5 Replies Latest reply on Sep 12, 2013 11:32 AM by kcbabo

    Switchyard - Dynamic replace of values




      I have this weird case.  I am trying to use file component to upload file into a directory, say, fileuploaded.

      I have configured this folder name in an external property file and loading the same using ${upload.filename.directory}.

      This is working fine.


      But now my requirement is that i need to divide them into respective date directories.  Something like: 2013-09-09/fileuploaded/


      So I tried do the following inside the directory field: ${date:now:yyyyMMdd}/${upload.filename.directory}


      This is not working and the date is getting translated to yyyyMMdd (in other words date is not getting replaced)


      I found that this is the issue in all the following component:


      File component (directory, premove, move, move failed)

      Mail component (from address, to address, subject)


      I tried to put the date value inside a header, but still the replacement is not happening.  Is this a known issue or I am doing something wrong?


      Any help much appreciated!

