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Join multiple tables with “join”

SQL syntax 2.7-1.jpg

SQL syntax 2.7-1.2.jpg

The SQL statements used in A3 and A4 are inner join, but they have different syntax. When the data of two tables are being joined, only the data that has inter-table relations with each other will be fetched. The returned result in A3, A4 and B3 are all the same. Note that the order of records in the results returned by SQL and esProc respectively may be not the same:

SQL syntax 2.7-2.jpg

The SQL statement in A5 is a left join. When the data of the two tables are being joined, besides the data that has inter-table relations with each other, all the unrelated data in the first table will also be fetched. This means, in the result, field STATE may be null and field CITY won’t be null. This case, in fact, is the foreign key relationship. To join tables together in esProc, both switch and join@1() function, in which the option 1 is a digit, can be used. Letter l won’t appear in esProc options for fear of confusion. The returned result in A5 and B5 are the same. As the above, the order of records in the results returned by SQL and esProc respectively may be not the same:

SQL syntax 2.7-3.jpg

The SQL statement in A6 is a full join. When the data of the two tables are being joined, all data of both tables after relating will be fetched, meaning both of the two fields: STATE and CITY, in the result may be null. The operation can be performed with join@f() function in esProc. The returned results in A6 and B6 are the same but the order of records in them may be different:

SQL syntax 2.7-4.jpg

The SQL statement in A7 is right join. When the data of the two tables are being joined, all the unrelated data in the second table, besides the data that has inter-table relations with each other, will be fetched. This means, in the result, the field CITY may be null but field STATE won’t be null. Without a similar usage, esProc needs to switch the positions of the parameters in join@1(), the left join function, to complete the same operation. The returned results in A7 and B7 are the same though the order of records in them may be different:

SQL syntax 2.7-5.jpg

Union the results with “union”

SQL syntax 2.8-1.jpg

Union all or union can be used in the SQL statements to union the data from two result sets. But in esProc, two sequences can be concatenated to merge the data from two result sets completely. The results in A3 and B3 are the same:

SQL syntax 2.8-2.jpg

merge@u() function can be used in esProc to remove the duplicates in the result. The results in A4 and B4 are the same:

SQL syntax 2.8-3.jpg

Only the first of the two duplicate records of Los Angelesin the previous resultis kept.


Java’s JSON open source package can only parse JSON data and hasn’t the computational function. It is troublesome for programmers to develop a general program for performing computations, such as grouping, sorting, filtering and joining, by themselves. For example, during developing program for performing conditional filtering in JSON files using Java, the code has to be modified if the conditional expression is changed. If they want to make it as flexible as SQL in performing conditional filtering, they have to write code for analyzing and evaluating expressions dynamically. This requires quite a lot of programming work.


esProc supports dynamic expressions. It also can be embedded in Java to write the general program for computing JSON data. Let’s give an example to see how it works. There are to-be-processed JSON strings that contain employee information, including fields such as EID, NAME, SURNAME, GENDER, STATE, BIRTHDAY, HIREDATE and DEPT, etc. Parse the strings and select female employees who were born on and after January 1st, 1981. The content of the strings is shown as follows:



{EID:2,NAME:"Ashley",SURNAME:"Wilson",GENDER:"F",STATE:"New York",BIRTHDAY:1980-07-19,HIREDATE:2008-03-16,DEPT:"Finance",SALARY:11000},

{EID:3,NAME:"Rachel",SURNAME:"Johnson",GENDER:"F",STATE:"New Mexico",BIRTHDAY:1970-12-17,HIREDATE:2010-12-01,DEPT:"Sales",SALARY:9000},…]


Implementation approach: Call esProc program using Java and input the JSON strings which will then be parsed by esProc, perform the conditional filtering and return the result in JSON format to Java. Because esProc supports parsing and evaluating expression dynamically, it enables Java to filter JSON data as flexibly as SQL does.


For example, it is required to query female employees who were born on and after January 1, 1981. esProc can input two parameters: “jsonstr” and “where”, as the conditions. This is shown as follows:


“where” is a string, its values is BIRTHDAY>=date(1981,1,1) && GENDER=="F".


The code written in esProc is as follows:


A1:Parse the JSON data into a table sequence. esProc’s IDE can display the imported data visually, as shown in the right part of the above figure.

A2: Perform the conditional filtering, using macro to realize parsing the expression dynamically. The “where” in this process is an input parameter. In executing, esProc will first compute the expression surrounded by ${…}, take the computed result as macro string value, replace ${…} with it and then interpret and execute the code. The final code to be executed in this example is>=date(1981,1,1) && GENDER=="F").

A3: Generate JSON strings using the filtered table sequence.

A4:Return the eligible result set to the external program.


When the filtering condition is changed, you just need to modify “where”– the parameter. For example, it is required to query female employees who were born on and after January 1, 1981, or employees whose NAME+SURNAME is equal to “RebeccaMoore”. The value of “where” can be written as BIRTHDAY>=date(1981,1,1) && GENDER=="F" || NAME+SURNAME=="RebeccaMoore". After the code is executed, the result set in A2 is as follows:


Since the esProc script is called in Java through the JDBC interface, the returned result is set - the object of ResultSet. Fetch the first field of string type in set, and this is the filtered JSON string. Detailed code is as follows (save the above program in esProc as test.dfx):

         // create a connection


         con= DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:esproc:local://");

         // call the program in esProc (the stored procedure); test is the name of file dfx


         st =(com. esproc.jdbc.InternalCStatement)con.prepareCall("call json(?,?)");

         // set the parameters; as the JSON string is long, part of it is omitted.

// In practice, JSON strings may be generated by various ways; see below for the explanation.

          String jsonstr=



         st.setObject(2,"BIRTHDAY>=date(1981,1,1) && GENDER==\"F\"");

// execute the esProcstored procedure

         ResultSet set=st.executeQuery();

         // get the filtered JSON string

         String jsonstrResult;

         if( jsonstrResult = set.getString(1);


JSON format is common used by interactive data in internet application. In practice, JSON strings may be retrieved from local files or remote HTTP server. esProc can directly read JSON strings from the files or the HTTP server. Take the latter as an example. It is assumed that there is a testServlet which returns JSON strings of employee information. The code for performing the operation is as follows:


A1:Define an httpfile object, the URL is


A2:Read the result returned by the httpfile object.

A3:Parse the JSON string and generate a table sequence.

A4:Filter data according to the conditions.

A5:Convert the filtered table sequence to JSON strings.

A6:Return the result in A4 to the Java code that calls this piece of esProc program.