2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 5, 2017 12:22 PM by cristopher.torres

    Creating a WSDL in Teiid



      I am new to creating Web services in Teiid, I was looking at some ways to create it and I found this documentation:

      Chapter 11. Web Service Wizards


      I've followed all the steps and my Web Services brings me the following instead of the date:


      <soap: Envelope xmlns: soap = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">

      <soap: Body>

      <soap: Fault>

      <faultcode> soap: Server </ faultcode>


      {REPLACE_WITH_VDB_JNDI_NAME} - service jboss.naming.context.java. {REPLACE_WITH_VDB_JNDI_NAME}

      </ faultstring>

      </ soap: Fault>

      </ soap: Body>

      </ soap: Envelope>



      I would like to know if there is a step that I have missed in being able to generate it.

      Thank you.