4 Replies Latest reply on Jul 11, 2011 3:34 AM by iniciam

    Create Web Service with Input Parameters


      Hi, i have problem publishing the data on my virtual tables through the web service.


      The web service will have 2 inputs parameters (ID and Country) that will be pass through to the virtual procedure getPersonDetails(ID, Country).


      This getPersonDetails virtual procedure will then select * from Person where NRIC = ID and Country_code = Country, and return 1 record to the web service and web service return it to the app calling the getPersonDetails method.


      I cannot find any howto guide to do this. FYI i have no problem in creating web service without any input parameters. But i cannot find guide to create web service with input parameters.


      I read from http://community.jboss.org/wiki/CreatingAndDeployingAnUpdateableTeiidWebServiceWar that you need to create a .xsd file if you want input parameters. Is there any easier way without creating any xsd file ?


      Thank you for the help.