
Assistive Technology (AT) deals with creation of systems to be used by people with disabilities. Although multitudes of AT services and devices for computer access are available on the market today, they are often limited in their ability to optimally convey vast variations of individual user capabilities and needs, as well as to cope with several disturbances and uncertainties during interaction. It is widely recognized that a holistic approach integrating multi-channel communication, intelligent control and user feedback is required to solve these problems.
The main objective of this presentation to investigate and understand how Drools may be embedded as a general interface and control system in AT devices. Based on a computer mouse-control use case for people with severe motor impairments, we evaluate the benefits of using Drools considering flexibility, scalability, reusability, and real-time control performance. The presentation also focuses on how Drools can improve robustness of the control of AT services based on multi-channel events filtering and aggregation, as well as looks at possible integration of fuzzy control.
Tihomir Surdilovic – Developer, JBoss
Completed his Masters in Computer Science from Georgia State University focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Developer on the Drools Team at JBoss. His previous work in the field of Assistive Technology has been published in the International Journal of Medical Informatics.
7. Re: Call for Papers... for the JUDCon2010: Berlin event
michaelschuetz Sep 12, 2010 7:26 PM (in response to james.cobb)Title:
Seam2 - Real integration testing with ArquillianTarget audience:
Architects, JBoss developers, JBoss Seam usersAbstract:
The main focus of JBoss' Open Source project Arquillian is to provide an all in one test harness that abstracts away all container lifecycle and deployment from the test logic so developers can easily produce a broad range of integration tests for their enterprise Java applications.First, I'll present features of Arquillian, and its advantages over common Java EE testing approaches.
Then I'll show how to setup an Arquillian-based integration test within JBoss Seam/EJB environment.
Finally, I'll perform some live coding to develop simple integration test which will than be executed both from command line and IDE against multiple containers.
Attendees will be able to easily try out the code for their own as complete sample project will be hosted at github.
Michael Schütz - Software Engineer, akquinet AG, Berlin
Michael is working for akquinet AG in Berlin and is member of the JBoss Competence Center. He is mainly focused on Java Enterprise architectures and technologies for years now. He is founder and moderator of Seam platform at XING and regularly contributes to JBoss Open Source projects.Michael's professional interests include Seam/CDI, Java EE testing, Java EE Cloud Hosting and Git.
8. Re: Call for Papers... for the JUDCon2010: Berlin event
julien_viet Sep 13, 2010 8:02 AM (in response to james.cobb)Title:
Advanced JCR Persistence in the GateIn Portal Framework.
Target audience:
Architects, Developers
The GateIn Portal comes with a built in Java Content Repository server for managing pages, layouts and portlets. The
Chromattic open source project was initiated to develop the GateIn object model persistence in a JCR server. Beyond
natively powering the heart of GateIn, Chromattic can be used to rapidly develop rich and complex JCR based applications.
Chromattic is an object mapper framework that uses JCR as persistence layer. It provides a natural support for various JCR
features, thanks to the usage of Java Annotations. Annotations declare which and how classes are mapped to nodes, turning
any repository node into a Java object. It provides important features to JCR development such as type safety and object
orientation which are lacking when the JCR native interfaces are used. Moderns IDE most used features like code completion
and refactoring are de facto available when developing Chromattic applications.
The key concepts of Chromattic will be presented, through the development of a simple Chromattic application in
real-time. This sample application will be made available to the attendees so they can use the sample code as a starting
point. This advanced technical session will show:
- How to integrate Chromattic with a modern IDE using a Maven-based build
- How to deploy a Chromattic application in GateIn
- How to connect to and manage a repository server
Several advanced features of Chromattic will be highlighted, to demonstrate the power of the framework
Julien Viet - eXo Platform
Julien Viet leads product development of eXo Platform’s flagship eXo Portal product on which the entire eXo product line
is based. In June 2009, eXo Portal was merged with JBoss Portal to create GateIn, which Julien now co-leads. In this role,
he is deeply involved in GateIn’s technical vision and plays a key role in product development and advanced R&D architecture
Prior to eXo, Julien was an engineer at JBoss, where he founded the JBoss Portal project in 2004. In four years, Julien
built an enterprise-class portal server with a team of only five developers. He started contributing to the JBoss project
(application server) in 2002 and joined JBoss, Inc. two years later.
9. Re: Call for Papers... for the JUDCon2010: Berlin event
bhelfert Sep 14, 2010 4:32 AM (in response to james.cobb)Title:
Lessons learned: Migrating from WebSphere to JBoss Application Server
Target Audience:
Decision makers, architects, JBoss developers, JBoss users
Since 2002, we are developing an Java (2)EE application with up to 20 developers for one of our customers. After using IBM's WebSphere AS for more than 6 years, our customer has decided to switch to JBoss AS one and a half years ago. In this session, we will describe our migration process from WebSphere to JBoss and the usage of the JBoss AS up to now. We will answer questions such as: Why did we switch from WebSphere to JBoss AS and what were our expectations? In which (technical) pitfalls did we run into? What new pros and cons did we discover? What were our reasons moving on from the .org release to the EAP (Enterprise Application Platform)? And looking back: Was migrating to JBoss AS a success?
Markus Dahm - Software Architect, Akquinet AG, Berlin
Markus Dahm is an architect and consultant of the JBoss Competence Center at Akquinet AG. He specializes in Java EE architectures and the analysis and optimization of legacy applications. He was a founding member of the Apache BCEL project, which is still widely used in several Open Source projects.Bastian Helfert - Software Engineer, Akquinet AG, Berlin
Since Y2K, Bastian is working for companies developing Java software and offering IT-related consulting services. During his journey, he gained experience in industries like finance, medical, and utilities, developing both software products and individual software. Although wearing the developer's hat most of the time, he also works as a trainer or consultant, helping organizations to introduce or adopt Agile methodologies. For over 4.5 years, Bastian develops enterprise software using Java (2)EE technologies. He is currently a member of the JBoss Compentence Center at Akquinet AG.
Speaker has changed from Dr. Torsten Fink to Markus Dahm.
10. Re: Call for Papers... for the JUDCon2010: Berlin event
falko.menge Sep 13, 2010 6:47 PM (in response to james.cobb)(Workflow and BPM track)
Executing BPMN 2.0 with jBPM 3 or (at your option) any later version
Target Audience:Process Analysts, Process Engineers, Architects, Developers
Abstract:Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) has become the most important industry standard for BPM. Recently, the OMG finalized version 2.0 of the specification, which introduces lots of features for modeling executable processes. As a result, many BPM vendors started to build process engines that can directly execute BPMN processes. However, most of these BPMN engines including the Open Source JBoss jBPM 4 and 5 are not yet completed. This leads to the situation that todays projects can not yet adopt BPMN and are forced to invest into technologies, which might be outdated soon.
To avoid this scenario, we explored the idea of transforming BPMN 2.0 process models into jBPM 3 process definitions and it turned out that the languages have enough similarities to make such a mapping possible. With this approach, projects can leverage both a superior modeling language and a mature execution environment, as jBPM 3.x has been stable for many years and is still the only version officially supported by JBoss. Later, when the BPMN 2.0 engines become ready for production, one can execute the created BPMN 2.0 processes directly on them.
But what happens to all the Java code attached to a process? Normally, that code is bound to the APIs of the particular engine in use, e.g., when accessing data objects of a process instance. To be able to reuse the Java code, we developed a so-called Process Engine Abstraction Layer (PEAL). It hides the details of an engine's API and also uses BPMN 2.0 terminology. This turned out to be a perfect risk mitigation strategy for projects that have to become productive right now with current stable technology and still want to keep option for future technology updates open.
Speaker:Falko Menge – Consultant/Trainer/Software Developer, camunda services GmbH
Falko is consultant, trainer, and software developer in the area of BPM with a special focus on Business-IT-Alignment and Process Execution. He is a member of the BPMN specification team at the OMG and co-author of "BPMN 2.0 by Example". Falko loves Free and Open Source Software and takes part in or hosts several projects himself.
11. Re: Call for Papers... for the JUDCon2010: Berlin event
heiko.braun Sep 15, 2010 9:52 AM (in response to james.cobb)[Title]Enjoy the benefits of the Java EE 6 component model using GWT as an alternative view layer technology.Target Audience:Developers, Development Managers[Abstract]Errai offers a set of components for building rich web applications using The Google Web Toolkit. The framework provides a unified federation and RPC infrastructure with true, uniform, asynchronous messaging across the client and server.It extends the Google Web Toolkit in two distinct areas:• True asynchronous bi-directional communication between GWT clients and backend systems• Integration with enterprise component models and technologiesIn this session we'll take a brief look at main concepts and the use cases of the core framework,before we take more thorough look on how seamless Errai integrates CDI backend component withGWT client applications.Speaker/s:Heiko BraunSen. Dev. JBoss[Bio]Heiko works as a Senior Software Engineer at JBoss, a devision of Red Hat and co-leads the Errai project. He has been involved in both the J2EE and EE5 certification of the JBoss Application server and contributes to the JBoss SOA and BPM products, with a focus on web based tooling.[Title]
Enjoy the benefits of the Java EE 6 component model using GWT as an alternative view layer technology.
Target Audience:
Developers, Development Managers
Errai offers a set of components for building rich web applications using The Google Web Toolkit. The framework provides a unified federation and RPC infrastructure with true, uniform, asynchronous messaging across the client and server.
It extends the Google Web Toolkit in two distinct areas:
• True asynchronous bi-directional communication between GWT clients and backend systems
• Integration with enterprise component models and technologies
In this session we'll take a brief look at main concepts and the use cases of the core framework,
before we take more thorough look on how seamless Errai integrates CDI backend component with
GWT client applications.
Heiko Braun
Sen. Dev. JBoss
Heiko works as a Senior Software Engineer at JBoss, a devision of Red Hat and co-leads the Errai project. He has been involved in both the J2EE and EE5 certification of the JBoss Application server and contributes to the JBoss SOA and BPM products, with a focus on web based tooling.
12. Re: Call for Papers... for the JUDCon2010: Berlin event
mbrasier Sep 16, 2010 6:13 PM (in response to heiko.braun)Title:
Practical Enterprise Java Performance Tuning
Target Audience:
Enterprise Java developers, Enterprise Java Architects, Enterprise Java support staff
This talk will demonstrate how simple tools, together with practical knowledge and experience, can be used to identify common performance problems. A number of common performance problems will be demonstrated live, and simple JVM and open-source tools will be used to identify the root cause of the problem. Many of the examples will make code available online, so that attendees can follow along with the examples during or after the lecture, to gain practical experience of the approaches described.
The objective of this talk is to show developers, architects and support staff how a good understanding of how enterprise Java works, together with simple tools, will enable them to identify the cause of almost any performance problem they may come across.
Matt Brasier - Principal Consultant - C2B2 Consulting
Matt has worked as an enterprise Java professional services consultant for 6 years, helping customers ensure that their applications go live and meet their non-functional requirements, and has worked with customers ranging from small internet start ups to some of the largest players in the enterprise Java market. He provides in-depth specialist consultancy on performance tuning, scalability, troubleshooting and security.
Matt has spoken at a number of technical conferences, including TSSJS 2009.
13. Re: Call for Papers... for the JUDCon2010: Berlin event
james.cobb Sep 21, 2010 9:48 AM (in response to james.cobb)The Call for Papers for JUDCon2010: Berlin is now closed. The agenda will be set and notifications will be made shortly.