15. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
aslak Mar 28, 2012 3:30 AM (in response to jmnarloch)This link might help you get familiar with git/github if you're not already: http://gun.io/blog/how-to-github-fork-branch-and-pull-request/
16. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
jmnarloch Mar 28, 2012 3:53 PM (in response to aslak)Done
You will find the code here https://github.com/jmnarloch/arquillian-container-spring in branch caled Prototype. I can not wait for Your comments .
I had made a quite unnecessary pull reqeuest so at least for now You may ignore that.
17. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
elnuma Mar 29, 2012 9:02 AM (in response to marius.bogoevici)Hi Marius,
If you are busy and you don't think in another idea, I can choose another idea that there are in JBOSS. In other message Aslak recommended another ideas as e.g. "Add support for scriptable data sets" or "Define an object-oriented API for defining test data ". I don't mind to work in it although I prefer to work with Spring testing (beans and MVC controllers).
I wait your answer!!
Congratulations Jakub! you work very fast :-) although this time in Google summer code is "Student application period opens" and you are working in your project and I'm surprised!
18. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
aslak Mar 29, 2012 9:28 AM (in response to jmnarloch)Jakub, this is cool stuff. I haven't gotten to review it in full details yet, but overall it looks nice.
I don't mind you working on the project, that's just great, but I think Manuel is correct.
Jakub, could you fill out a studen proposal for this task in the GSoC site ? I think this is how Google gets to know about it..
19. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
aslak Mar 29, 2012 9:31 AM (in response to elnuma)Manuel, we have another request on the GSoC site for the "Define an object-oriented API for defining test data", but no request so far for "Add support for scriptable data sets".. If you want you can request a spot for both (or all for that, incl spring). Then when selection time comes we'll see if Marius has come up with something more in the Spring area or not, if not we can have a stab at one of the other tasks.. what what do you think?
20. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
jmnarloch Mar 29, 2012 10:07 AM (in response to elnuma)Hi everyone,
This is my second year in GSOC so I already know a bit how it looks like. I am rather far from saying that I had made anything outstanding. I had only provided a prototype that still needs some work and with help from both Aslak and Marius could turn into really usefull thing. Some organization require that as a part of the application the student prepares some sample code, but as I see it veries depending on the organizations itself. Besides that is only the half of the project idea, the second part which involves MVC testing in my opinion is way more appealing.
Btw. don't worry that I finish the project too early. Since I recently gain experience in createing Arquilian test enrichers maybe I could use that knowledge and make for example Google Guice extender, beside the project itself, as something extra. Of course only if You like to have such functionality.
I am going to prepare a official GSOC application during the weekend. So till that time maybe we could discuss what functionality exactly You would to have for testing MVC controllers so I could write this down as part of my GSOC application and also that would give also a idea of what I will be working later on.
21. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
marius.bogoevici Mar 29, 2012 11:09 AM (in response to elnuma)Manuel,
I'd go with Aslak's suggestion. I am finding it hard to split this task right, but if you are interesting in the Spring aspects however, I'll try to put together a bunch of ideas from our Spring extensions project http://jboss.org/snowdrop. That would involve more work in the innards of JBoss AS7 and would not be related to Arquillian, however, I think it's pretty hardcore stuff.
22. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
elnuma Mar 29, 2012 11:18 AM (in response to aslak)Hi Aslak,
That you say It´s perfect, today I send the apply for the three projects and then Marius and you decide that project give me(I can only do one because I think that I don't have a lot experience and time as Jakub !!).
When will I know what my project?
How will I get the answer?Thanks for all !!
23. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
jmnarloch Mar 29, 2012 11:26 AM (in response to elnuma)When will I know what my project?
That's will be when Google will announce the accepted projects and the students list around 23th April, You will be notified by email whether You were accepted into the program.
24. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
elnuma Mar 29, 2012 2:23 PM (in response to marius.bogoevici)Marius,
I´m happy with your with your proposal,I don't mind to work with Arquillian or another project for the most important that I can improve as a developer. I have experience with java, Jboss, Spring ,Webflow, Hibernate and WebService(SOAP). If I can do any tasks related with this for me it´s easier than other that I don't know nothing or little.
Again thanks for all !!
25. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
jmnarloch Mar 30, 2012 8:12 AM (in response to aslak)I had move the code to the master branch and I'd made farther changes in implementation.
I introduced a @SpringConfiguration annotation, that allows to intruct the Arquillian where to look for Spring configuration files and/or classes.
If You omit the annotation, then the test enricher would still try to instate Spring context by trying to load applicationContext.xml located in classpath.
@SpringConfiguration(locations = {"service.xml", "repository.xml"})
public class XmlConfigurationTestSuite {
public static JavaArchive createTestArchive() {
return ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "spring-test.jar")
// Test code
This also allows to introduce new feture: support for Java-based configuration. e.g.
Providing that You have a configuration like similar:
public class AppConfig {
public EmployeeRepository defaultEmployeeRepository() {
return new DefaultEmployeeRepository();
public EmployeeService defaultEmployeeService() {
return new DefaultEmployeeService();
One could configure a test like this:
@SpringConfiguration(classes = {AppConfig.class})
public class AnnotatedConfigurationTestSuite {
public static JavaArchive createTestArchive() {
return ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "spring-test.jar")
// Test code
So no additional xml would be required to configure Spring.
26. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
jmnarloch Apr 1, 2012 3:54 PM (in response to jmnarloch)I was thinking, how about introducing a Google Guice support in Arquillian?
I'am gessing the reasons why would You like to have Spring support. Spring provides entire stack for developing applications while Guice is only IOC container, but still I
find Guice as a very friendly framework in terms of usage. It's very lightweight and it gives You entire freedom for various usages from standalone applications to web and enterpise apps.
I had made a prototype of another Test enricher that would support Google Guice, although the version of this code is very draft, nevertheless it sill works.
Since I don't whant to mix that with the Spring code in the repository I attach it here.
Let me know whether You find my idea anyhow usefull and reasonable and wheter You whant me to work on the code a bit more.
arquillian-guice-parent.rar.zip 11.1 KB
27. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
marius.bogoevici Apr 2, 2012 11:26 AM (in response to elnuma)Manuel,
I added a Snowdrop proposal here, if you're interested: https://community.jboss.org/wiki/GSoC12Ideas#Add_annotation_indexing_support_to_Spring_deployments
Let's continue the discussion concerning that on https://community.jboss.org/thread/197829
28. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
jmnarloch Apr 3, 2012 5:39 PM (in response to aslak)Hi again,
I just want to let You know that I had writen down the official GSOC application for this project idea.
29. Re: GSoC - Arquillian Spring Integration
aslak Apr 4, 2012 9:07 AM (in response to jmnarloch)Jakub, excellent!