1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 31, 2013 7:31 PM by bleathem

    Autocomplete: i must press button twice for popup window.


      I have this autocomplete component:

               <rich:autocomplete mode="ajax" autocompleteMethod="#{autocomplete.autocompleteProviders}"
                                  minChars="0" var="s" fetchValue="#{s.realName}" id="provider-suggestion"
                                  onselectitem="autocompleteChangeProvider(event.target)" style="display: inline;"
                                  layout="table" value="#{autocomplete.providerName}" >
                  <a4j:queue requestDelay="500" ignoreDupResponses="true" />
                     <h:outputText style="display:none;" value="#{s.id}"/>
                     <h:outputText style="display:none;" value="#{s.realName}"/>
                     <h:outputText value="#{s.name}" escape="false"/>
               <h:graphicImage value="/img/arrow.png" onclick="#{rich:component('provider-suggestion')}.setValue('');#{rich:component('provider-suggestion')}.showPopup();stopEvent(event);"
               <h:graphicImage value="/img/cancel.png"
                               alt="#{messages['pages.clear']}" title="#{messages['pages.clear']}"/>
               <h:inputHidden id="filter-provider-id" value="#{autocomplete.providerId}"/>


      as you can see, i don't use showButton="true", because i need another functionality, i need erase input text before show popup window.

      I use JavaScript function "autocompleteChangeProvider" for extract selected id.

      I use separate button(/img/cancel.png) for erase input text, as you can see this function just use Richfaces API.


      And problem:

      if autocomplete.providerName not null and not empty(in rich:autocomplete) and user clicks on cancel button(img/cancel.png), then after that, if user clicks on show button(/img/arrow.png) popup not showing, user must clicks twice on this button.


      This problem shows if i use showButton from rich:autocomplete instead my show button.


      I think i found a solution of this problem:

      Autocomplete.js has this code:

      var onChangeValue = function (event, value, callback) {
              selectItem.call(this, event);
              // value is undefined if called from AutocompleteBase onChange
              var subValue = (typeof value == "undefined") ? this.__getSubValue() : value;
              var oldValue = this.value;
              this.value = subValue;
              if ((this.options.isCachedAjax || !this.options.ajaxMode) &&
                  this.cache && this.cache.isCached(subValue)) {
              } else {
                  if (event.keyCode == rf.KEYS.RETURN || event.type == "click") {
                  if (subValue.length >= this.options.minChars) {
                      if ((this.options.ajaxMode || this.options.lazyClientMode) && oldValue != subValue) {
                          callAjax.call(this, event, callback);
                  } else {
                      if (this.options.ajaxMode) {


      for show popup this must be true: oldValue != subValue, but in this part of code oldValue='' and subValue='', so oldValue != subValue is return false!


      i replace this code by this:

      var onChangeValue = function (event, value, callback) {
              selectItem.call(this, event);
              // value is undefined if called from AutocompleteBase onChange
              var subValue = (typeof value == "undefined") ? this.__getSubValue() : value;
              var oldValue = this.value;
              this.value = subValue;
              if ((this.options.isCachedAjax || !this.options.ajaxMode) &&
                  this.cache && this.cache.isCached(subValue)) {
              } else {
                  if (event.keyCode == rf.KEYS.RETURN || event.type == "click") {
                  if (subValue.length >= this.options.minChars) {
                      if ((this.options.ajaxMode || this.options.lazyClientMode) && (oldValue != subValue || (oldValue === '' && subValue === ''))) {
                          callAjax.call(this, event, callback);
                  } else {
                      if (this.options.ajaxMode) {


      so, than oldValue='' and subValue=='' callAjax.call will be called and popup will be showing.


      Is this right resolve?